Roles Tab of the Administration Page


Use this tab to add, modify, and delete roles.

Screen Elements

Group By list

Enables you to group items in the table. Grouping gathers, or groups, together all of the data that contain the same value for the selected data field.


Sibling Role: Adds a role at the same level of the hierarchy as the selected role.

Child Role: Adds a role as a child of the selected role.

Actions menu

Auto Reorganize: Automatically moves items in the list to the appropriate list position or grouping band when they are changed.

Analyze Data Usage: Analyzes the usage of the data items listed in the grid.

Full Screen

Expands the current work area so it fills the entire display.

Customize View

Opens the Customize View dialog box.


Prints the Grid View.


Enables you to perform a search based on the value you enter in the search bar.

Row Actions

Add Sibling Role: Adds a role at the same level of the hierarchy as the selected role.

Add Child Role: Adds a role as a child of the selected role.

Delete: Deletes the selected item.

Cut: Cuts the selected item.

Copy: Copies the selected item.

Paste: Pastes a previously cut or copied item into the selected position.

Fill Down: Copies the data from the first cell selected to all other selected cells in the same column. Use CTRL or SHIFT to select multiple cells.

Expand: Enables you to see all of the items in a hierarchical list.

Collapse: Enables you to hide subordinate items in a hierarchical list.

Move Up: Moves the selected item up within the same level in the hierarchical arrangement.

Move Down: Moves the selected item down within the same level in the hierarchical arrangement.

Move Right: Moves the selected item one level lower in the hierarchical arrangement.

Move Left: Moves the selected item one level higher in the hierarchical arrangement.

ID field

The unique identifier for the role. This column is always visible on this page.

Name field

The name of the role. This column is always visible on this page.

Description field

The responsibilities for the role.

Calculate Cost from Units option

Determines whether by default any new assignments for this role will have its costs recalculated whenever any quantity changes occur.

Resources field

The list of resources assigned to the role.

Role Teams field

The list of role teams assigned to the role.

To see the following columns, click Analyze Data Usage.

Project Count field

The number of projects and baselines currently using the corresponding data item. The number reported in this column includes all projects and baselines in which the data item is assigned, regardless of your project access. To see a list of the projects and baselines using the corresponding data item, click the link. The list you see is restricted to those projects to which you have access.

Latest Update field

The most recent date that the corresponding data item was modified.

Latest Assignment Update field

The most recent date that the corresponding data item was assigned.

Latest Summarized Date field

The most recent time that a project or baseline using the corresponding data item was summarized.

Latest Published Date field

The most recent time that a project or baseline using the corresponding data item was published.

Latest Scheduled Date field

The most recent time that a project or baseline using the corresponding data item was scheduled.


Enables you to download the data as an Excel file. For hierarchical data, the top level and any expanded levels are downloaded. For flat lists, all rows are downloaded.

Collapse Dock

Collapses the dock.

Show/Hide Tabs

Enables you to configure which tabs are shown and hidden.

Roles Tab detail windows:

Resources Detail Window of the Roles Tab of the Administration Page

Prices Detail Window of the Roles Tab of the Administration Page

Role Teams Detail Window of the Roles Tab of the Administration Page

Codes Detail Window of the Roles Tab of the Administration Page

Units and Prices Detail Window of the Roles Tab of the Administration Page


Getting Here

  1. Click Resources.
  2. On the Resources navigation bar, click Administration.
  3. On the Administration page, click the Roles tab.

Related Topics

About Roles

Creating Roles

Assigning a Resource to a Role

Assigning a Role Team to a Role

Analyzing Enterprise Data Usage

Last Published Wednesday, July 10, 2024