Accessing Generated Web Service Documents

You can access the generated documents from the Confirm Results page of the Provide Web Service wizard or from the WSDL Repository after the web service is published.

Accessing from the Provide Web Service Component

The last page of the Provide Web Service wizard, the Confirm Results page (IB_WSDLEXP_RSLTS), displays a generation log. The text box contains URLs for generated document.

To access a document copy the WSDL URL, WADL URL or OpenAPI URL from the generation log and paste it into a browser of your choice to access the document.

Accessing from the WSDL Repository

Access the WSDL Repository page (IB_SERVICEDEFN_SEC) (PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Integration Setup > Service Definitions.

Depending on the Service type, the appropriate link is available on the Service definition page: