Database Status Elements

The Database page displays status information and functions on a per server basis. Table 6-10 describes the elements on the Status & Manage Database page.


At the top of the Database Status and Manage screen is an Info display. Database maintenance operations, for example, automatic and manual backups, or restore messages, are listed in this information display. While not technically a status table element, this display provides important information and should be viewed periodically.

Table 6-10 Database Status Elements

Element Description
Network Element The name of the Network Element to which the server belongs.
Server Name of the Server.
Role The role the server plays in the system.
OAM Max HA Role The observed maximum high availability role among all resources in policy 0 on the server:
  • Active: Server is running as the Active server.
  • Standby: Server is running as the Standby server. It is ready to provide service in the event of a switch over.
  • Spare: Server is running as the Spare server.
  • Observer: Server is running as the Observer server.
  • OOS: Server is out of service.
Application Max HA Role The observed maximum HA role among all resources in all other policies on the server:
  • Active: Server is running as the Active server for application policies.
  • Standby: Server is running as the Standby server. It is ready to provide service in the event of a switch over.
  • Spare: Server is running as the Spare server.
  • Observer: Server is running as the Observer server.
  • OOS: Server is out of service.
Status Alarm status for a server; status is reported for a server as the highest severity of all database alarms associated with that server. The status of the server affects the color of that server row:
  • Normal - No alarms related to DB status (no change in background color).
  • Minor - The server has raised a minor alarm that relates to DB status (yellow background).
  • Major - The server has raised a major alarm that relates to DB status (orange background).
  • Critical - The server has raised a critical alarm that relates to DB status (red background).
  • Unknown - Alarm collection is not possible or reports an error (red background).
DB Level The database update level on a server. This value is incremented by certain types of database updates and allows the user to compare DB levels across different servers.
OAM Repl Status

OAM Replication status for a server as reported by COMCOL:

  • Unknown - no current status information.
  • Normal - all links are normal.
  • Degraded - some replication links are up, some are down.
  • Failed - all replication links to this server are down or failed.
  • Not Applicable - replication does not apply.
  • Not Configured - replication is not configured.
  • Auditing - all links are auditing or normal, zero links are down.
SIG Repl Status

Signaling Replication status for a server as reported by COMCOL:

  • Unknown - no current status information.
  • Normal - all links are normal.
  • Degraded - some replication links are up, some are down.
  • Failed - all replication links to this server are down or failed.
  • Not Applicable - replication does not apply.
  • Not Configured - replication is not configured.
  • Auditing - all links are auditing or normal, zero links are down.
Repl Status Displays whether replication is inhibited for the server. The inhibiting of replication on servers occurs automatically during the Restore procedure.
Repl Audit Status Displays whether replication auditing is in progress for the server.