Setting the Resources Detailed Assignments Gantt Chart Timescale

Set the timescale interval of the Gantt chart and apply shading for non-work time.

Note: If you only want to change the timescale, right-click the date bar in the Gantt chart and choose another timescale.

To set the timescale interval and apply shading for non-work time:

  1. Click Resources.
  2. On the Resources navigation bar, click Assignments.
    1. On the Assignments page, click Customize View.
    2. Click Gantt.
    3. On the Gantt tab:
      • Click the Timescale list and select the timescale for the Gantt chart.
      • Select Non-work time shading to apply shading to non-work time represented in the Gantt.
    4. Click Apply.


If you select the Week/Day timescale, the following fields are not applicable: Period Actual Units, Period At Completion Units, Period Actual Cost, Period Actual Completion Cost.

Related Topics

Working with Resource Assignments in the Gantt Chart

Viewing Resource Assignments in a Gantt Chart

Configuring the Resources Assignments Gantt Chart Bars

Last Published Wednesday, July 10, 2024