Process Status Elements

Table 6-15 describes elements on the Status & Manage, and then Processes page.

Table 6-15 Process Status Elements

Process Status Element Description
Hostname The hostname of the server.
Process Name Name of the process, based on a unique identifying process tag within the application. Multiple processes on a server with the same name are appended with an instance number (#), for example, idbsvc(0) and idbsvc(1).
Start Time Date and time the process was last (re)started.
Status Status of the process. Possible values are:
  • Up: Process is up and running. Processes which are started successfully and reach a steady-state have a status of Up.
  • Done: The process is complete.
  • Kill: Process is being stopped. This is the normal state for a process to enter while being stopped. If a process is failing to shutdown, it remains in the Kill state for an extended amount of time.
  • Pend: Process execution is pending, waiting to be (re)started. Processes that have exited abnormally from the Up state shall fall into the Pend state. Processes that cannot start successfully shall remain in the Pend state.
  • Unknown: A failure is preventing the reporting or collection of the process status.
# Starts Number of times the process started. All counts are 1 when a server boots up. The count increments to 2 if the process restarts and increments with each process restart. The count resets to 1 if the server is rebooted.
CPU Utilization An estimate of recent CPU percentage used per process on the server.
Heap Memory Used (K) Size of the heap used per process in Kilobytes.