Generating a Measurements Report

Use this procedure to generate and view a measurements report.


There are number of factors that derive the time taken for exporting the measurements like:
  • Measurement groups per export task
  • Measurements per Measurement group, whether measurement is arrayed or non-arrayed
  • Measurement Pegs
  • Number of servers in a topology
  • Availability of system resources like CPU and Memory

Refer to Table 7-2 to assess the number of measurement reports generated for each measurement group or scheduled in an export task. For example, an Address Resolution Exception measurement group has single and arrayed measurement types so two measurement reports are generated: one for sing and another for arrayed measurements.

Table 7-2 Number of Measurement Reports for Each Measurement Group

Report Group Sub-Group Type Number of Measurements
Address Resolution Exception   Single 5
  Arrayed 15
Address Resolution Performance   Single 4
  Arrayed 21
Application Routing Rules MeasARTId Arrayed 1
MeasApplRoutingRuleId Arrayed 4
Association Exception   Arrayed 4
Association Usage   Arrayed 1
CAPM MeasCapmDefId Arrayed 5
MeasCapmMeasId Arrayed 1
MeasConnectionId Arrayed 4
CPA Exception   Single 11
  Arrayed 2
CPA Performance   Single 14
CPA Session DB   Single 11
  Arrayed 1
ComAgent Exception ComAgentHAServiceExceptionArrayed Arrayed 6
ComAgentHAServiceExceptionSingle Single 1
ComAgentMeasExceptionArrayed Arrayed 1
ComAgentMeasExceptionSingle Single 23
ComAgentPeerGroupExceptionArrayed Arrayed 2
ComAgentPeerGroupExceptionSingle Single 1
ComAgentPolicerFetchExceptionArrayed Arrayed 1
ComAgentRoutedServiceExceptionArrayed Arrayed 17
ComAgent Performance ComAgentHAServicePerformanceArrayed Arrayed 3
ComAgentMeasPerformanceArrayed Arrayed 2
ComAgentMeasPerformanceSingle Single 15
ComAgentPeerGroupPerformanceArrayed Arrayed 2
ComAgentRoutedServicePerformanceArrayed Arrayed 12
Connection Congestion   Arrayed 2
Connection Exception   Arrayed 2
Connection Performance Egress Arrayed 24
Egress Congestion Control Arrayed 10
Ingress Arrayed 7
Ingress Congestion Control Arrayed 21
Message Priority Arrayed 18
Connection Service   Arrayed 7
Connection Transport   Arrayed 13
DA-MP Exception   Single 2
DA-MP Performance   Single 211
  Arrayed 4
DA-MP Service   Single 2
DAS   Single 14
  Arrayed 1
DCA Framework Exception DcaDalId Arrayed 5
DCA Framework Performance DcaDalId Arrayed 21
DM-IWF Exception   Single 8
  Arrayed 5
DM-IWF Performance   Single 14
  Arrayed 4
DSR Application Exception   Single 4
  Arrayed 3
DSR Application Performance   Single 14
  Arrayed 5
Diameter EIR Exception   Single 23
Diameter EIR Performance   Single 5
  Arrayed 4
Diameter EIR Usages   Single 31
Diameter Egress Transaction   Single 2
  Arrayed 8
Diameter Exception   Single 3
  Arrayed 6
Diameter Ingress Transaction Exception   Single 3
  Arrayed 10
Diameter Ingress Transaction Performance Arrayed 8
Diameter Performance   Single 6
MeasConnectionId Arrayed 6
Diameter Rerouting   Single 2
  Arrayed 6
Egress Throttle Group Performance   Arrayed 168
Egress Throttle List Performance   Arrayed 167
Full Address Resolution Exception   Single 5
  Arrayed 15
Full Address Resolution Performance   Single 10
  Arrayed 14
GLA Exception   Single 3
GLA Performance   Single 6
HTTP Layer Performance   Single 14
  Arrayed 2
IDIH   Single 7
IPFE Exception IpfeTotal Single 2
IpfeTsa Arrayed 6
IPFE Performance IpfeMpServer Arrayed 6
IpfeTotal Single 5
IpfeTsa Arrayed 6
License Measurements   Single 15
  Arrayed 14
Link Exception   Arrayed 4
Link Performance   Arrayed 4
Link Set Performance   Arrayed 4
Link Set Usage   Arrayed 1
Link Usage   Arrayed 4
LoadGen Performance   Single 6
MD-IWF Diam Performance   Arrayed 4
MD-IWF Exception   Single 20
MD-IWF Performance   Single 33
  Arrayed 4
MD-IWF SS7 Performance   Arrayed 4
MP Performance   Single 11
Message Priority   Single 16
OAM.ALARM   Single 4
OAM.PERF   Single 17
Audits Arrayed 3
AwSoap Arrayed 3
CmSoap Arrayed 3
GuiHttp Arrayed 3
MmiHttp Arrayed 3
TpdSoap Arrayed 3
OAM.SYSTEM   Single 14
  Arrayed 2
OC-DRA Congestion Exception   Arrayed 1
OC-DRA Diameter Exception   Single 12
  Arrayed 13
OC-DRA Diameter Usage   Single 2
  Arrayed 4
HistogramMeasBuckets Arrayed 2
P-DRA Congestion Exception   Single 6
P-DRA Diameter Exception   Single 23
  Arrayed 1
P-DRA Diameter Usage   Single 22
HistogramMeasBuckets Arrayed 11
MeasApn Arrayed 1
MeasBuckets Arrayed 1
MeasPcrfPool Arrayed 1
MeasSubPoolRule Arrayed 1
P-DRA Site Diameter Usage MeasSBRuleIncCnt Arrayed 1
MeasSBRuleRmvLmt Arrayed 1
PCA NGN-PS Exception   Single 3
PCA NGN-PS Performance   Single 1
Peer Node Performance   Arrayed 5
Peer Routing Rules MeasPRTId Arrayed 1
MeasPeerRoutingRuleId Arrayed 4
RD-IWF   Single 7
Route Group Exception   Arrayed 2
Route Group Performance   Arrayed 21
Route List   Arrayed 4
Routing Usage   Arrayed 5
SBR Audit   Single 31
SBR Binding Exception   Single 11
  Arrayed 1
SBR Binding Performance   Single 18
  Arrayed 1
MeasAltKeys Arrayed 1
MeasBuckets Arrayed 2
MeasSBRemoval Arrayed 1
SBR Exception   Single 4
  Arrayed 6
SBR Performance   Single 15
  Arrayed 4
SBR Session Exception   Single 11
MeasPendingRarDel Arrayed 1
SBR Session Performance   Single 18
  Arrayed 2
MeasApn Arrayed 2
MeasBuckets Arrayed 3
MeasInvokeSisRarType Arrayed 1
MeasInvokeSisResult Arrayed 1
MeasSessionsRemovedSis Arrayed 1
SCEF Device Triggering Exception   Single 2
  Arrayed 2
SCEF Device Triggering Performance   Single 12
  Arrayed 25
SCEF ECR Exception   Single 1
  Arrayed 1
SCEF ECR Performance   Single 5
  Arrayed 15
SCEF Exception   Single 13
  Arrayed 1
SCEF Monitoring Exception   Arrayed 3
SCEF Monitoring Performance   Single 5
  Arrayed 91
SCEF NIDD Exception   Single 9
  Arrayed 14
SCEF NIDD Performance   Single 15
  Arrayed 36
SCEF Performance   Single 20
  Arrayed 1
Server Exception   Single 2
Server M3UA Exception   Single 6
Server M3UA Performance   Single 8
Server M3UA Usage   Single 7
Server MTP3 Exception   Single 9
  Arrayed 1
Server MTP3 Performance   Single 4
  Arrayed 2
Server Resource Usage   Single 8
Server SCCP Exception   Single 28
  Arrayed 1
Server SCCP Performance   Single 18
  Arrayed 4
Server TCAP Exception   Single 19
  Arrayed 1
Server TCAP Performance   Single 8
  Arrayed 2
Task Performance   Arrayed 33
Topology Hiding Performance   Single 10
  Arrayed 10
Traffic Throttle Group Performance   Arrayed 23
Traffic Throttle Point Performance   Arrayed 139
Transport Exception   Arrayed 10
Transport Performance   Arrayed 12
Transport Usage   Arrayed 2
USBR Performance   Single 1
  Arrayed 10
VSTP Association Exception   Arrayed 13
VSTP Association Usages   Arrayed 3
VSTP CDPA TT   Arrayed 10
VSTP CGPA TT   Arrayed 10
VSTP Connection   Arrayed 9
VSTP Connection Exception   Single 1
VSTP Connection Performance   Arrayed 10
VSTP EIR Exception   Single 7
VSTP EIR Performance   Single 27
  Arrayed 1
  Arrayed 2
VSTP LSS Exception   Single 6
VSTP LSS Performance   Single 4
  Arrayed 1
VSTP Link Exception   Arrayed 12
VSTP Link Performance   Arrayed 11
VSTP Link Usage   Arrayed 12
VSTP Linkset Exception   Arrayed 1
VSTP Linkset Performance   Arrayed 7
VSTP Linkset Usage   Arrayed 1
VSTP M2PA Exception   Single 1
VSTPM2PAExceptionArrayed Arrayed 1
VSTPM2PAExceptionSingle Single 2
VSTPM2PAExceptionVstpLinkArrayed Arrayed 14
VSTP M2PA Performance   Single 9
  Arrayed 4
VSTP M3UA Exception   Single 9
VSTP M3UA Performance   Single 4
VSTP M3UA Usages   Single 27
VSTP MNP Exception   Single 11
VSTP MNP Performance   Single 19
  Arrayed 1
VSTP MP Performance   Single 5
  Arrayed 1
VSTP MTP3 Exception   Single 13
  Arrayed 5
VSTP MTP3 Performance   Single 12
  Arrayed 7
VSTP SCCP Exception   Single 7
VSTP SCCP Performance   Single 10
VSTP SCCP Usages   Single 1
VSTP Server Exception   Single 5
VSTP Server Usages   Single 4
Vstp MNP Exception   Single 2
Vstp MNP Performance   Single 3
  1. Click Measurements, and then Report.
  2. Select the Measurement Report.
  3. Click Interval.
  4. Select the Scope.
    For details about this field, or any field on the Measurements, and then Report page, see Measurement Elements.
  5. (Optional) Select any filters you may want on the report.
  6. Click Time Range.
  7. Select Beginning or Ending as the Time Range interval reference point.
  8. Select the Beginning or Ending date.
  9. Click Go.


    Data for the selected scope is displayed in the primary report page. Data for any available sub-scopes are displayed in tabs. For example, if the selected scope is Entire Network, report data for the entire network appears in the primary report page. The individual network entities within the entire network are considered sub-scopes.
  10. To view report data for a specific sub-scope, click on the tab for that sub-scope.