Configuring Visualization Server for Logging Vulnerable Messages

  1. From the SO GUI main menu, click Diameter Common, and then Visualization Server.
  2. In the Table Description: Visualization Server Table section, click Insert.
  3. In the Adding a new Visualization Server Task Configuration section, complete the following configuration as described in Visualization Server Elements:
    • Task Name: Enter a task name.
    • Hostname List: Enter the IP address of the remote server.
    • Username: Enter an user name to access the export server.
    • Key Exchange Status: Ensure that the default status is PENDING.
    • Remote Directory Path: Enter the directory path for transferring exported data files.
    • Source Directory: Enter the source directory path.
    • Upload Frequency: Ensure that the default value is set to 2 minutes.
  4. Click one of the following buttons:
    • OK: For the changes to take effect.

      A record with the task name is added to Table Description: Visualization Server Table.

    • Cancel: To go back to the previous page.
Perform the ssh key exchange so that jobs start sending the data automatically to all Visualization Servers in a round-robin method.