Visualization Server Elements

The following table describes elements required for configuring Visualization Server for logging vulnerable messages.

Table 5-1 Visualization Server Elements

Element Description
Task Name Periodic log export task name.

The task name must be unique for each entry.

Hostname List IP address of the remote server.

This value must be a valid IP address that can be pinged. You can add multiple IP addresses by using the Add button.

Username User name to access the export server.

The user name must be common for all the remote servers.

Remote Directory Path Filesystem directory absolute path on the export server. For example, /root/ftp/. The exported data files are transferred to this directory.
Source Directory Source directory path in the file management area on the local server. The files are transferred from the source directory to the remote export server.
  • For VSTP = $filemgmt/export/SecurityLogs/vstp_logs
  • For DSA = $filemgmt/export/SecurityLogs/dca_logs
Key exchange Status The status of key exchange is done with remote servers.

If the status is PENDING, file export is not possible. Provide a common password for the user name of the remote servers to change the status to COMPLETE. The key exchange status is PARTIAL when the key exchange is done for one or more servers but not for all servers.

By default, this status value is PENDING.

Upload Frequency Indicates the frequency of exporting files.

By default, in every 2 minutes, all the files are exported to the visualization server.