5 Setting Up SPMS .NET Web Server

After successfully setting up the SPMS Secure Server, you can proceed to install the SPMS Web Server. The SPMS Secure Server and SPMS Web Server are the ASP.NET web services. As they are all ASP.NET web services, they can be installed on the same IIS web server machine. As suggested in section Recommendation for the Installed SPMS Environment, you can opt to install the SPMS Secure Server in the same machine as the SPMS Web Server, or you can also install them separately in different machines.

Figure 5-1 SPMS Secure Server and Web Server Options

This figure shows the setup option for SPMS Secure Server and Web Server in the same machine or different machine.


  1. Microsoft IIS is installed on the target machine.

  2. Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, 3.5 and 4.8 features are enabled on the target machine.

  3. Oracle 12c Database client with ODAC is installed on the target machine. See topic Oracle Database Client and ODAC Installation.

  4. SPMS Package is downloaded and available on the target machine. See topic SPMS Package File for download instructions.

  5. SPMS Application Client installed. See topic Setting Up SPMS Desktop Application Clients.


For SPMS 20.2, you must uninstall the SPMS Application Client from the machine hosting the Web Server and delete all files in the Web Server folder to enable SPMS 20.2 to distribute the new libraries.

SPMS .NET Web Server Installation Steps

To set up SPMS Web Server, follow the installation in the order of the steps shown below.
  1. See topic Installing SPMS Web Services.

  2. See topic Verifying Hosting of SPMS Web Services.

  3. See topic Configuring SPMS web services Database Connection.

Installing SPMS Web Services

Follow the instructions listed below to install the SPMS web services.

  1. If a previous installation of the SPMS 7.0 / 7.3 web services exists, you are required to uninstall by removing the FCTransactionsService and FCWebServices folders from the C:\inetpub\wwwroot folder.

  2. From the download SPMS Page, navigate to the Net Setup folder. See Figure 1-3

  3. Run the OHC_SPMS_V20.3SETUP.exe

  4. Open the folder and copy the WebServer folder to the C:\temp folder.

    Figure 5-2 SPMS WebServer Folder

    This figure shows the content of SPMS WebServer folder
  5. From the C:\temp\WebServer folder, right-click Install.bat and select Run as Administrator to launch the Microsoft Windows command screen.

    Figure 5-3 Webservices Install.bat Options

    This figure shows the Webservices Install.bat options.
  6. Select:
    1. Option 1 – Install OHCTransactionsService, to install the SPMS Secure Service required by SPMS Secure Server. Selecting this option also installs the SPMS TransactionsService as they are packaged together.

    2. Option 2 – Install OHCWebServices, to install the SPMS web services.

    3. Option 3 – Install OHCTransactionsService and OHCWebServices, to install both the SPMS TransactionsService and WebServices.

    4. Option 4 – Install OHCOPIWebServices, to install the SPMS OPI WebServices.

    5. Option 5 – Install OHCOPIDaemonService, to install the SPMS OPI Daemon Service.

  7. You are prompt to install a digital certificate for SPMS Secure Service identification.

    Figure 5-4 Required WebServices Digital Certificate ID

    This figure shows the Required Webservices Digital Certificate ID in SPMS Secure Server
    1. Key in ‘1’ to list the existing digital certificates installed on the machine. When the digital certificates are listed, there is a prompt message: “Please key in the subject name you want to bind”. Type the Subject name to bind the selected digital certificate to the SPMS Secure Service.

    2. Key in ‘2’ to create a new self-signed digital certificate. After that, type the domain name or IP of the SPMS Secure Server to bind the new self-signed digital certificate to the SPMS Secure Service.

    Figure 5-5 Option 1–Digital Certificate Available in Webservices

    This figure shows the Digital Certificate available for Option 1

    Figure 5-6 Option 2 – Required Domain Name or IP Address

    This figure shows the Option 2 – Required Domain Name and IP Address
  8. If an older SPMS 8.0 / 20.1 / 20.2 Secure Service installation exists, you are prompted to override the files. Continue by selecting All.

  9. When the installation completes, press any key to close the command prompt.

    Figure 5-7 Web Services Install Complete

    This figure shows the Webservices Installation Complete

Verifying Hosting of SPMS Web Services

After the successful installation of the SPMS web services, verify that the SPMS web services are hosted correctly. If done correctly you should be able to reach the SPMS web services over the web browser using the HTTPS communication protocol.

  1. Launch a web browser.

  2. Type the URL shown below in the browser search bar.
    1. SPMS Secure ASP.NET Web Service: The SPMS Secure Service is the web service that manages the database user credentials. Clients that require a database connection will interact with the Secure Server to obtain the database user credential. It is typically deployed at https://[URL]/OHCTransactionsService/OHCSecurity.asmx.

    2. SPMS OHCTransactionsService ASP.NET Web Service: The SPMS OHCTransactionsService is the web service that serves internal client requests. It is typically deployed at https://[URL]/OHCTransactionsService/OHCTransactionsService.asmx

    3. SPMS OHCWebServices ASP.NET Web Service: The SPMS OHCWebServices is the web service that serves external client requests. It is typically deployed at https://[URL]/OHCWebServices/OHCWebServices.asmx

  3. If the SPMS web services are hosted successfully, you will see the web page as shown in Figure 3-5.


It is important to know that successful hosting of the SPMS web services does not guarantee a successful SPMS Database connection, which is required for SPMS operation. Therefore, it is important to configure the SPMS web services connection to the SPMS Database.

Configuring SPMS web services Database Connection

Once you have verified that the SPMS web services are hosted correctly and reachable through the web browser, you can then proceed to configure the SPMS web services so that it knows which Database TNS it connects to. Like most web services, this configuration resides in the usual web.config file.

  1. From the installed Oracle Client home folder, ensure there is a correct Database TNS entry in the Oracle TNSNames.ora file for SPMS to locate the correct Database when it references to the Database TNS.

  2. If the Database TNS entry is not in the TNSNames.ora file, you can create it using the below example. See also Table 3-1
      <DB_TNS_NAME> = (
            DESCRIPTION = (
                ADDRESS_LIST = (
                    ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)
                              (HOST = <DB_ADDRESS>)
                              (PORT = <DB_PORT>)
              (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = <DB_NAME>)
  3. The commonly installed Oracle Client folder for SPMS is C:/Oracle/product. However, you can select to install it to a different folder.

  4. After that, you can set up the SPMS Web Services Database connection. This step is required in order for the SPMS Web Services to know which Database TNS it should connect to. You can do that by editing the web.config file.
    1. The web.config file for SPMS OHCTransactionsService resides at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\OHCTransactionsService

      Figure 5-8 TransactionsServices Installed Folder

      This figure shows the TransactionsServices Installed Folder
    2. The web.config file for SPMS OHCWebServices resides at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\OHCWebServices folder.

      Figure 5-9 WebServices Installed Folder

      This figure shows the Webservices Installed Folder
  5. Under the <appSettings> section of the web.config file, set the SPMS Database TNS name.

    For example:
            <add key="Server" value="<DB_TNS_NAME>" />


    After setting up the Database TNS connection for SPMS web services, the SPMS web services are now able to locate the SPMS Database using the Database TNS. Note that the connection to the SPMS Database is not possible yet. It needs the Database Password to be able to connect to it.

    To connect to the SPMS Database, the SPMS web services require the SPMS Database password, which is stored in the local DPAPI protected OHCSecurity.par file on the SPMS Web Server.

    To create the local DPAPI protected OHCSecurity.par file on the SPMS Web Server, you must connect to the SPMS Secure Server which can be configured from the same web.config file

  6. Under the <appSettings> section of the web.config file, set the SPMS Secure Server IP address or the machine name.

    Table 5-1 User Definable Value in Web.Config File

    Web.Config File Value Description


    A User defined SPMS Secure Server IP address or the machine name if it is resolvable by the DNS server.

    For example:
            <add key=" SecureLogin" value="<SECURE_SERVER_NAME>" />
  7. Restart the SPMS web services. You can restart the SPMS Secure Service from the IIS Manager.

Configuring SPMS OPI Web Services Database Access

OPI Web Services/APIs uses the Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client data provider to connect to the database. Therefore, you will need to ensure that the “ODP.NET, Managed Driver” section is configured in the local machine correctly.

On an older Oracle 12c Database Client installation, the section below will automatically populate at “C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Config\machine.config”. Thus, no further action is needed. However, for the newer Oracle 19c Database Client, you must uncomment the following configuration in the “web.config” file of the OPI Web Service. Additionally, ensure that the Version is set correctly to match the DLL version installed on the local machine.

      <add name="ODP.NET, Managed Driver" invariant="Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client" description="Oracle Data Provider for .NET, Managed Driver" type="Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleClientFactory, Oracle.ManagedDataAccess, Version=<DLL_VERSION>, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342" />
      <add name="ODP.NET, Unmanaged Driver" invariant="Oracle.DataAccess.Client" description="Oracle Data Provider for .NET, Unmanaged Driver" type="Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleClientFactory, Oracle.DataAccess, Version=<dll version>, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342" />

Configuring SPMS OPI WebServices Database Connection for OPI Handling

Edit the web.config file in C:\inetpub\OHCOPIWebServices and to define the SPMS database server name <SOURCE>, password<PASSWORD> and User ID <DBUSER> under <connectionStrings>.
<add name="OHCEntities" connectionString="metadata=<a target="_blank" href="res://*/OHCModel.csdl|res://*/OHCModel.ssdl|res://*/OHCModel.msl;provider=Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client;provider">res://*/OHCModel.csdl|res://*/OHCModel.ssdl|res://*/OHCModel.msl;provider=Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client;provider</a> connection string=&quot;DATA SOURCE=[SOURCE];PASSWORD=[PASSWORD];PERSIST SECURITY INFO=True;USER ID=<USER ID>&quot;" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />
If Oracle Wallet is applied:
<add name="OHCEntities" connectionString="metadata=<a target="_blank" href="res://*/OHCModel.csdl|res://*/OHCModel.ssdl|res://*/OHCModel.msl;provider=Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client;provider">res://*/OHCModel.csdl|res://*/OHCModel.ssdl|res://*/OHCModel.msl;provider=Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client;provider</a> connection string=&quot;DATA SOURCE=<IP Address>:<Port No>/<Service Name>;PASSWORD=[PASSWORD];PERSIST SECURITY INFO=True;USER ID=<User ID>&quot;" providerName="System.Data.

Configuring SPMS OPI Web Services Token Expiry for OPI Handling

By default, the OPI Web Service token expires after 1440 minutes (1 day); the refresh token expires in 2880 minutes (2 days). The refresh token expiry value must be greater than the token.

To define the token expiry, edit the web.config file in C:\inetpub\OHCOPIWebServices and insert below keys and value:

<add key="TokenExpiry" value="1440"/>

<add key="RefreshTokenExpiry" value="2880"/>

The OPI Manager and Universal Interface which runs on the server utilizes the refresh token functionality to ensure the connection to the OPI web service remains active.

The system triggers the token refresh 2 minutes before it expires.

To ensure the OPI Web Service token is always valid at other SPMS client applications, the value of TokenExpiry must be greater than the parameter “Idle Minutes.”