Steps Section of the Activity Form Page


Use this section to review existing activity steps and their status. You can customize the data columns in the Steps section to display percent complete and user defined fields. If you are the primary resource, you can report steps as completed and, depending on administrative and security settings, you can edit user defined fields associated with steps.

Screen Elements

Add Steps link

Opens the add steps page.

Add Steps from Templates link

Opens a dialog box to search and select a template to apply.

Step Name field

The name of the activity step which is unique to the activity.

Step Weight field

The weight assigned to the step.

Step weight indicates the step's importance to the activity. The higher the value, the greater the importance. Step weight is used to calculate Physical Percent Complete and Activity Percent Complete.

If you do not enter a step weight, the application assigns the step a default weight of one.

Step Weight Percent field

The step weight as a percentage.

Calculated as (Step Weight divided by Sum of Weight for all steps) multiplied by 100.

Step % Complete field

The completed percentage for each step.

Completed field

The status of the step.

Displays Yes if the step is complete and No if the step is not complete.

Description field

A detailed summary for the item.

The description provides more information than short names or titles. It can give background information or establish a purpose for the item. These details help differentiate between items with similar names and are especially useful in multi-user environments.

Getting Here

  1. Click Dashboards.
  2. On the Dashboards page, select a dashboard tab.
  3. On the dashboard tab, expand any portlet containing activities.
  4. In the portlet, click an activity.
  5. On the Activity Form page, expand the Steps section.

Related Topics

About Steps

Creating Activity Steps

Configuring Activity Steps

About Step Templates

Adding Activity Steps from a Step Template

Last Published Wednesday, July 10, 2024