Configure Data Export Jobs

The Data Export [Insert] form enables you to configure a single data export job to send files to a remote server. You are allowed to configure up to five jobs per site.

  1. From the main menu, click Administration, and then Remote Servers, and then Data Export.
    The Data Export page is presented with a grid displaying any currently configured export servers.
  2. Click Insert.
  3. Enter a Task Name.
  4. Enter a Task Description.
  5. Enter a Remote Server Name, IPv4, or IPv6 address.
    See Data Export elements for details about the Remote Server field and other fields that display on this page.
  6. Enter a Username.
  7. Optional: Enter the Directory on Export Server.
    This is the target directory path on the export server.
  8. Optional: Enter the Path to Rsync on the remote server.


    Depending on the OS and implementation of the remote server, it may be required to define the path to the rsync binary on the export server but this is not common. If no path is specified, the username's home directory on the export server is used.
  9. Select or enter the Files to Transfer path(s).
    This entry defines the path(s) to the files within the File Management Area from which files are exported. A combobox allows for one of several predefined options to be selected, or the user can type in a specific path. Multiple paths may be entered.
  10. Select the Upload Frequency.
  11. If you selected fifteen minutes or hourly for the upload frequency, select the Minute for which the transfer is set to begin.


    This is the minute of each period when the transfer is set to begin. For an Upload Frequency of Fifteen Minutes, transfers occur four times per hour, and this field sets the minute of the first transfer in the hour.
  12. If you selected daily or weekly for the upload frequency, select the Time of Day.
  13. If you selected weekly for the upload frequency, select the Day of the Week.
  14. Click OK to apply the changes or Cancel to discard the changes.
    The export job configuration is saved and you are returned to the Data Export page. A grid is presented reflecting the newly added job.
  15. If public keys were manually placed on the remote server, skip to step 17; otherwise, select the newly added export job by clicking on it and click Key Exchange. This button initiates a key exchange between the local OAM server and the data export remote server currently defined in the job. See Generate a Data Export Keys Report.
  16. Enter the password.
    A password must be entered before the exchange can complete. The server attempts to exchange keys with the remote server. After the keys are successfully exchanged, continue with the next step.
  17. Optional: Select the newly updated export job by clicking on it. Click Test Transfer to confirm the ability to export to the remote server.
    The user can monitor the progress of the task by selecting the Tasks list in the page control area.
The export job is now configured and active.