Risk Scoring Matrices Page


Use this page to create, modify, and delete risk scoring matrices which are used to perform qualitative analysis on project risks. Project risk is assessed based on the values you assign to the thresholds defined in the risk scoring matrix.

Screen Elements

Add (Ins) button

Creates a new entry in the current table.

Customize View

Opens the Customize View dialog box.

Expand All button

Enables you to see all of the items in the hierarchical list.

Collapse All button

Enables you to hide subordinate items in the hierarchical list.

Full Screen

Expands the current work area so it fills the entire display.


Prints the current page, table, chart, or item.


Enables you to perform a search based on the value you enter in the search bar.

Row Actions menu

Add: Creates a new item.

Delete: Removes the selected item permanently.

Copy: Copies the selected item.

Paste: Pastes a previously cut or copied item into the selected position.

Expand: Enables you to see all of the items in a hierarchical list.

Collapse: Enables you to hide subordinate items in a hierarchical list.

Name field

The name of the risk scoring matrix.

Description field

A description of the selected risk scoring matrix.

Probability Threshold field

The name of the probability threshold assigned to the risk scoring matrix.

The probability threshold defines the likelihood of the risk occurring.

Matrix Size field

The dimensions of the risk scoring matrix, which are defined by the number of levels required for the probability threshold and the impact thresholds.

The visual representation of the risk scoring matrix is the probability and impact diagram (PID).

Cost Impact Threshold field

The names of the cost impact thresholds assigned to the risk scoring matrix.

Each risk scoring matrix must have a cost impact, which is the monetary impact if the risk occurs, and a schedule impact, which is the amount of time the risk will increase or decrease the project schedule. User-defined impacts are optional.

Schedule Impact Threshold field

The schedule impact threshold for the selected risk matrix.

User Impact Threshold field

The user impact threshold for the selected risk matrix.

Tolerance Threshold field

The name of the tolerance threshold that is assigned to the risk scoring matrix.

The tolerance threshold is the acceptability or manageability of a risk on a project.

Risk Scoring Method list

The type of calculation used to obtain an overall impact value, which is then used along with the probability to determine the score used to evaluate project risk. The overall impact value is calculated using one of the following three methods:

Highest Impact: The overall impact for a risk is set to the highest of all the impacts assigned to the risk.

Average Impact: The overall impact is determined by calculating the average of all impact values.

Average Individual Impact: The overall impact is determined by combining the value of each impact individually with the probability from the Probability and Impact Diagram. The total of all impact scores is then divided by the number of impacts.

Description field

The description of the scoring matrix.

Risk Scoring Matrices Page detail windows:

Projects Detail Window of the Risk Scoring Matrices Page.

Probability and Impact Diagram Detail Window of the Risk Scoring Matrices Page.

Probability Detail Window of the Risk Scoring Matrices Page.

Impacts Detail Window of the Risk Scoring Matrices Page.

Tolerance Detail Window of the Risk Scoring Matrices Page.

Show/Hide Tabs

Enables you to configure which tabs are shown and hidden.

Download link

Enables you to download the currently displayed data as a Microsoft Excel file. For hierarchical data, the top level and any expanded levels are downloaded. For flat lists, all columns are downloaded.


Getting Here

  1. Click Administration.
  2. On the Administration navigation bar, click Enterprise Data.
  3. On the Enterprise Data page, expand Risks and click Risk Scoring Matrices.

Related Topics

About Risks

About Risk Scoring Matrices

Working with Risk Scoring Matrices

Creating Risk Scoring Matrices

Assigning a Risk Scoring Matrix to a Project

Assigning a Risk Scoring Matrix to a Project from the Enterprise Data Pane

Assigning a Risk Scoring Matrix to a Project from the EPS Page

Assigning a Risk Scoring Matrix to a Project from the Portfolios Section

Last Published Wednesday, July 10, 2024