7 Troubleshooting

Common errors encountered during the installation of the SilverWhere SWAuthentication and Secure and Mobile Web Service:

SilverWhere Secure Tools Client:

  • Message "Failed to update the address for authentication service!! “:

    An issue with the secure server.

  • Message "Connection to authentication service failed. Enter a valid address!! “:

    Enter the correct authentication web service address.

  • Message "Authentication server verification failed!! “:

    Browse to the web.config file of the SilverWhere Authentication Web Service and verify the SecureLogin URL and the connection string information.

  • Message "Failed to update the authentication details!! “:

    An issue with the secure server.

  • Message "Invalid login credentials!! “:

    In the User Setup module, verify if the authentication user under the Authentication user group exists. If not, create one. If the Authentication user group itself does not exist, run the SWDatabaseInstaller.exe to create the user group.

  • Message "Failed to login to Secure WS!! “:

    Verify if the secure server is up and running.

SilverWhere SWMobile Client:

  • Message "Authentication credentials not found for SERVER_NAME on secure service.“

    Login to the Secure Tools client and click on Manage Auth Info. Select the server from the drop-down menu and click on Save in order to update the DefaultServer value in the SWWebservice web.config file.

  • Message "No entry for default server found on secure service. Please update the web.config file."

    Open the web.config file of the SWWebServices and enter a value for "DefaultServer"

  • Message "Connect to authentication service failed. Kindly get assistants from System Administrator. ":

    Check if the SilverWhere Authentication Web Service is up and running.

  • Message "Failed to login to secure service!!"

    Verify if the secure service is up and running.

  • Message "No entry for authentication service address found on secure service. Kindly get assistance from System Administrator. ":

    Login to the SilverWhere Secure Tools clients and click on the Manage Auth Service button, enter the Authentication URL and click on OK.

  • Message "Webservice authentication failed!! Please verify authentication service.":

    The token registration has failed. This could be due to multiple reasons. Follow the SWAuthentication web service configuration

Common errors encountered during the installation of the SilverWhere SWReservation Web Service:

  • Message "ORA-12154: TNS could not resolve the connect identifier specified”:Adjust the SWPARAM.xml as mentioned in the above chapter

  • Wrong .NET framework version is installed:

    Install the correct .NET framework version as per the prerequisites

  • Directory Browse is disabled within the IIS:

    Enable Directory Browse in the IIS Manager

Common errors encountered during the SilverWhere Client installation:

Message prompt ‘Secure Server is not running or network not available. Please try again or contact System’s Administrator’

  • Ensure that you enter a valid Secure Web URL

Message prompt ‘Fail retrieving connection’s credential from secure site.’

  • The issue is caused as the Secure Info is not yet configured in the Secure Tools Client