4.1 Firmware Component List

The firmware documents are available from Oracle Help Center (OHC): http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E57832_01/index.htm.

Firmware Component List shows the firmware components used in this release.

Table 4-1 Supported Firmware Components

Hardware Release Description
HP Firmware FUP 2.2.9 (minimum)* FC
Oracle X5-2 Firmware 3.1.5 (minimum) FC

FC - Fully Compatible

PC - Partially Compatible (Compatible but not fully functional (feature dependent))

NC - Not Compatible

N/A - Not Applicable

* UDR Release can be used in conjunction with any supported firmware shown in the HP Solutions Firmware Upgrade Pack (FUP), Software Centric Release Notes 2.2.9 at: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E52577_01/docs.60/E64917-03.pdf. This document specifies the minimum required firmware level. In many cases, it is not necessary to upgrade the firmware to the latest level.