2.3.2 Creating and Installing OCDSR VMs through KVM GUI

This procedure installs DSR VMs NO, SO, and MP using KVM GUI.


This installation procedure is only applicable for each VM, that is NO, SO, MP and so on.
  • Installation of DSR on Oracle Linux OS through KVM must be performed.
  1. To log in to the host machine and open the Virual Machine, run the following command:

    Figure 2-19 Virtual Machine Manager

    Virtual Machine Manager


    Ensure X11 forwarding is enabled before running virt-manager command on CLI.
  2. To create a new Virtual Machine, on Virtual Manager GUI, click File, and then New Virtual Machine and select Import existing disk image.

    Figure 2-20 Creating a New VM

    Creating a New VM

  3. To select the image file, select the qcow2 image by browsing the /home/ova location and click Forward.



    Refer to Install DSR on Oracle Linux/KVM section.
  4. For each VM, select the RAM and vCPUs as required by resource profile and click Forward.


  5. To verify and customize VM, perform the following steps:.
    1. Update the VM name and select Customize configuration before install.
    2. Select XMI bridge under Network selection and click Finish.

  6. For XMI bridge, modify the Device model to virtio.

    XMI Bridge

  7. To customize the network configuration, perform the following steps:
    1. On the next screen, click Add Hardware and configure as following:
      • Under Network source, choose IMI Bridge.
      • For NO and SO, choose IMI bridge only.
      • For MP, add XSI1, along with IMI by repeating this step.


    2. Click Finish.
    3. For MP, add XSI1 and XSI2 bridge.

      For XSI1 bridge:

      For XSI2 bridge:


      For DSR Topology it is recommended to add all interfaces on each VM, even when the VM does not require that interface or does not use a VLAN.

      This is to use a standard when the topology is created from NOAM GUI.

    DSR VMs
    XMI eth0
    IMI eth1
    XSI1 eth2
    XSI2 eth3

    Add all interfaces as needed. Once the other networks are added, the NICs appears.

  8. After adding all bridges, verify and begin the VM installation.


  9. To disable the TSO GSO features for SBR server, see Disabling TSO GSO features for SBR server.