Gateway Location Application (GLA) CSV File Formats and Contents

"Configure GLA Exceptions elements" in the GLA Help describes the Gateway Location Application (GLA) CSV Record elements listed in gateway-location-application-gla-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-92FC3C49-6CDE-4E99-865C-93879179B8A3__V5748243 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 4-106 GLA Exception CSV Record Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (GLA)
1 Exception (Keyword)
2 Exception Type(EdlDecodeError, UnknownAppId, UnknownCmdCode, ImsiMsisdnPresent, ImsiMsisdnAbsent, PsbrQueryFailure, PsbrQueryTimeout, ResourceExhausted, UnableToProcess)
3 Exception Name
4 Action ( SendAnswer, SendAnsExp, AbandonRequest )
5 Result Code
6 Vendor ID
7 Error String

"Configure GLA System Options elements" in the GLA Help describes the Gateway Location Application (GLA) CSV Record elements listed in gateway-location-application-gla-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-92FC3C49-6CDE-4E99-865C-93879179B8A3__V5748248 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 4-107 GLA Option CSV Record Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (GLA)
1 Option (Keyword)
2 Unavailable Action (ContinueRouting, DefaultRoute, SendAnswer, Discard)
3 Unavailable Application Result Code
4 Unavailable Application Vendor ID
5 Unavailable Application Error Message
6 Realm
8 Unavailable Application Route List

"Configure GLA Alarm Settings elements" in the GLA Help describes the Gateway Location Application (GLA) CSV Record elements listed in gateway-location-application-gla-csv-file-formats-and-contents.html#GUID-92FC3C49-6CDE-4E99-865C-93879179B8A3__V5748253 and configuration considerations for the data elements that must be observed when the elements are edited in the CSV files.

Table 4-108 GLA Alarm CSV Record Format

Column Data Description
0 Application Type (GLA)
1 Alarm (Keyword)
2 Alarm Type (RxGlaMsgRate)
3 Severity(Critical, Major, Minor)
4 Action(Set, Clear)
5 Level