Configuring Audit Settings

Configure Auditing in P6 so that you can produce reports about incremental changes to projects and project related data.

Note: Table auditing involves an increased amount of interaction between P6 and the database, which can affect performance.

To configure Auditing:

  1. Click Administration.
  2. On the Administration navigation bar, click Application Settings.
  3. On the Application Settings page, click Audit.
  4. On the Audit page:
    1. In the Interval to store user login information (in days) field, enter a number of days.
    2. In the Interval to store audit information (in days) field, enter a number of days.
    3. In the Select the tables and operations to audit list, select a table or operation to audit and click Add.
    4. In the Audit Tables section:
      • Select Audit Insert to audit insertions to the table.
      • Select Audit Update to audit updates to data in the table.
      • Select Audit Delete to audit deletions of data in the table.


        • Select Audit Inserts to see when new rows have been added to that table. For example, auditing inserts on the PROJECT table will show you when someone has created a new project.
        • Select Audit Updates to see when data in a table has been edited. For example, auditing updates on the PROJECT table will show you when someone has changed the name of a Project.
        • Select Audit Delete to see when data in a table has been deleted. For example, auditing updates ona the PROJECT table will show you when someone has deleted a project.
    5. Select Enable auditing for all tables.
  5. Click Save.


Related Topics

About Table Auditing

Last Published Thursday, October 12, 2023