5.13.7 iDIH Configuration to Change Network Interface

This procedure changes the default network interface. This is an optional procedure.


  • Initially, the default network interface used to transport TTRs from DSR to DIH uses the internal IMI network. However, this can be changed, if required. It should be noted that changing this interface could degrade performance of TTR transmission.
  • A script is provided to manage the settings so the operator does not need to know the details required to apply the settings. There are two settings interface.name and interface.enabled.

When interface.enabled is True, communications over the interface.name =value, where value is the name of the network interface as defined on the platform, is the only specified interface used for communications.

When interface.enabled is False then communications over the named interface is not enforced, that is, all interfaces configured on the platform are allowed to be used for communications.

For example: If it is required to use the XMI interface for communication instead of the default internal IMI interface, then the operator would supply XMI when asked for the interface name and True when asked if interface filtering should be applied.

  1. Login to iDIH Mediation server.
    1. Establish an SSH session to the iDIH Mediation server.
    2. Log in as the admusr user.
    3. Type the following command to log in as the Tekelec user.
      $ sudo su - tekelec
  2. In iDIH Mediation server, run the change interface script.
    1. To run the change interface script, type the following command:
      $ chgIntf.sh
    2. Answer the questions during the script as follows.
      This script is used to change the interface name (default = imi) used for mediation communications and whether to enable network interface filtering or not.  Please answer the following questions or enter CTLR-C to exit out of the script.
      Current setting are: interface.name=imi interface.enabled=True
      Enter new network interface name, return to keep current [imi]: xmi
      Do you want to enable network interface filtering [True|False], return to keep current [True]:
      Updating configuration properties file with 'interface.name=xmi' and 'interface.enable=True', and restarting mediation configuration bundle...