8 Appendix

Where to enable and find SilverWhere logs

The SilverWhere applications are storing log files in the below areas:

  • SWDatabaseInstaller:

    You will find a process and error log saved in the C:\SWDBInstallerLog folder.

  • SilverWhere Secure and Mobile web service:

    The logs will be stored in the Event Viewer. To enable the logging, navigate to the web.config file for the SilverWhere Secure and Mobile web service at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SWWeb:

       <add key="LogEvents" value="Y" />
        <add key="LogLongEvents" value="Y" />
        <add key="LogMaxTime" value="1000" />
        <add key="LogDecryptedSQL" value="Y" />
        <add key="LogIncludeParameterValue" value="
  • SilverWhere SWReservation web service:

    The logs will be stored in the BKSTG_DINING.SERVICE_HISTORY database table. To enable the logging, navigate to the SWPARAM.XML file for the SilverWhere SWReservation web service at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SWReservation:


Where to Download Oracle Database Client

For instructions, download a copy of the installation manual from the official Oracle Help Center website at https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/ and refer to the manual for steps to install.

Alternatively, you could obtain a specific setup file from Oracle Support/DBA.

How to Register Oracle Database Client DLLs to the Local Environment

The Oracle Database Setup file downloaded from Oracle website will not automatically register the above DLLs to the local client. Oracle provides a tool (OraProvCfg.exe) to help user to register the DLLs. See instructions at https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E71422_01/doc.212/E72234/index.htm?toc.htm?207666.htm on how to register the DLLs. However, the specific Setup file from Oracle Support/DBA will normally register DLLs automatically.

For SilverWhere to be able to connect to the Oracle Database, the Oracle Database Client DLLs must be registered to the local client. The DLLs that must be registered are:

  • Oracle.DataAccess.dll

    • Folder: ORACLE_HOME\odp.net\bin\4

  • All DLLs under PublisherPolicy folder: Policy.X.XXX.Oracle.DataAccess.dll

    • Folder: ORACLE_HOME\odp.net\PublisherPolicy\4

  • Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll

    • Folder: ORACLE_HOME\odp.net\managed\common

  • All DLLs under PublisherPolicy folder: Policy.X.XXX.Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll

    • Folder: ORACLE_HOME\odp.net\managed\PublisherPolicy\4


To establish a Database connection using Oracle Net Manager, follow the steps below
  1. Once the Oracle Client installation is successful, launch the Oracle Net Manager to establish the connection between the Database Client and Database Server

  2. When installing the ODAC, ensure the following components for Oracle 12c are installed:
    • Oracle Data Provider for .NET

    • Oracle Providers for ASP.NET

    • Oracle Services For Microsoft Transaction Server