4.3 Deploy HEAT Templates

This procedure details how to deploy HEAT templates to create NOAM and Signaling stacks.


All the respective infrastructures have to be up and running. The required input files are available.

  1. Log in to the OpenStack CLI.
  2. Prepare the input files required for the deployment.
    To create NOAM and signaling stacks, provide these input files as parameters while deploying the HEAT templates.

    Template Files

    With respect to the deployment scenario decided in Prepare OpenStack Template and Environment Files the template files for NOAM and signaling stacks have been already determined.

    Environment Files

    With respect to the deployment scenario decided in Prepare OpenStack Template and Environment Files the environment files for NOAM and signaling stacks have been already determined.

    Parameter Files

    The parameter file for NOAM has already been created in Create OpenStack Parameter File for NOAM. The parameter file for signaling has already been created in Create OpenStack Parameter File for Signaling.

  3. Run the OpenStack command to create NOAM stack using the three input files. Ensure the template and environment files are selected with respect to NOAM stack as in Prepare OpenStack Template and Environment Files.
    openstack stack create -e <EnvironmentFileForNOAM.yaml> -e <ParameterFileForNOAM.yaml> -t <TemplateFileForNOAM> <NOAMStackName>
    Example for VIP scenario:
    $ openstack stack create -e dsrResources_provider.yaml -e SinglesiteProvider_Site00_NetworkOam_Params.yaml -t dsrNetworkOam_provider.yaml SinglesiteProvider_Site00_NetworkOam
  4. Run the OpenStack command to create signaling stack using the three input files. Make sure the template and environment files are selected with respect to signaling stack as per in Prepare OpenStack Template and Environment Files.
    openstack stack create -e <EnvironmentFileForSignaling.yaml> -e <ParameterFileForSignaling.yaml> -t <TemplateFileForSignaling> <SignalingStackName>
    Example for VIP scenario:
    $ openstack stack create -e dsrResources_provider.yaml -e SinglesiteProvider_Site00_SignalingNode_Params.yaml -t dsrSignalingNode_provider.yaml SinglesiteProvider_Site00_Signaling 
  5. Verify the stack creation status.
    1. Run this command to see the stack creation status.
      $ openstack stack show <stackname>

      Stack creation

      It takes about two minutes to complete the creation.
    2. Run the command again to verify the status.
      $ openstack stack show <stackname>

      Status Verify

  6. Retrieve required IPs from created stacks.
    1. Log in to the OpenStack GUI with valid credentials.

    2. Navigate to Project, and then Orchestration and click Stacks.

    3. Select the stack you created (<stackname>) and click Overview to see the IP details of the stack.


      • All NOAM IP information displays in the NOAM stack (<NOAMStackName>).
      • All signaling IP information displays in the signaling stack (<SignalingStackName>).
    4. Retrieve the IP details for DSR configuration.