Understanding the Drop Zone Configuration Classes

Use the drop zone configuration classes of the PTCS_DROPZONE application package to manage the configuration of drop zones. A drop zone is special group box that is placed on a page definition in Application Designer. PeopleSoft application teams (PeopleSoft HCM, PeopleSoft FSCM, and so on) have already added drop zones to main pages, to subpages at any nesting level, and to secondary pages as is appropriate for components and pages delivered by that application pillar.

Then, you create custom subpage definitions to be associated with these drop zones. Typically, you then associate your subpages to one or more drop zones using the Configure Drop Zones component in the browser.

With the PTCS_DROPZONE application package, you can programmatically manage these associations of subpages to drop zones, such as creating new drop zone configurations, and updating and deleting existing configurations.

Use the PTCS_DROPZONE:DZComponentConfig class to maintain drop zone configurations for a specific component. Use the methods and properties of this class to add, update, and remove drop zone configurations for the specified component.

Use the DZComponentConfig constructor method to instantiate an object of this class.

Use the PTCS_DROPZONE:DZContent class to ascertain all of the components system wide where a specific subpage has been configured.

Use the DZContent constructor method to instantiate an object of this class.

Use the PTCS_DROPZONE:DZConfig class to manage a specific drop zone within a component. Use the methods of this class to update, save, or delete configuration for the drop zone.

Use the AddConfig method of the DZComponentConfig class to instantiate a new object of the DZConfig class. Additionally, GetConfigurationsForComponent, GetConfigurationsForPage, GetConfigurationsForPagefield, and GetConfigurationsForSubpage of the DZComponentConfig class populate the arrDZInfo property with an array of DZConfig objects.

Use the PTCS_DROPZONE:DZPage class to return drop zone configurations for a specific main page (including any of its subpages), secondary page, or page field.

Use the DZPage constructor method to instantiate an object of this class.