About Financial Periods

Financial periods are predefined time periods you can apply to financial or scheduling data throughout the application to measure and compare that data. Customized financial periods provide more accurate display and reporting of actual costs and units according to time increments recognized by your finance and accounting staff. Users can focus on a financial period and pinpoint how actual costs were incurred during that time.

A calendar year with 365 days, a fiscal quarter ending July 15, and a week from Sunday to Saturday are all examples of financial periods.

You must have the 'Add/Edit/Delete Financial Period Calendar' global privilege to create, modify, or remove data on the Financial Periods page. To store past period actuals for a project's defined financial periods, you must have the 'Store Period Performance' and 'Add/Edit Activities Except Relationships' project privileges. To edit past period actual data in P6 Professional after storing period performance, users must have the 'Edit Period Performance' project privilege. A setting in the Display Format section of the Global tab of the My Preferences page determines whether a user can add Financial Period columns to their view and the earliest and latest financial period columns they can add. If a user adds Financial Period columns to their view, they should make sure that the view is using the appropriate financial period calendar for those columns. To set the financial period calendar for a view, select Customize View, select the Gantt tab, then choose the appropriate financial period calendar on the Financial Period list.

Related Topics

Creating Financial Period Calendars

Creating Financial Periods

Creating a Financial Period Batch

Deleting a Financial Period

Last Published Thursday, October 12, 2023