Configuring the WebLogic Message Queue

When an event is triggered, the P6 Event Notification system sends the event message to a message queue. To receive these notifications, you must first configure the message queue.

The following procedure indicates how to set up a WebLogic Java Messaging Service (JMS) message queue when the queue and P6 are on the same domain. See Sending Events to a Remote WebLogic JMS Server if the application and the queue are on different domains. For information about setting up other JMS-based message queues, see the vendor documentation.

To set up the WebLogic JMS message queue:

  1. In either a new or existing WebLogic domain, launch the WebLogic Administration Console if it is not already open.
  2. In the WebLogic Administration Console:
    1. Create a new JMS server and persistence store. See Creating a JMS Server and Persistence Store.
    2. Create a JMS module. See Creating a JMS Module.
    3. Create a new connection factory. See Creating a JMS Connection Factory.
    4. Create a new queue or topic. See Creating a JMS Message Queue and Subdeployment to see how to create a new queue.

      Note: Create a queue to deliver a message to a specific group of users. Create a topic to distribute a message amongst several users.

In This Section

Sending Events to a Remote WebLogic JMS Server

Configuring a Trust Relationship

Configuring and Testing the WebLogic Message Queue Security

Configuring the Security Policy for the WebLogic Message Queue

Creating a WebLogic Domain on a Remote or Local Server

Creating a JMS Server and Persistence Store

Creating a JMS Module

Creating a JMS Connection Factory

Creating a Foreign JMS Server

Creating a JMS Message Queue and Subdeployment

Last Published Thursday, October 12, 2023