PeopleTools 8.56 Accessibility Improvements

This table describes accessibility improvements for release 8.56 by product area:

Product Area


PeopleBook Cross-References for More Information

PIA Core Technology

On the PIA sign-in page, the name of the option to enable accessibility features has changed from Enable Accessibility Mode to Enable Screen Reader Mode.

Personalizing Your PeopleSoft Experience to Support Assistive Technology

PIA Core Technology

The term “accessibility layout” has replaced the term “accessibility features”.

Throughout the PeopleTools 8.56 PeopleBooks documentation set.

PIA Core Technology

Accessibility Layout mode names have changed to:

  • Screen reader on

  • Screen reader off

PIA Core Technology

The hot keys CTRL + ALT + P open mouse over pop-up pages.

Using Keyboard Shortcuts

PIA Core Technology

A “Processing. Please Wait.” notification is read on screen readers when the Loading icon appears on screen due to system processing for more than two seconds. Administrators can customize the delay time to suit customer preferences.

Customizing Processing Notification Delay Time

PIA Core Technology

The ENHANCEDCURS personalization enables the enhanced focus indicator formerly provided by the Standard Layout mode.

Understanding General Options