5 Application Configuration

Configure the First NOAM NE and Server

This procedure configures the first NOAM VM.
  1. Resolve the Hostname to Get the HTTPD running.

    Change Hostname from the default value using sudo:

    1. Edit /etc/hosts file.


      Remove any occurrence of “.” and the “.<availability zone>” name, such as “.novalocal” from the hostname that might have got appended.
      1. Append the hostname to the IPv4 line as,

        “ localhost localhost4 NOAM1”

      2. Append the hostname to the IPv6 line as,

        “::1 localhost localhost6 NOAM1”

    2. Edit /etc/syconfig/network.
      1. Change the “HOSTNAME=XXXX” line to the new hostname.


      2. Set the hostname on the command line:

        $ sudo hostname NOAM1

    3. Reboot the VM.
      $ sudo init 6
  2. Establish a NOAM GUI session as the guiadmin user on the NOAM server by using the XMI IP address.
  3. In NOAM GUI, create the NOAM network element using the XML file.
    1. Navigate to Configuration, and then Networking, and then Networks.
    2. Click Browse and type the pathname of the NOAM network XML file.
    3. Click Upload File to upload the XML file. See the examples in Sample Network Element and Hardware Profiles and configure the NOAM network element.
    4. Once the data has been uploaded, you should see a tabs display with the name of your network element. Click on this tab which describes the individual networks that are now configured.
      Configured Network

  4. In NOAM GUI, map services to networks.
    1. Navigate to Configuration, and then Networking, and then Services.
    2. Click Edit and set the services as shown in the table below:

      Table 5-1 Network Services

      Name Intra-NE Network Inter-NE Network
      OAM <IMI Network> <XMI Network>
      Replication <IMI Network> <XMI Network>
      Signaling Unspecified Unspecified
      HA_Secondary Unspecified Unspecified
      HA_MP_Secondary Unspecified Unspecified
      Replication_MP <IMI Network> Unspecified
      ComAgent <IMI Network> Unspecified

      For example, if your IMI network is named IMI and your XMI network is named XMI, then your services configuration should look like the following:

    3. Click OK to apply the Service-to-Network selections. Dismiss any possible popup notifications.
  5. In NOAM GUI, insert the 1st NOAM VM.
    1. Navigate to Configuration, and then Servers.
    2. Click Insert to insert the new NOAM server into servers table (the first or server).
      New NOAM server

    3. Fill in the fields as follows:

      Hostname: <Hostname>

      Role: NETWORK OAM&P

      System ID: <Site System ID>

      Hardware Profile: DSR Guest

      Network Element Name: [Select NE from drop-down list]

      The network interface fields are now available with selection choices based on the chosen hardware profile and network element.

      OAM interfaces

    4. Fill in the server IP addresses for the XMI network. Select ethX for the interface. Leave the VLAN checkbox unchecked.
    5. Fill in the server IP addresses for the IMI network. Select ethX for the interface. Leave the VLAN checkbox unchecked.
    6. Add the following NTP servers:

      Table 5-2 NTP Servers

      NTP Server Preferred?
      Valid NTP Server Yes
      Valid NTP Server No
      Valid NTP Server No
    7. Click OK when you have completed entering all the server data.


      Properly configure the NTP on the controller node to reference lower stratum NTP servers.
  6. In NOAM GUI, export the initial configuration.
    1. Navigate to Configuration, and then Servers.
    2. From the GUI screen, select the NOAM server and click Export to generate the initial configuration data for that server. Go to the Info tab to confirm the file has been created.
  7. In NOAM Server, copy configuration file to 1st NOAM server.
    1. Obtain a terminal window to the 1st NOAM server, logging in as the admusr user.
    2. Copy the configuration file created in the previous step from the /var/TKLC/db/filemgmt directory on the 1st NOAM to the /var/tmp directory. The configuration file has a filename like TKLCConfigData.<hostname>.sh. For example:
      $ sudo cp /var/TKLC/db/filemgmt/TKLCConfigData.<hostname>.sh /var/tmp/TKLCConfigData.sh
  8. In first NOAM Server, wait for configuration to complete.

    The automatic configuration daemon looks for the file named TKLCConfigData.sh in the /var/tmp directory, implements the configuration in the file, and prompts the user to reboot the server.

    If you are on the console, wait to be prompted to reboot the server, but do not reboot the server, it is rebooted later in this procedure.

    Verify the script completed successfully by checking the following file.
    $ sudo cat /var/TKLC/appw/logs/Process/install.log


    Ignore the warning about removing the USB key since no USB key is present. No response occurs until the reboot prompt is issued.
  9. In first NOAM Server, set the time zone (Optional) and reboot the server.

    To change the system time zone, from the command line prompt, run set_ini_tz.pl. The following command example uses the America/New_York time zone.

    Replace, as appropriate, with the time zone you have selected for this installation. For a full list of valid time zones, see List of Frequently Used Time Zones.
    $ sudo /usr/TKLC/appworks/bin/set_ini_tz.pl
    "America/New_York" >/dev/null 2>&1
    $ date 
    $ sudo init 6
    Wait for server to reboot.
  10. In first NOAM Server, verify server health.
    1. Log in to the NOAM1 as the admusr user.
    2. Run the following command as admusr on the first NOAM server and ensure no errors are returned:
      $ sudo syscheck
      Running modules in class hardware                                
      Running modules in class disk                                
      Running modules in class net                                
      Running modules in class system                                
      Running modules in class proc                                
      LOG LOCATION: /var/TKLC/log/syscheck/fail_log

Configure the NOAM Server Group

This procedure configures the NOAM server group.

  1. Log in to NOAM GUI.
    1. Establish a GUI session on the first NOAM server by using the XMI IP address of the first NOAM server. Open the web browser and type http://<NO1_XMI_IP_Address> as the URL.
    2. Log in as the guiadmin user. If prompted by a security warming, click Continue to this Website to proceed.
  2. In NOAM GUI, enter NOAM server group data.
    1. Navigate to Configuration, and then Server Groups.
    2. Click Insert and fill in the following fields:

      Server Group Name: [Enter Server Group Name]

      Level: A

      Parent: None

      Function: DSR (Active/Standby Pair)

      WAN Replication Connection Count:Use Default Value

      Add New Server Group

    3. Click OK when all fields are filled.
  3. In NOAM GUI, edit the NOAM server group.
    1. Navigate to Configuration, and then Server Groups.
    2. Select the new server group and click Edit.

      Select the network element that represents the NOAM.

      NE for NOAM

    3. In the portion of the screen that lists the servers for the server group, find the NOAM server being configured. Mark the Include in SG checkbox.
    4. Leave the other box unchecked.
    5. Click OK.
  4. In NOAM server, verify NOAM VM role.

    From console window of the first NOAM VM, run the ha.mystate command to verify the DbReplication and VIP items under the resourceId column has a value of Active under the role column.

    You may have to wait a few minutes for it to be in that state.


  5. In NOAM GUI, restart first NOAM VM.
    1. Navigate to Status & Manage, and then Server.
    2. Select the first NOAM server. Click Restart.
    3. Click OK on the confirmation screen and wait for restart to complete.
  6. In NOAM server, set sysmetric thresholds for VMs.


    These commands disable the message rate threshold alarms.
    From console window of the first NOAM VM, run the iset commands as admusr:
    $ sudo iset -feventNumber='-1' SysMetricThreshold  where "metricId='RoutingMsgRate' and function='DIAM'"
    $ sudo iset -feventNumber='-1' SysMetricThreshold  where "metricId='RxRbarMsgRate' and function='RBAR'"
    $ sudo iset -feventNumber='-1' SysMetricThreshold  where "metricId='RxFabrMsgRate' and function='FABR'"
    Verify, if the correct value was configured.
    $ sudo iqt SysMetricThreshold | grep RxFabrIngressMsgRate
    RxFabrMsgRate   FABR  *C RunningAvg   -1   38000     36000      3000
    RxFabrMsgRate   FABR  ** RunningAvg   -1   32000     28000      3000
    RxFabrMsgRate   FABR  -* RunningAvg   -1   2400      20000      3000

Configure the Second NOAM Server

This procedure configures the second NOAM server.
  1. Log in to NOAM GUI.
    1. If not already done, establish a GUI session on the first NOAM server by using the XMI IP address of the first NOAM server. Open the web browser and type http://<NO1_XMI_IP_Address> as the URL.
    2. Log in as the guiadmin user.
  2. In NOAM GUI, insert the second NOAM VM.
    1. Navigate to Configuration, and then Servers.
    2. Click Insert to insert the new NOAM server into servers table (the first or server).
    3. Fill in the fields as follows:

      Hostname: <Hostname>

      Role: NETWORK OAM&P

      System ID: <Site System ID>

      Hardware Profile: DSR Guest

      Network Element Name: [Choose NE list]

      The network interface fields are now available with selection choices based on the chosen hardware profile and network element.

      OAM interface

    4. Fill in the server IP addresses for the XMI network. Select ethX for the interface. Leave the VLAN checkbox unmarked.
    5. Fill in the server IP addresses for the IMI network. Select ethX for the interface. Leave the VLAN checkbox unmarked.
    6. Add the following NTP servers:

      Table 5-3 NTP Server

      NTP Server Preferred?
      Valid NTP Server Yes
      Valid NTP Server No
      Valid NTP Server No
    7. Click OK when you have completed entering all the server data.


      Properly configure the NTP on the controller node to reference lower stratum NTP servers.
  3. In NOAM GUI, export the initial configuration.
    1. Navigate to Configuration, and then Servers.
    2. From the GUI screen, select server just configured and click Export to generate the initial configuration data for that server. Go to the Info tab to confirm the file has been created.
  4. In first NOAM server, copy configuration file to second NOAM server.
    1. Obtain a terminal session to the 1st NOAM as the admusr user.
    2. Log in as the admusr user to the NO1 shell and issue the following commands:
      $ sudo scp /var/TKLC/db/filemgmt/TKLCConfigData.<hostname>.sh admusr@<ipaddr>:/var/tmp/TKLCConfigData.sh


      ipaddr is the IP address of NOAM2 assigned to its ethx interface associated with the xmi network.
  5. In second NOAM server, wait for configuration to complete.
    1. Obtain a terminal session to the second NOAM as the admusr user.

      The automatic configuration daemon looks for the file named TKLCConfigData.sh in the /var/tmp directory, implements the configuration in the file, and prompts the user to reboot the server.

    2. If you are on the console, wait to be prompted to reboot the server, but do not reboot the server, it is rebooted later in this procedure.
    3. Verify script completed successfully by checking the following file.
      $ sudo cat /var/TKLC/appw/logs/Process/install.log


      Ignore the warning about removing the USB key since no USB key is present.
  6. In second NOAM server, reboot the server.
    Obtain a terminal session to the second NOAM as the admusr user.
    $ sudo init 6
    Wait for server to reboot.
  7. In second NOAM server, verify server health.
    1. Log in to the NOAM2 as admusr and wait.
    2. Run the following command as super-user on the second NO server and make sure no errors are returned:
      $ sudo syscheck
      Running modules in class hardware...                                
      Running modules in class disk...                                
      Running modules in class net...                                
      Running modules in class system...                                
      Running modules in class proc...                                
      LOG LOCATION: /var/TKLC/log/syscheck/fail_log

Complete the NOAM Server Group Configuration

This procedure configures the NOAM Server Group.

  1. In NOAM GUI, edit the NOAM Server Group Data.
    1. From the GUI session on the first NOAM server, navigate to Configuration, and then Server Groups.
    2. Select the NOAM server group and click Edit.
    3. Add the second NOAM server to the server group by marking the Include in SG checkbox for the second NOAM server. Then, click Apply.
      Second NOAM

    4. Click Add to add a NOAM VIP. Type the VIP Address and click OK.
      NOAM VIP

  2. Establish a GUI session on the NOAM by using the NOAM VIP address. Login as the guiadmin user.
  3. Wait for the alarm ID 10200 Remote Database re-initialization in progress to be cleared before proceeding to Alarms & Events, and then View Active.
  4. In NOAM GUI, restart the second NOAM VM.
    1. Navigate to Status & Manage, and then Server and select the second NOAM server.
    2. Click Restart.
    3. Click OK on the confirmation screen.

      Wait approximately 3-5 minutes before proceeding to allow the system to stabilize indicated by having the Appl State as Enabled.


      In case you receive alarm, 10073 – Server group max allowed HA Role warning, perform the following:
      1. Log in to the SO GUI and navigate to the Status & Manage, and then HA.
      2. Click Edit and change the Max Allowed HA role of the current Standby SOAM to Active.


      If this deployment contains SDS, SDS can now be installed. Refer to document referenced in SDS SW Installation and Configuration Guide.

Configure the DR NOAM NE and Server

This procedure configures the first DR NOAM VM. This is an optional procedure.

  1. Establish a GUI session on the primary NOAM server by using the XMI VIP IP address.
  2. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, create the DR NOAM network element using the XML file.
    1. Navigate to Configuration, and then Networking, and then Networks.
    2. Click Browse and type the pathname to the NOAM network XML file.
    3. Click Upload File to upload the XML file.

      See the examples in Sample Network Element and Hardware Profiles and configure the NOAM network element.

    4. Once the data has been uploaded, you should see tabs appear with the name of your network element. Click on the tab, which describes the individual networks that are now configured.
      Configured Networks

  3. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, insert the first DR NOAM VM.
    1. Navigate to Configuration, and then Servers.
    2. Click Insert to insert the new NOAM server into servers table (the first or server).
    3. Fill in the fields as follows:

      Hostname: <Hostname>

      Role: NETWORK OAM&P

      System ID: <Site System ID>

      Hardware Profile: DSR Guest

      Network Element Name: [Select NE from list]

      The network interface fields are now available with selection choices based on the chosen hardware profile and network element.

    4. Fill in the server IP addresses for the XMI network. Select ethX for the interface. Leave the VLAN checkbox unchecked.
    5. Fill in the server IP addresses for the IMI network. Select ethX for the interface. Leave the VLAN checkbox unchecked.
    6. Add the following NTP servers:

      Table 5-4 NTP Servers

      NTP Server Preferred?
      Valid NTP Server Yes
      Valid NTP Server No
      Valid NTP Server No
    7. Click OK when you have completed entering all the server data.


      Properly configure the NTP on the controller node to reference lower stratum NTP servers.
  4. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, export the initial configuration.
    1. Navigate to Configuration, and then Servers.
    2. From the GUI screen, select the NOAM server and click Export to generate the initial configuration data for that server. Go to the Info tab to confirm the file has been created.
  5. In primary NOAM server, copy configuration file from the first primary NOAM server to the first NOAM at the DR-NOAM server.
    1. Obtain a terminal window to the Primary NOAM server, logging in as the admusr user.
    2. Copy the configuration file created in the previous step from the /var/TKLC/db/filemgmt directory on the first NOAM at the DR-NOAM server in the /var/tmp directory. The configuration file has a filename like TKLCConfigData.<hostname>.sh. The following is an example:
      $ sudo scp /var/TKLC/db/filemgmt/TKLCConfigData.<hostname>.sh /var/tmp/TKLCConfigData.sh
  6. In first DR NOAM server, wait for configuration to complete.

    The automatic configuration daemon looks for the file named TKLCConfigData.sh in the /var/tmp directory, implements the configuration in the file, and prompts the user to reboot the server.

    If you are on the console, wait to be prompted to reboot the server, but do not reboot the server, it is rebooted later in this procedure.

    Verify the script completed successfully by checking the following file.
    $ sudo cat /var/TKLC/appw/logs/Process/install.log


    Ignore the warning about removing the USB key since no USB key is present. No response occurs until the reboot prompt is issued.
  7. In first DR NOAM server, reboot the server.
    Obtain a terminal window to the 1st DR NOAM server, logging in as the admusr user.
    $ sudo init 6
    Wait for server to reboot.
  8. In first DR NOAM server, verify server health.
    1. Obtain a terminal window to the first DR NOAM server, logging in as the admusr user.
    2. Run the following command as admusr and ensure that no errors are returned:
      $ sudo syscheck
      Running modules in class hardware...                                
      Running modules in class disk...                                
      Running modules in class net...                                
      Running modules in class system...                                
      Running modules in class proc...                                
      LOG LOCATION: /var/TKLC/log/syscheck/fail_log

Configure the DR NOAM Server Group

This procedure configures the DR NOAM server group. This is an optional procedure.

  1. Log in to primary NOAM VIP GUI.
    1. Establish a GUI session on the primary NOAM server by using the XMI IP address of the first NOAM server. Open the web browser and type http://<NO1_XMI_IP_Address> as the URL.
    2. Log in as the guiadmin user. If prompted by a security warming, click Continue to this Website to proceed.
  2. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, enter DR NOAM server group data.
    1. Using the GUI session on the primary NOAM server, navigate to Configuration, and then Server Groups.
    2. Click Insert and fill in the following fields:

      Server Group Name: [Enter Server Group Name]

      Level: A

      Parent: None

      Function: DSR (Active/Standby Pair)

      WAN Replication Connection Count:Use Default Value

    3. Click OK when all fields are filled.
  3. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, edit the DR NOAM server group.
    1. Navigate to Configuration, and then Server Groups.
    2. Select the new server group and click Edit.
    3. Select the network element that represents the DR NOAM.
    4. In the portion of the screen that lists the servers for the server group, find the NOAM server being configured. Mark the Include in SG checkbox.
    5. Leave other boxes unchecked.
    6. Click OK.
  4. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, restart first DR NOAM VM.
    1. From the NOAM GUI, navigate to Status & Manage, and then Server.
    2. Select the first NOAM server. Click Restart.
    3. Click OK on the confirmation screen and wait for restart to complete.

Configure the Second DR NOAM Server

This procedure configures the second DR NOAM server. This is an optional procedure.

  1. Log in to primary NOAM VIP GUI.
    1. If not already done, establish a GUI session on the first NOAM server by using the XMI IP address of the first NOAM server. Open the web browser and type http://<NOAM1_XMI_IP_Address> as the URL.
    2. Log in as the guiadmin user.
  2. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, insert the second DR NOAM VM.
    1. Navigate to Main Menu, and then Configuration, and then Servers.
    2. Click Insert to insert the new NOAM server into servers table (the first or second server).
    3. Fill in the fields as follows:

      Hostname: <Hostname>

      Role: NETWORK OAM&P

      System ID: <Site System ID>

      Hardware Profile: DSR Guest

      Network Element Name: [Choose NE from list]

      The network interface fields are now available with selection choices based on the chosen hardware profile and network element.

    4. Fill in the server IP addresses for the XMI network. Select ethX for the interface. Leave the VLAN checkbox unmarked.
    5. Fill in the server IP addresses for the IMI network. Select ethX for the interface. Leave the VLAN checkbox unmarked.
    6. Add the following NTP servers:

      Table 5-5 NTP Servers

      NTP Server Preferred?
      Valid NTP Server Yes
      Valid NTP Server No
      Valid NTP Server No
    7. Click OK when you have completed entering all the server data.


      Properly configure the NTP on the controller node to reference lower stratum NTP servers.
  3. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, export the initial configuration.
    1. Navigate to Configuration, and then Servers.
    2. From the GUI screen, select the server just configured and click Export to generate the initial configuration data for that server.
    3. Go to the Info tab to confirm the file has been created.
  4. In primary NOAM, copy configuration file to second DR NOAM server.
    1. Obtain a terminal session to the primary NOAM as the admusr user.
    2. Log in as the admusr user to the NOAM1 shell and issue the following commands:
      $ sudo scp /var/TKLC/db/filemgmt/TKLCConfigData.<hostname>.sh


      ipaddr is the IP address of DR NOAM assigned to its ethx interface associated with the XMI network.
  5. In second DR NOAM server, wait for configuration to complete.
    1. Obtain a terminal session to the second DR NOAM as the admusr user.

      The automatic configuration daemon looks for the file named TKLCConfigData.sh in the /var/tmp directory, implements the configuration in the file, and prompts the user to reboot the server.

    2. If you are on the console, wait to be prompted to reboot the server, but do not reboot the server, it is rebooted later in this procedure.
    3. Verify script completed successfully by checking the following file.
      $ sudo cat /var/TKLC/appw/logs/Process/install.log


      Ignore the warning about removing the USB key since no USB key is present.
  6. In second DR NOAM server, reboot the server.
    Obtain a terminal session to the second DR NOAM as the admusr user.
    $ sudo init 6
    Wait for server to reboot.
  7. In second DR NO server, verify server health.
    1. Obtain a terminal session to the second DR NOAM as the admusr user.
    2. Run the following command as super-user and make sure no errors are returned:
      $ sudo syscheck
      Running modules in class hardware...                         
      Running modules in class disk...                                
      Running modules in class net...                                
      Running modules in class system...                                
      Running modules in class proc...                                
      LOG LOCATION: /var/TKLC/log/syscheck/fail_log

Complete Configuring the DR NOAM Server Group

This procedure finishes configuring the DR NOAM Server Group. This is an optional procedure.

  1. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, edit the DR NOAM server group data.
    1. From the GUI session on the primary NOAM server, navigate to Configuration, and then Server Groups.
    2. Select the NOAM server group and click Edit.
    3. Add the second NOAM server to the server group by marking the Include in SG checkbox for the second NOAM server. Then, click Apply.
    4. Click Add to add an NOAM VIP. Type the VIP Address and click OK.

  2. Establish a GUI session on the primary NOAM by using the NOAM VIP address. Login as the guiadmin user.
  3. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, wait for the alarm ID 10200 Remote Database re-initialization in progress to be cleared before proceeding to Alarms & Events, and then View Active.
  4. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, restart second DR NOAM VM.
    1. Navigate to Status & Manage, and then Server and select the second DR NOAM server.
    2. Click Restart.
    3. Select OK on the confirmation screen.

      Wait approximately 3-5 minutes before proceeding to allow the system to stabilize indicated by having the Appl State as Enabled.

  5. In primary NOAM, modify DSR OAM process.

    Establish an SSH session to the primary NOAM, login as the admusr user. Run the following commands:

    1. Retrieve the cluster ID of the DR-NOAM:
      $ sudo iqt –NodeID TopologyMapping where "NodeID='<DR_NOAM_Host_Name>' "
      Server_ID     NodeID                 ClusterID
      1             Oahu-DSR-DR-NOAM-2     A1055
    2. Run the following command to start the DSR OAM process on the DR‑NOAM.
      $ echo "<clusterID>|DSROAM_Proc|Yes" | iload –ha –xun -fcluster –fresource –foptional HaClusterResourceCfg

Configure the SOAM NE

This procedure configures the SOAM network element.

  1. If needed, establish a GUI session on the NOAM by using the NOAM VIP address. Login as the guiadmin user.
  2. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, create the SOAM network element using an XML file.

    Ensure to have an SOAM network element XML file available on the PC running the web browser. The SOAM network element XML file is similar to what was created and used in Configure the First NOAM NE and Server, but defines the SOAM network element.

    Refer to Sample Network Element and Hardware Profiles for a sample network element xml file.

    1. Navigate to Configuration, and then Networking, and then Networks.
    2. Click Browse and type the path and name of the SOAM network XML file.
    3. Click Upload to upload the XML file and configure the SOAM network element.

Configure the SOAM Servers

This procedure configures the SOAM servers.
  1. If needed, establish a GUI session on the NOAM by using the NOAM VIP address. Login as the guiadmin user.
  2. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, insert the first SOAM server.
    1. Navigate to Configuration, and then Server.
    2. Click Insert to insert the new SOAM server into servers table.
    3. Fill in the fields as follows:

      Hostname: <SO1-Hostname>

      Role: SYSTEM OAM

      System ID: <Site System ID>

      Hardware Profile: DSR Guest

      Network Element Name: [Choose NE from list]

      The network interface fields are now available with selection choices based on the chosen hardware profile and network element.

    4. Fill in the server IP addresses for the XMI network. Select ethX for the interface. Leave the VLAN checkbox unmarked.
    5. Fill in the server IP addresses for the IMI network. Select ethX for the interface. Leave the VLAN checkbox unmarked.
    6. Add the following NTP servers:

      Table 5-6 NTP Servers

      NTP Server Preferred?
      Valid NTP Server Yes
      Valid NTP Server No
      Valid NTP Server No
    7. Click OK when you have completed entering the server data.


      Properly configure the NTP on the controller node to reference lower stratum NTP servers.
  3. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, export the initial configuration.
    1. Navigate to Configuration, and then Server.
    2. From the GUI screen, select the desired server and click Export to generate the initial configuration data for that server.
    3. Go to the Info tab to confirm the file has been created.
  4. In primary NOAM, copy configuration file to the first SOAM server.
    Log in as the admusr user to the NOAM1 shell and issue the commands:
    $ sudo scp /var/TKLC/db/filemgmt/TKLCConfigData.<hostname>.sh admusr@<ipaddr>:/var/tmp/TKLCConfigData.sh
  5. In the first SOAM server, wait for configuration to complete.
    1. Obtain a terminal session on the first SOAM as the admusr user.

      The automatic configuration daemon looks for the file named TKLCConfigData.sh in the /var/tmp directory, implements the configuration in the file, and prompts the user to reboot the server.

    2. If you are on the console wait to be prompted to reboot the server, but do not reboot the server, it is rebooted later in this procedure.
    3. Verify script completed successfully by checking the following file.
      $ sudo cat /var/TKLC/appw/logs/Process/install.log


      Ignore the warning about removing the USB key since no USB key is present.
  6. In first SOAM server, reboot the server.
    Obtain a terminal session to the first SOAM as the admusr user.
    $ sudo init 6
    Wait for server to reboot.
  7. In first SOAM server, verify server health.
    1. After the system reboots, login again as the admusr user.
    2. Run the following command and make sure that no errors are returned:
      # sudo syscheck
      Running modules in class hardware...                                
      Running modules in class disk...                                
      Running modules in class net...                                
      Running modules in class system...                                
      Running modules in class proc...                                
      LOG LOCATION: /var/TKLC/log/syscheck/fail_log
  8. Insert and configure the second SOAM server by repeat steps 1 through 7 for second SOAM.
    1. Repeat this procedure to insert and configure the second SOAM server.

      Enter the network data for the second SOAM server, transfer the TKLCConfigData file to the second SOAM server, and reboot the second SOAM server when asked at a terminal window.

    2. Wait approximately 5 minutes for the second SOAM server to reboot.


      For DSR mated sites, repeat this step for additional/spare SOAM server for mated site.

Configure the SOAM Server Group

This procedure configures the SOAM server group.

  1. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, enter SOAM server group data.
    1. From the GUI session on the NOAM VIP address, navigate to Configuration, and then Server Groups.
    2. Click Insert and add the SOAM server group name along with the values for the following fields:

      Name: [Enter Server Group Name]

      Level: B

      Parent: [Select the NOAM Server Group]

      Function: DSR (Active/Standby Pair)

      WAN Replication Connection Count: Use Default Value

    3. Click OK when all fields are filled.


      For DSR mated sites, repeat this step for additional SOAM server groups where the preferred SOAM spares may be entered before the active/standby SOAMs.
  2. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, edit the SOAM server group and add VIP.
    1. Navigate to Configuration, and then Server Groups.
    2. Select the new SOAM server group and click Edit.
    3. Add both SOAM servers to the server group primary site by marking the Include in SG checkbox.
    4. Click Apply.
  3. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, add the SOAM VIP.
    1. Navigate to Configuration, and then Server Groups.
    2. Select the new SOAM server group and click Edit.
    3. Click Add to add a SOAM VIP. Type the VIP Address and click OK.
  4. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, edit the SOAM server group and add preferred spares for site redundancy.

    This is an optional step.

    If the two-site redundancy feature is wanted for the SOAM server group, add an SOAM server located in its server group secondary site by marking the Include in SG and Preferred Spare checkboxes.


    For more information about server group secondary site or site redundancy, see the Terminology section.
  5. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, edit the SOAM server group and add additional SOAM VIPs.

    This is an optional step.

    1. Click Add to add SOAM VIPs.
    2. Type the VIP Address and click OK.


      Additional SOAM VIPs only apply to SOAM server groups with preferred spare SOAMs.
  6. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, wait for replication.

    After replication, the server status should be active. Navigate to Status & Manage, and then HA.


    This may take up to 5 minutes while the servers figure out master/slave relationship.
    Look for the alarm ID 10200 Remote Database re-initialization in progress to be cleared before proceeding. Navigate to Alarms, and then View Active.
  7. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, restart first SOAM server.
    1. From the NOAM GUI, navigate to Status & Manage, and then Server and select the first SOAM server.
    2. Click Restart.
    3. Click OK on the confirmation screen.

      Wait for restart to complete. Wait for the Appl State to change to Enabled, and all other columns to Norm.


      Repeat this step for the second SOAM.
  8. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, restart all preferred spare SOAM servers.

    This is an optional step.

    1. If additional preferred spare servers are configured for secondary sites, navigate to Status & Manage, and then Server and select all the Preferred Spare SOAM servers.
    2. Click Restart and then, click OK to the confirmation popup.

      Wait for the Appl State to change to Enabled and all other columns to change to Norm.

Activate PCA/DCA

This procedure activates PCA/DCA. This is applicable only for PCA and DCA.

  1. Activate PCA feature.
    If you are installing PCA, run the applicable procedures (Added SOAM site activation or complete system activation) of the DSR PCA Activation Guide to activate PCA.


    • If not all SOAM sites are ready at this point, then you should repeat activation for each new SOAM site that comes online.
    • Ignore steps to restart DA-MPs and SBRs that have yet to be configured.
  2. Activate DCA feature.
    If you are installing PCA, run DCA Framework and Application Activation and Deactivation Guide to activate the DCA framework and feature.


    • If not all SOAM sites are ready at this point, then you should repeat activation for each new SOAM site that comes online.
    • Ignore steps to restart DA-MPs and SBRs that have yet to be configured.

Configure the MP Virtual Machines

This procedure configures MP VMs (IPFE, SBR, DA-MP, and vSTP).

  1. If needed, establish a GUI session on the NOAM by using the NOAM VIP address. Login as the guiadmin user.
  2. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, navigate to the signaling network configuration screen.
    1. Navigate to Configuration, and then Networking, and then Networks.
    2. Navigate to the SO Network Element tab under which the MPs are to be configured.
    3. Click Insert in the lower left corner.
  3. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, add signaling networks.

    The following screen displays.

    Signaling Network

    1. Type the Network Name, Network Type, VLAN ID, Network Address, Netmask, and Router IP that matches the signaling network.


      Even if the network does not use VLAN tagging, you should type the correct VLAN ID here as indicated by the NAPD.
      1. Select Signaling for Network Type.
      2. Select No for Default Network.
      3. Select Yes for Routable.
    2. If you are finished adding signaling networks, click OK. To save this signaling network and repeat this step to enter additional signaling networks, click Apply .
  4. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, navigate to signaling network configuration screen.


    Run this step only if you are defining a separate, dedicated network for SBR Replication. This step is applicable only for PCA or DCA.
    1. Navigate to Configuration, and then Networking, and then Networks.
    2. Click Insert in the lower left corner.
  5. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, define SBR DB replication network.


    Run this step only if you are defining a separate, dedicated network for SBR replication. This is applicable only for PCA.
    1. Type the Network Name, Network Type, VLAN ID, Network Address, Netmask, and Router IP that matches the SBR DB replication network.


      Even if the network does not use VLAN tagging, you should type the correct VLAN ID here as indicated by the NAPD.
      1. Select No for Default Network.
      2. Select Yes for Routable.
    2. If you are finished adding signaling networks, click OK. To save this signaling network and repeat this step to enter additional signaling networks, click Apply .
  6. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, perform additional service to networks mapping.


    Run this step only if you are defining a separate, dedicated network for SBR replication. This is only applicable to PCA.
    1. Navigate to Configuration, and then Networking, and then Services.
    2. Click Edit.
    3. Set the services using one of the following scenarios.
      • If the dual-path HA configuration is required:

        For HA_MP_Secondary, Oracle recommends the inter-NE network is set as the XMI network and intra-NE network is set as the IMI network. If the primary interface (Replication_MP) SBR DB Replication Network interface goes down, use the secondary network for sharing HA status to reduce the likelihood of a split brain. This leads to DSR mate isolation from the active SBR and results in traffic loss until SBR DB Replication Network is down.

        Table 5-7 Replication Network

        Name Intra-NE Network Inter-NE Network
        HA_MP_Secondary <IMI Network> <XMI Network>
        Replication_MP <IMI Network> <SBR DB Replication Network>
        ComAgent <IMI Network> <SBR DB Replication Network>


      • If the dual-path HA configuration is not required:

        The intra-NE network is set as the IMI network and inter-NE network is set as the PCA replication network (configured in step 5. This may lead to a split database scenario in case the SBR DB Replication Network interface goes down. Due to this, an active SBR server in each site is in effect.

        Table 5-8 Replication Network

        Name Intra-NE Network Inter-NE Network
        HA_MP_Secondary <IMI Network> <SBR DB Replication Network>
        Replication_MP <IMI Network> <SBR DB Replication Network>
        ComAgent <IMI Network> <SBR DB Replication Network>


    4. Click OK to apply the Service-to-Network selections.
  7. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, insert the MP or IPFE server – Part 1.
    1. Navigate to Configuration, and then Servers.
    2. Click Insert to add the new MP or IPFE server into servers table.
    3. Fill in the following values:

      Hostname: <Hostname>

      Role: MP

      System ID: <Site System ID>

      Hardware Profile: DSR Guest

      Network Element Name: [Choose NE from list]

    4. For the XMI network, type the MP's XMI IP address. Select the correct interface.
    5. Leave the VLAN checkbox unmarked.
    6. For the IMI network, type the MP's IMI IP address. Select the correct interface.
      1. Leave the VLAN checkbox unmarked.
      2. For the Replication network, type the MP's XSI2 IP address. This is the IP address should be used from the name defined in step 5. This name would be the same name that is referred to as SBR DB Replication Network in step 6. Select the correct interface.
    7. For the XSI1 network, type the MP's XSI1 IP address. Select the correct interface.


      Leave the VLAN checkbox unmarked.
    8. For the XSI2 network, type the MP's XSI2 IP address. Select the correct interface.


      • Leave the VLAN checkbox unmarked.
      • If more XSI networks are configured, follow the same method of entry as XSI1 and XSI2. All interfaces need to be added sequentially for any server.
    9. Add the following NTP servers:

      Table 5-9 NTP Servers

      NTP Server Preferred?
      Valid NTP Server Yes
      Valid NTP Server No
      Valid NTP Server No
    10. Click OK when all fields are filled in to finish MP server insertion.


      Properly configure the NTP on the controller node to reference lower stratum NTP servers.
  8. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, export the initial configuration.
    1. Navigate to Configuration, and then Networking, and then Servers.
    2. From the GUI screen, select the server that was just configured and click Export to generate the initial configuration data for that server.
    3. Go to the Info tab to confirm the file has been created.
  9. In MP server, log into the MP.

    Obtain a terminal window connection on the MP or IPFE server.

  10. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, copy configuration file to MP or IPFE server.
    From the active NOAM console, login as the admusr user.
    $ sudo scp /var/TKLC/db/filemgmt/TKLCConfigData.<hostname>.sh admusr@<ipaddr>:/var/tmp/TKLCConfigData.sh


    ipaddr is the XMI IP address of the MP or IPFE.
  11. In MP server, wait for configuration to complete.
    1. Obtain a terminal session on the MP or IPFE as the admusr user.

      The automatic configuration daemon looks for the file named TKLCConfigData.sh in the /var/tmp directory, implements the configuration in the file, and prompts the user to reboot the server.

    2. If you are on the console, wait to be prompted to reboot the server, but DO NOT reboot the server, it is rebooted later in this procedure.
    3. Verify script completed successfully by checking the following file.
      $ sudo cat /var/TKLC/appw/logs/Process/install.log


      Ignore the warning about removing the USB key since no USB key is present.
  12. In MP server, reboot the server.
    Obtain a terminal session on the MP or IPFE as the admusr user.
    $ sudo init 6
    Wait for server to reboot.
  13. In MP server, verify server health.
    1. After the reboot, login as the admusr user.
    2. Run the following command as super-user on the server and make sure that no errors are returned:
      $ sudo syscheck
      Running modules in class hardware...                                
      Running modules in class disk...                                
      Running modules in class net...                                
      Running modules in class system...                                
      Running modules in class proc...                                
      LOG LOCATION: /var/TKLC/log/syscheck/fail_log
  14. In MP server, delete auto-configured default route on MP and replace it with a Network Route using the XMI Network.


    This step is optional and should only be run to configure a default route on your MP that uses a signaling (XSI) network instead of the XMI network. Not running this step means a default route is not configurable on this MP and you have to create separate network routes for each signaling network destination.
    1. Log into the MP as the admusr user. Alternatively, you can log into the VM’s console.
    2. Determine <XMI_Gateway_IP> from your SO site network element information.
    3. Gather the following items:




      You can either consult the XML files you imported earlier, or go to the NO GUI and view these values from the Configuration, and then Networking, and then Networks menu.
    4. Create network routes to the NO’s XMI (OAM) network.
      1. Navigate to NOAM VIP GUI ConfigurationNetworkingRoutes.
      2. Select the Specific MP.
      3. Click Insert.
      4. Enter details.
      5. Click OK.
    5. In MP console if sending SNMP traps from individual servers, create host routes to customer SNMP trap destinations on the XMI network:
      $ sudo /usr/TKLC/plat/bin/netAdm add --route=host -–address=<Customer_NMS_IP> --gateway=<MP_XMI_Gateway_IP_Address>
    6. Route to <MP_XMI_Interface> added.
    7. Repeat for any existing customer NMS stations.
    8. Delete the existing default route:
      $ sudo /usr/TKLC/plat/bin/netAdm delete --route=default --gateway=<MP_XMI_Gateway_IP> --device=<MP_XMI_Interface>

      Route to <MP_XMI_Interface> removed.

    9. In MP console, ping active NO XMI IP address to verify connectivity:
      $ ping <ACTIVE_NO_XMI_IP_Address>
      PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
      64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.342 ms
      64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.247 ms
    10. In MP console, ping customer NMS Station(s):
      $ ping <Customer_NMS_IP>
      PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
      64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.342 ms
      64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.247 ms
    11. If you do not get a response, then verify your network configuration. If you continue to get failures, then halt the installation and contact Oracle customer support.


      Repeat steps 7 through 14 for all remaining MP (SBR, DA-MP, IPFE and vSTP) servers.

Configure Places and Assign MP Servers to Places

This procedure adds places in the PCA, and DCA networks. This is applicable only for PCA and DCA.
  1. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, configure places.
    1. Establish a GUI session on the NOAM by using the XMI VIP address. Login as the guiadmin user.
    2. Navigate to Configuration, and then Networking, and then Places.
    3. Click Insert.
    4. Fill in the fields as follows:

      Place Name:<Site Name>

      Parent: NONE

      Place Type: Site

    5. Repeat this step for each of the PCA or DCA Places (Sites) in the network.

      See the Terminology section for more information on Sites & Places.

  2. In NOAM VIP GUI, assign MP server to places.
    1. Select the place configured in step 1 and click Edit.
      Edit place

    2. Mark all the checkboxes for PCA/DCA DA-MP and SBR servers that are assigned to this place.
    3. Repeat this step for all other DA-MP or SBR servers you wish to assign to places.


      All DA-MPs and SBR servers must be added to the Site Place that corresponds to the physical location of the server.

      See the Terminology section for more information on Sites & Places.

Configure the MP Server Group(s) and Profiles

This procedure configures MP server groups.
  1. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, enter MP Server Group Data applicable to all C level servers (DAMP, IPFE, VSTP, SBRs).
    1. From the GUI session on the NOAM VIP address, navigate to Configuration, and then Server Groups.
    2. Click Insert and fill out the following fields:

      Server Group Name:[Server Group Name]

      Level: C

      Parent: [SOAM Server Group That is Parent To this MP]

      Function: Select the Proper Function for this MP Server Group:

      Table 5-10 MP Server Group

      Server Group Function MPs Will Run Redundancy Model
      DSR (multi-active cluster) Diameter Relay and Application Services Multiple MPs Active per SG
      DSR (active-standby pair) Diameter Relay and Application Services 1 Active MP and 1 Standby MP/Per SG
      IP Front End IPFE application 1 Active MP Per SG
      SBR Policy and Charging Session/or Policy Binding Function/Universal SBR 1 Active MP, 1 Standby MP, 2 Optional Spare Per SG
      STP vSTP Multiple vSTP MP per SG
      STPService vSTP MP for the SMS Home Router feature.

      For vSTP:

      If configuring only vSTP application, ignore all other IPFE configuration. Currently, there is no specific MP profile for vSTP MP.


      • IPFE interaction with vSTP MP is not supported. There is no support of TSA/Auto selection for vSTP MPs.
      • vSTP MP can co-exist with DA-MP under a SOAM but different server group.
      • vSTP MP requires 8 GB of RAM.
      • vSTP STPService MP must be configured if the SMS Home Router feature is activated by the user after the installation is complete.

      For PCA application:

      • Online Charging function(only)

        At least one MP Server Group with the SBR function must be configured.

        At least one MP Server Group with the DSR (multi-active cluster) function must be configured.

      • Policy DRA function

        At least two MP Server Groups with the SBR function must be configured. One stores session data and one stores binding data.

        At least one MP Server Group with the DSR (multi-active cluster) function must be configured.

      WAN Replication Connection Count:

      For non-Policy and Charging SBR Server Groups: Default Value

      For Policy and Charging Server Groups: 8

      For the PCA application, the following types of MP Server Groups must be configured:

      DA-MP (Function: DSR (multi-active cluster))

      SBR (Function: SBR)

      IPFE (Function: IP Front End)

    3. Click OK when all fields are filled.
  2. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, repeat step 1 for any remaining MP and IPFE server groups you wish to create.

    For instance, when installing an IPFE, you need to create an IP front end server group for each IPFE server.

  3. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, edit the MP server groups to include MPs.
    1. Navigate to Configuration, and then Server Groups, select a server group that you just created, and click Edit.
    2. Select the network element representing the MP server group you wish to edit.
    3. Mark the Include in SG checkbox for every MP server you wish to include in this server group. Leave other checkboxes blank.


      Each IPFE and vSTP-MP server should be in its own server group.
    4. Click OK.
  4. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, edit the MP server group and add preferred spares for site redundancy. This is an optional step, applicable only to PCA.

    If two-site redundancy for the Policy and Charging SBR Server Group is wanted, add a MP server that is physically located in a separate site (location) to the server group by marking the Include in SG checkbox and also mark the Preferred Spare checkbox.


    If three-site redundancy for the SBR MP server group is wanted, add two SBR MP servers that are both physically located in separate sites (location) to the server group by marking the Include in SG and Preferred Spare checkboxes for both servers.


    • The preferred spare servers should be different sites from the original server. There should be servers from three separate sites (locations).
    • There must first be non-preferred spare present in the server group before adding the preferred spare.

    For more information about site redundancy for Policy and Charging SBR Server Groups, see the Terminology section.

    Click OK to save.
  5. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, repeat steps 1 through 4 for any remaining MP and IPFE server groups you need to create.
  6. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, wait for replication to complete on all MPs.

    Wait for the alarm 10200: Remote Database re-initialization in progress to be cleared and navigate to Alarms & Events, and then Active Alarms.

    This should happen shortly after you have verified the Norm DB status in the previous step.
  7. In SOAM VIP GUI, assign profiles to DA-MPs from SOAM GUI.
    1. Log in to the GUI of the active SOAM server as the guiadmin user.
    2. From the SO GUI, navigate to Diameter Common, and then MPs, and then Profiles Assignments.
    3. For each MP, select the proper profile assignment based on the MP’s type and the function it serves:
      MP type

    4. When finished, click Assign.
  8. In primary NOAM VIP GUI, restart MP VM.
    1. From the NOAM GUI, navigate to Status & Manage, and then Server.
    2. For each MP server:
      1. Select the MP server.
      2. Click Restart.
      3. Click OK on the confirmation screen. Wait for the message that tells you that the restart was successful.

        Policy and Charging DRA/DCA Installations: You may continue to see alarms related to ComAgent until you complete PCA/DCA installation.