Selecting Component Interfaces to Expose as REST Services

This section discusses how to select component interfaces to expose as REST services.

The first step to creating component interface-based REST services is to choose the component interface on which to base a service. To do so, use the CI-Based REST Services component (IB_CISERVICES_REST) and the Select Component Interface page (IB_CISERVICES).

This example illustrates the Select Component Interfaces page.

Select Component Interfaces page

When you search for component interfaces to select, the system returns results only for those component interfaces to which you have permissions.

To select a component interface:

  1. Access the Select Component Interfaces page (PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Web Services > Provide CI-Based REST Services).

  2. Search for a component interface:

    Note: You can search only for those component interfaces to which you have permissions.

    • Click the Search button to search from all component interfaces in the database, or

    • Select one or more of the following criteria to narrow your search and then click the Search button.

      Field or Control


      Component Interface Name

      Enter part or all of the name of the component interface to use, or click the Lookup button to search for one.

      Component Name

      Enter part or all of the component name to which a component interface belongs.

      Owner ID

      Owner ID drop-down list box, select the person or group that owns the component interface.

    The Select CIs grid displays are component interfaces that match your search.

  3. Select the check box next to one or more component interfaces.

  4. Click the Review CI Status button.

The Review Status page appears where you can review details about the selected component interface and then select the methods to include as operations in the REST service.