Configuring General Activity Information

You can configure some of the general information for activities, including Activity Type, Duration Type, and Percent Complete Type.

Note: If P6 is integrated with Oracle Primavera Cloud for task integration, do not change the Activity IDs of activities in integrated projects.

To configure general activity information:

  1. Click Projects.
  2. On the Projects navigation bar, click Activities.
  3. On the Activities page, select an activity and click the General detail window.
    1. In the General detail window, configure the activity details to represent the information you want to display for that activity.
    2. Click Save.

Related Topics

About Activities

Working with Activities

Creating Activities

Copying and Pasting Activities

Renumbering Activities

Assigning Locations to Activities

Recalculating Assignment Costs

About Activity Types

About WBS Summary Activities

About Suspending and Resuming Activities

Dissolving Activities

About the Activity Table and Grid View

About Activity Networks

Last Published Wednesday, July 10, 2024