
Depending on your system, the dashboard differs.

Dashboard on the NOAM

The Dashboard on the NOAM is viewed at Diameter Common, and then Dashboard.

The Dashboard provides high level Metrics, which provide an overall view of the health of one or more Network Elements (NEs) of a network, making Metrics the core component of the DSR Dashboard. Each column on the Dashboard contains the set of values for a particular Metric. The selection of which Metrics are displayed on the Dashboard is done via configuration.

The NOAM Dashboard shows both Network summary and NE summary Metrics.

The order that Metric Groups are displayed on the Dashboard is determined from configuration which cannot be modified. The order that Metrics are displayed within a Metric Group on the Dashboard display is determined from configuration which cannot be modified. Metrics selected for display on the Dashboard via configuration can be hidden/viewed via a Dashboard GUI control based on threshold level filters. A threshold level filter is used to limit which Metrics are displayed on the Dashboard based on a severity value. These limits are valuable because they focus on more potentially significant problems.

Horizontal and vertical scrolling allows any Metrics which do not fit onto a single physical screen to be seen.

The Dashboard also facilitates troubleshooting via Metric-specific hyperlinks on the Dashboard to assist in viewing more detailed information via existing DSR status and maintenance screens. The linkage between content on the Dashboard to DSR status and maintenance screens will be determined from configuration which cannot be modified.

Per Network Metrics are derived from per-NE summary Metrics. A Network is the set of one or more Dashboard Network Elements. The formula for calculating a Network Metric value is identical to that for calculating the per-NE Metric for that Metric.

Dashboard on the SOAM

The SOAM Dashboard shows the NE's summary Metrics, its per-Server Type summary Metrics and its per-Server Metrics.

A Server Type physically groups Metrics associated with a particular type of Server (e.g., DA-MP) onto the Dashboard display in order to create summary Metrics for Servers of a similar type. The order of Server Types on the SOAM Dashboard is determined from configuration which cannot be modified. The Server Types are predefined and cannot be modified. The DA-MP, SS7-MP, DSR, SBR, and SOAM Server Types are supported.

Server Metrics are maintained by each MP. Per-Server Metric values are periodically pushed to their local SOAM, where they are displayed on the SOAM Dashboard display.

Server Type Metrics show a roll-up of Server Metrics by Server type. The formula for calculating a Server Type Metric value is identical to that for calculating the per-NE Metric for that Metric.

Network Element (NE) Metrics are derived from per-Server Metrics. A Network Element is the set of servers managed by a SOAM. The formula for calculating a per-NE Metric value is Metric-specific although, in general, most NE Metrics are the sum of the per-Server Metrics. The set of servers which are managed by a SOAM is determined through standard NOAM configuration and cannot be modified via Dashboard configuration. An NOAM can manage up to 32 NEs.