2.3.1 Installing DSR on OL8 and KVM

This procedure installs DSR configuration on Oracle Linux OS with direct KVM as hypervisor.


  • This installation procedure only applies while installing DSR on Oracle Linux OS through direct KVM.
  • For the Oracle Linux OS, Oracle Linux 7.7 release is used and verified.
  • The screenshots shared in this procedure are taken from HP Gen-10 Blade.
  • This procedure can run on any flavor of blade that requires DSR install on OL7.8 and KVM.
  • Perform this procedure on each blade.

All the respective infrastructures have to be up and running.

  1. To mount virtual media containing Oracle Linux OS software, perform the following steps:
    1. Open iLO GUI.
    2. Click on Remote Consoles on the left pane menu

      Figure 2-1 Remote Console

      Remote Console

    3. Click on Web Start under Java Integrated Remote Console (Java IRC)

      Figure 2-2 Java IRC

      Java IRC

    4. Navigate to Virtual Drives and select Image File CD-ROM/DVD

      Figure 2-3 Virtual Drives

      Virtual Drives

    5. Browse and select the Oracle Linux 7.7 image file

      Figure 2-4 Browse Oracle Linux 7.7 file

      Browse Oracle Linux 7.7 file

  2. To reboot host, perform the following steps:
    1. Log in to Blade Server iLO GUI browser page and launch remote console.
    2. Click Power Switch and select Reset from the dropdown menu.

      Figure 2-5 Power Switch

      Power Switch

    3. Click Ok to confirm reset
    4. The Remote Console window displays that the host is rebooting.

      Figure 2-6 Host rebooting

      Host rebooting

      Wait for a couple of minutes for reboot to complete.

    Once reboot completes, the host boots with Oracle Linux installation ISO and the GUI screen prompts for the installation options.

  3. To initiate Oracle Linux Platform installation, select Install Oracle Linux 7.x to continue.

    Figure 2-7 Installation Options

    Installation Options

  4. To choose Oracle Linux OS language, select English as Oracle Linux OS language and click Continue to go to next step.

    Figure 2-8 Language Selection

    Language Selection

    The next page INSTALLATION SUMMARY displays the required information to start installation.

  5. To set up time zone, Click DATE & TIME under LOCALIZATION.

    Figure 2-9 Installation Summary

    Installation Summary

    1. Click on network & Hostname under System and ensure that the system is connected to a network.

      Figure 2-10 Network and hostname

      Network and hostname

    2. Click Done to continue.
    3. Click Localizationà Date & Time.
    4. Pick a time zone by selecting a region and city from the dropdown list, or by clicking location on the map.

      Figure 2-11 Date and Time

      Date and Time

    5. Click Switch On the Network Time
    6. Click on Settings, configure the NTP servers used by the system

      Figure 2-12 Add and mark for usage NTP servers

      Add and mark for usage NTP servers

    7. Click Ok to go back to the previous screen
    8. Click Done to continue.
  6. To set up installation on base environment, perform the following steps:
    1. Click SOFTWARE SELECTION option in the SOFTWARE area.
    2. Select Server with GUI from the Base Environment area, and ensure that the following add-ons are selected:
      • Virtualization Client
      • Virtualization Hypervisor
      • Virtualization Tools
      • Compatibility Libraries

      Figure 2-13 Software Selection

      Software Selection

    3. Click Done to save the changes and go back to the main configuration page.
  7. To setup installation destination, click INSTALLATION DESTINATION in the SYSTEM area, then perform the following steps:
    1. Select sda or sdb to be used.
    2. Check Automatically configure partitioning.
    3. Click Done to continue.

      Figure 2-14 Installation Destination

      Installation Destination

  8. To start installation, review all the information and click Begin Installation.

    Figure 2-15 Installation Summary

    Installation Summary


    Network configuration is not mandatory at this point and can be performed after Oracle Linux OS is installed.
  9. To create login credentials, configure root credential or any other login credentials as required.

    Figure 2-16 Login Credential Configuration

    Login Credential Configuration


    At the same time Oracle Linux installation software lays down files into Gen 10 local hard disk.

    Wait for the installation to complete until the following screen appears.

    Figure 2-17 Installation Configured

    Installation Configured

  10. To reboot host after the installation is completed, click Reboot.
    After reboot is done, license agreement page appears.

    Figure 2-18 License Agreement

    License Agreement

  11. To accept license agreement, read and check I accept the license agreement checkbox, and click Done to continue.


    Skip when prompted for ULN settings.
  12. Login, select Language, and click Next.
  13. Select Keyboard layout and click Next.
  14. Turn off the location services and click Next.
  15. Click Skip when prompted to connect to online accounts.
  16. To verify kernel and KVM versions, open SSH Console window and check the following.
    • # sudo su –
    • # virt -manager
    • # uname -a
    • o # virsh version
  17. To change network interface name pattern to ethx, perform the following steps:
    1. To append 'net.ifnames=0' with option GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX, edit /etc/default/grub
      cat /etc/default/grub


    2. Re-create the grub2 config file.
      grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
    3. Restart host and verify that the network interfaces have ethx name pattern.
      shutdown –r
  18. To create bond0 device, perform the following steps:
    1. Create device bond0 configuration file, save the file and exit.

    2. Create device eth0 configuration file, save the file and exit.

    3. Create device eth1 configuration file, save the file and exit.

    4. Bring up devices into services.

  19. To create IMI bridge, perform the following steps:
    1. Create bond0.<imi_vlan> configuration file.
      vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond0.<imi_vlan>


    2. Create imi device configuration file.
      vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-imi


    3. Bring up devices into services.

  20. To create XMI bridge, perform the following steps:
    1. Create bond0.<xmi_vlan> configuration file.
      vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond0.<xmi_vlan>


    2. Create xmi device configuration file.
      vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-xmi


    3. Set default route for xmi network.
      vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-xmi default via <xmi_gateway> table main


    4. Bring up the devices into service.

  21. To create bond1 device, perform the following steps:
    1. Create device bond1 configuration file.
      vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond1


    2. Create device eth2 configuration file.
      vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth2


    3. Create device eth3 configuration file.
      vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth3


    4. Bring up devices into services.

  22. To create xsi1/xsi2 bridge, perform the following steps:
    1. Create device bond1.<xsi1_vlan> configuration file.
      vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond1.<xsi1_vlan>


    2. Create device xsi1 configuration file.
      vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-xsi1


    3. Bring up devices into services.


    Perform similar steps to create network devices for xsi2.
  23. To set hostname, rename host by modifying /etc/hostname file.
    # cat /etc/hostname
    # vim /etc/hostname 
        - Review the hostname
    # hostnamectl status
  24. To set NTP service, perform the following steps:
    1. Modify /etc/chrony.conf configuration file. Then, comment out all server * entries and append your NTP server IP to the list with prepending 'server' text.

    2. Force ntp to sync with newly added server.
      $ ntpdate <NTP server IP>  
      $ timedatectl
      $ chronyc tracking
  25. To create /home/ova directory, run the following command.


  26. To transfer OVA file directory, use sftp tool.


  27. To untar the ova file, run the following command.


  28. To convert the vmdk file to qcow2 file, run the following command.


  29. To copy the qcow2 files for SO and MP, run the following command.


  30. To configure storage for corresponding qcow2 files as per VMs, perform the following steps:
    1. Set the storage for each VM, by running the following command:
      qemu-img resize <NO_qcow2_filename>.qcow2 <storage_in_gigabytes>G
    2. Run the command for a VM if storage required is greater than 60 G.
      For example: If resource profile is 2K Sh and VM is NOAMP,whereas the storage required is 70G, then run the following command:
      qemu-img resize DSRNO-84_17_0.qcow2 70G


      • No need to run this command if the storage required is less than or equal to 60G.
      • For multiqueue settings, refer to Multiqueue on IPFE (OL/KVM).
  31. To set the txqueue length for the ether-net adapter to a high value on the host machine, add the following script to the created file /sbin/ifup-local.
    [root@DSR-Gen10-ol7 ova]# vim /sbin/ifup-local
    ifconfig eth0 txqueuelen 120000
    ifconfig eth1 txqueuelen 120000
    ifconfig eth2 txqueuelen 120000
    ifconfig eth3 txqueuelen 120000
  32. To verify txqueue length for the ether-net adapter to a high value on the host machine that is added on all interfaces, run the following command.
    [root@DSR-Gen10-ol7 ova]# ifconfig <ethernet adapter>


    Verify same for eth1, eth2, and eth3.
  33. To restart all the ethernet adapters (eth0, eth1, eth2, and eth3), run the following command on each adapter one at a time.
    [root@DSR-Gen10-ol7 ova]# ifdown <ethernet adapter>
    [root@DSR-Gen10-ol7 ova]# ifup <ethernet adapter>
  34. To reboot the host machine, run the following command.
    [root@DSR-Gen10-ol7 ova]# reboot
  35. To confirm the configurations, verify the following on host machine as per the configuration done:
    • If multiqueue configuration is performed on IPFE, ensure the configuration is done as mentioned in Multiqueue on IPFE (OL/KVM).
    • If the ring buffer size is set to max on all the ether-net devices by using the steps in Ring Buffer Configuration.
    • If the txqueue length for all the ether-net adapter is set to a high value by using Step 28.