General Options Elements

Table 2-1 describes the elements of the General Options page.

Table 2-1 General Options Elements

Field (* indicates a required field) Description Data Input Notes
* Enable MMI Access Enable Machine-to-Machine Interface access on servers. In addition to enabling the feature here, at least one user must be authorized for MMI access. Format: Numeric

Range: 0 (Disabled), 1 (Enabled)

Default: 1

* Export File Compression Type The compression algorithm used when export data files are initially created. Format: Numeric

Range: 0 (None), 1 (gzip), 2 (bzip2)

Default: 1

* Last Login Expiration Indicates the number of days of inactivity before a user account is disabled. The account is disabled the next time the user logs in using valid credentials. The account must be re-enabled by the guiadmin user or any user with admin group permissions. Entering a value of 0 indicates never disable. Format: Numeric

Range: 0 - 200

Default: 0

* Lock out Window Indicates the amount of time (in minutes) in which exceeding the Maximum Consecutive Failed Login attempts causes an account to be disabled. The account must be re-enabled by the guiadmin user or any user with admin group permissions. Entering a value of 0 indicates the window is unlimited and disables the Maximum Consecutive Failed Login attempts setting. Format: Numeric

Range: 0 - unlimited

Default: 30

* Maximum Consecutive Failed Login Indicates the maximum number of failed login attempts that can occur within the Lock out window before the account is disabled. The account must be re-enabled by the guiadmin user or any user with admin group permissions. Entering a value of 0 indicates never disable. Format: Numeric

Range: 0 - 10

Default: 5

* Maximum Password History Maximum number of passwords maintained in a history list before reuse of a password is allowed. Entering a value of 0 in this field means that no password history is applied and the same password can be reused. A value is required. Format: Numeric

Range: 0 - 10

Default: 3

* Maximum Records per Page The maximum number of records to display per page. Format: Numeric

Range: 10 - 100

Default: 20

* Minimum Password Difference The Minimum character difference between passwords. Format: Numeric

Range: 0 - 16

Default: 0

* Minimum Password Length This field indicates the minimum number of valid characters required for a user password. Format: Numeric

Range: 8 - 16

Default: 8

* Password Expiration The number of calendar days passwords stay active. By default, passwords expire in 90 days. Entering a value of 0 in this field means that passwords never expire. Note that the expiration is retroactive: if the expiration is set to 30 and it has been 45 days since the password was last changed, the password is now expired. Format: Numeric

Range: 0 - 90

Default: 90

* SAML Enabled Enables SAML authentication of users (Security Assertion Markup Language). Format: Numeric

Range: 0 (Disabled), 1 (Enabled)

Default: 0

* SAML Inactivity Timeout The time (in minutes) before SAML authenticated sessions expire. Format: Numeric

Range: 0 (no expiration) - 3600

Default: 120

* Single Sign on Session Life Indicates the maximum session life (in minutes) for a Single-Sign-On session. Format: Numeric

Range: 0 - 3600

Default: 120

* Site Upgrade Bulk Availability

Site based upgrade availability for bulk upgrade of MP groups.

Note: This cannot be changed when any site upgrade is active.

Format: Numeric

Range: 0 (none), 1 (50%), 2 (66%), and 3 (75%)

Default: 1

* Site Upgrade SOAM Method

Site based upgrade SOAM method.

Note: This cannot be changed when any site upgrade is active. Bulk upgrade will upgrade all non-active SOAM servers together.

Format: Numeric

Range: 0 (serial), 1 (bulk)

Default: 1

* Durability Administrative State The durability state of the system. Format: Numeric

Range: 1 (NO disk, data is replicated to the active NO only), 2 (NO pair, data is replicated to both the active and standby NOs), 3 (NO Disaster Recovery data is replicated to the active or standby NOs, as well as the secondary NO)

Default: 1

Disabled Account Message displayed when attempting to login to a disabled account. Format: Alphabetic

Default: This account has been disabled.

Certificate Domain Name Certificate Domain Name, used for Single Sign On and HTTPS certificates, for example, Format: Alphanumeric, hyphen, and decimal characters

Range: 255 characters

Default: Blank

Failed Login Message Message displayed on failed login. Format: Alphabetic

Default: Login failed

IP Authorization Denied Message Configurable portion of IP Authorization Denied message. Format: Alphabetic

Default: Access denied

Login Message Configurable portin of login message seen on the login screen. Format: Alphabetic

Default: Welcome to the Oracle System Login

Welcome Message

Welcome message seen after successful login.

Note: You can customize the message appearance by using HTML code; for example, <br> to insert a line break.

Format: Alphabetic

Welcome message seen after successful login.

The %loginName%, %lastLoginTime%, %loginAttempts%, and %lastLoginIP% tokens are replaced when the welcome message displays.

Export Data Space Replace The character to replace a space in the export group name when added to the export directory or filename. Format: Alphanumeric

Default: Underscore (_)

* Remote Server Data Export Cleanup' Remote Server Data Export Cleanup specifies interval (in days) to delete the files older than that specified day(s) from export directory.
  • If the value is 0 , the cleanup is disabled.
  • If the value is nonzero (for example, 2), this denotes that the files older than 2 days will be deleted from export directory.
  • A fixed strategy is in place for removing backup files older than 14 days (even if they haven't been transferred).So we are not doing backup cleanup here.

Note: This cleanup runs every morning at 4:03 AM. It checks the value specified for Remote Server Data Export Cleanup. If the value is 0 no cleanup action is performed from export directory. If the value is non zero, the files older than that specified day(s) will be deleted from export directory. Once the cleanup is done, transfer of deleted files to any of the configured remote server is not possible as the source files has been removed.

Format: Numeric

Default: 0