A Appendix

System Parameters

Below are the system parameters available to Payroll Module. Consult Oracle Hospitality Cruise Customer Support prior to changing the Database Parameter to avoid any adverse implications.

Table A-1 System Parameters

PAR Name PAR Value Description

Allow Closing of Pay Period Prior To End of Period

1 / 0

1= Allow program close pay period when pay period end date is greater than current PC date.

0= Do not allow to close pay period pay period end date is greater than current PC date.

Auto Close Balanced Posting When Close Pay Period

1 / 0

This is to avoid invoices from stacking up in Management module.

1= When close pay period Program automatically closes the posting for each crew member onboard invoice.

0= Do not close posting when close pay period.

Auto Close Pay Period After x Number of Days


Auto close pay period after x number of days system date change is run.

Base Wage Pay code For Corporate Instruction



Date Type

F / S

Determines whether Oracle date or SPMS system date is used for payroll calculations.

S= Oracle date.

F= SPMS system date (default).

Default Company Code


Value of PCY.PCY_CODE. Default company if there have multiple companies’ setup.

Default Payout


Value of SED.SED_NO. Default Payout code to display in the payout combo box on a new contract.

Default To 1 When Invalid Berth Number Is Entered

1 / 0

Value to select when editing a record in Edit Person function.

1= Default to 1 when no berth number is entered.

0= Prompt berth number is required.


1 / 0

ID display in Payroll Summary section.



Early Period Open

A / Y / N

Determine whether to allow activation of pay period before current system date.

A= Always allow.

Y= Allow once.

N= Do not allow.

Edit Details Screen

1 / 0

0= Classic Screen.

1 – Quick reference screen

Folio Posting

Y / N

Y= Allow to post crew onboard expenses when payout.

N= Disallow (default).

GL Interface

Y / N

Y= Generate GL file after closing a pay period.

N= Do not generate GL File after closing a pay period.

Journal Id


The text used to identify payroll GL journals.

OceanPay File Output Folder


Path of folder for saving output files during generate card ordering for Cashless Payroll.

OceanPay MT Prefix Nbr


Defaults prefix number for MT Card. Populated in Cashless Payroll setup.

Exactly 30

Y / N

Change the way the number of days are calculated when changing positions in linked contract.

Y= If linked contract and contract is in middle of a month, then it will use 30 days instead of the number of days in the month to determine payment.

For example:

For 30 days in month:

- Contract 1 from 01/06/2008 - 10/06/2008 = 10 days

- Contract 2 from 11/06/2008 - 20/06/2008 = 10 days

- Contract 3 from 21/06/2008 - 28/09/2008 = 10 days

For 31 days in month:

- Contract 1 from 01/07/2008 - 10/07/2008 = 10 days

- Contract 2 from 11/07/2008 - 20/07/2008 = 10 days

- Contract 3 from 21/07/2008 - 28/09/2008 = 10 days (calculate as 10 days even date from 21/07/2008 to 31/07/2008)

N= Calculate based on number of day (31 days being paid since either contract end date or the contract start date fall in the pay period).

For example:

For 30 days in month:

- Contract 1 from 01/06/2008 - 10/06/2008 = 10 days

- Contract 2 from 11/06/2008 - 20/06/2008 = 10 days

- Contract 3 from 21/06/2008 - 28/09/2008 = 10 days

For 31 days in month:

- Contract 1 from 01/07/2008 - 10/07/2008 = 10 days

- Contract 2 from 11/07/2008 - 20/07/2008 = 10 days

- Contract 3 from 21/07/2008 - 28/09/2008 = 11 days (calculate as 10 days from 21/07/2008 to 31/07/2008)

Cash Advance To Disregard Onboard Expenses

1 / 0

1 – Cash advance available balance is not included onboard expenses.0 – Cash advance available balance is after deduct the onboard expenses.

Report ID For Onboard Expense


Onboard Expenses Report ID.

Report ID For SOE


Statement of Earnings Report ID.

Report ID For WRTS


Work / Rest Time Statement Report ID.

Return Bonus Pay code For Corporate Instruction


Use with DGS CMS.

Round Folio

Y / N

Y= Send only whole dollars for folio payoff until end of contract.

N= Send pennies to folio

Show Owner

Y / N

Y= Owner percent field appears on the crew contract form (For ResidenSea user).

N= Do not display (default)

Stock Code For OceanPay MT


Default Stock Code for MT Card. Populate in Cashless Payroll setup.

Tier 1 Percentage


To specify percent of Crew's First Tier Contribution. Used for Pension Plan to Employer Contribution.

Tier 2 Percentage


To specify percent of Crew's Second Tier Contribution. Used for Pension Plan to Employer Contribution.

To Disable Posting During Final Payout

1 / 0

1= Set UXP_A_POSTING = 0 during final payout.

0 =Allow crew posting after final payout

US Citizen TAX Pay code For Corporate Instruction


Use with DGS CMS.

Vacation Pay code For Corporate Instruction


Use with DGS CMS.

Cash Advance As Default Manual Payout

1 / 0

This parameter is OBSOLETED

Replace by pay code with calculation method – A-NBCP.

Ending Payroll Alert

1 / 0

To prompt Ending Payroll Notification.

Update BTD Total Upon System Date Change

1 / 0

1 – Enable ‘Update Total’ process when run system date change.

0 – Disabled

Cash Advance Disregards Onboard Expenses

1 / 0

1 – Enable to exclude onboard expenses into cash advance available amount

0 – Disabled

ByPass payout Settlement Integrity Check

1 / 0

1 -Allow to go through payout even difference between balance of Pay Addition and Pay Deduction

0 – Do not allow payout if balance of Pay Addition and Pay Deduction are different.

Default Pay Sheet Printing During Payout

1 / 0

1 - Default ‘Print Pay Sheet’ enabled in Payout screen0 - Default ‘Print Pay Sheet’ disabled in Payout screen.

Default Receipt Printing During Cash Advance

1 / 0

1 - Default ‘Print Receipt’ enabled in Cash Advance screen

0 - Default ‘Print Receipt ’ disabled in Cash Advance screen

Payout Crew member Even If Res Cancelled

1 / 0

1 – Allow cancelled reservation to do payout

0 – Do not allow cancelled reservation to do payout

The Month Where HSC-In-Excess Calculation Changes


Specifies Any Day of The Month In Which HSC-In-Excess Calculation Changes.

Ignore Error Code In Fault Detection


Records With This Error Code Will Not Come Up In DGS-CMS-Related Fault Detection Screen.

Check All Payroll Paid Before Creating File

1 / 0

Check all payroll is being paid off before generate GL file.

1 – Enabled

0 – Disabled

Contract End Date Change Handling


Prompt Payroll Notification when change contract end date.

1=With Notification Removal, 2=Without Notification Removal, 3=User-Decide On Notification Removal, 4=Allow End Date Change Only On Date-Match.

User Security

The table below lists the user security access rights to user the Payroll module.

Table A-2 User Security

Access right Function

640 Payroll

Payroll module

646 Reports

Reports module

643 Select Company

Allow access to Select Company menu item

647 Pay Periods

Allow to access the Pay Periods

648 Update Pay Units

Update Pay Units

649 Quick Posting

Quick Posting

650 Payout (Payout + Mark paid)


651 Activate Payroll

Activate Payroll

645 Generate GL File

Generate GL File for payroll

644 Update Contract End Dates

Update to new Contract End Dates for crew on Payroll

653 Edit Details

Edit Details

3251 Access Contract Type Details

Access Contract Type Details

3252 Access Pay Group Details

Access Pay Group Details

3253 Access Pay Position Details

Access Pay Position Details

3239 Access General Details

Access General Details

3240 Access Dependent Details

Access Dependent Details

3234 Access General Details

Access General Details

3249 Edit Cost Center Details

Edit Cost Center Detail

3235 Access Pay Addition Details

Access Pay Addition Details

3236 Access Pay Deduction Details

Access Pay Deduction Details

3237 Access Payout Details

Access Pay Out Details

3238 Access Benefit Details

Access Benefit Details

3232 Access Payroll Details

Access Payroll Details

3247 Perform Early Repatriation

Perform Early Repatriation

3222 Add Assignment

Add Assignment

3223 Edit Assignment

Edit Assignment

3224 Remove Assignment

Remove Assignment

3254 Edit Deduct Folio Setting

Edit 'Deduct Folio' Setting

3277 Edit Minimum Guarantee Amount

Edit Minimum Guarantee Amount

3220 un-masking of salary info

If Unchecked, Salary Amount Will Be Hidden

3225 pay payroll

Pay Payroll

3226 un-pay payroll

Un-Pay Payroll

3243 un-pay payroll for checked out crew

Un-Pay Payroll For Checked-Out Crew

3241 undo acknowledge payout (do not allow to undo payroll if signature is captured)

Un-Do Acknowledged Payout

3229 cash advance

Cash Advance

659 Payroll companies

Payroll Companies

3221 Daily Currency exchange

Daily Currency Exchange

654 Pay codes

Pay Codes

655 Salary groups

Allow to access Salary Groups

656 Salary positions

Allow to access Salary Positions

658 contract templates

Contract Templates

4362 Scheduled contract changes

Scheduled Contract Changes

660 Tax types

Allow access to setup of tax types

4363 Add Pay code

Add Pay code

4364 Modify pay code

Modify Pay code

4365 Delete pay code

Delete Pay code

4407 Add pay code (admin)

Add Pay code

4408 Modify pay code (admin)

Modify Pay code

4673 Salary@Sea Transfer File Creation

This right grant access to Transfer file creation tab Cashless Payroll Option = 1 (Salary@Sea)

3244 General Maintenance

Grant access to the Cashless Payroll General Setup tab.

3246 Card ordering

Grant access to Card Ordering tab for Cashless Payroll Option = 0 (Ocean Pay)

3245 System Privilege

Grant access to Cashless Payroll on menu bar

Audit Trail

The Audit Trail handling tracks entries, modifications and removal of transactions performed by the user on specific tables. It also provides supporting entry histories when the data is purged.

Table A-3 Audit Trail

Table Action


Any payroll action such as Edit Contract, Remove Contract, Un-Pay Payroll


Any payroll update

Example: Add Pay code, Change Contract Date


Pay Item deletion

Example: Void Pay Item, Un-Pay Payroll


Contract deletion

Example: Remove contract


Pay code deletion


You can customize a Crystal Report to generate the audit trail log.

Quick Posting Import File Format

The acceptable file format for import onto the SPMS Payroll System is a Comma Separated Value (CSV).

Table A-4 Quick Posting File Format Fields

Column Name Contents


Record Type

The literal “POST”


ID Type

The type of crew identification entered in Column 3. Currently supported identification types include:

“A” –RES_ACC value

“C” –Payroll Contract ID (CTR_ID)

“S” –RES_SHOREID value





The crew identifier.


Pay Code

The Pay code for this entry.



The number of units (Hours/Days) for this entry. Only used when Cal Method for the Pay Code is “PDAY” or “HOUR”.



The per unit rate for this entry. Only used when the Calculation Method for the Pay Code is “PDAY” or “HOUR”.



The extended pay amount. For Calc Method “PDAY” and “HOUR”, this amount must equal column 5 times column 6.



30 characters max.


Not Used



Currency Sign

Six characters max. Example: USD, EUR.

Below is the row separator format for the file:

Table A-5 Quick Posting File Format Separator

Column Contents


The literal “TOTAL”


Not Used


The total number of entries in this file


Not Used


Not Used


Not Used


The total of all payroll entries in this file


Not Used

The following validations are performed when importing the spreadsheet data:

  • The ID must point to a crew member currently checked-in with an active contract.

  • The Pay Code column must point to a valid and active Pay Code within the system.

  • The Amount must be numeric and less than nine characters long, including the decimal.

  • If the calculation method of the Pay Code is PDAY or HOUR then:

    • The Units must be numeric and less than nine digits long.

    • The Rate must be numeric and less than nine digits long including the decimal.

    • The multiplied Units of the Rate must be equal to the Amount.

    • The number of entries and the sum of the Amounts must match the information in the TOTAL record.