Accessing Definition Groups (Browser Client)

This topic discusses how to:

  • Use the Definition Group Search page.

  • Search for a definition group.

Use the Definition Group Search page (PTDEFSECSRCH) to:

  • Search for a definition group.

  • Access the Add New Definition Groups page to add a definition group.

  • Access the Add New Definition Group from Project page to add a definition group from a project.

  • Delete a definition group.

To access the page select PeopleTools > Security > Definition Security > Security Definition Groups.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Definition Group Search page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Definition Group Search page

This example illustrates the Definition Group Search page showing the results of a search of the database for all definition groups.

Definition Group Search page displaying search results

Field or Control


Definition Group

Enter the name of the definition group to search.

Leave the field empty to search the database for all definition groups in the system.


Click the Search button to perform the search.

Search Results grid

Displays the results of the search.

Add New Definition Group

Click the link to access the Add New Definition Group page to add a new definition group to the system.

Add New Definition Group from Project

Click the link to access the Add New Definition Group From Project page to add a new definition group from an PeopleSoft Application Designer project.

To search for a definition group:

  1. Access the Definition Group Search page (PeopleTools > Security > Definition Security > Security Definition Groups.

  2. In the Definition Group field enter the name of the definition group or leave the field blank to search the database for all values.

  3. Click the Search button.

    The results appear in the Search Results grid.

  4. Click the name of a definition group.

    The Definition Groups – Group Content Summary page appears.