Editing the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Configuration File

This section discusses the parameters in the Process Scheduler Configuration (PSPRCS.CFG) file.

The sections in the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler configuration file vary, depending on the operating system from which the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Server is started. For instance, servers that run only in Oracle Tuxedo (that is, PSAESRV, PSANALYTICSRV) are not available in OS/390. However, the OS/390 section applies when the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Server is started in the OS/390 UNIX System Services (USS).

The following table lists which sections can be found in the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler configuration file based on the operating system:









Database Options












Process Scheduler




Tuxedo Settings




Interface Driver




















Application Engine








Remote Call








SMTP Settings




Cache Settings




Integration Broker




* Denotes where parameters found in this section differ, based on the operating system in which the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler configuration file is located.

The PeopleSoft 9.2 Application Installation documentation provides the procedure for configuring a PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Server using the basic default values. This section discusses each value that is available in each section.

This is the first section that you encounter when using PSADMIN to configure a PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Server Agent:




Specify the database name that is associated with a PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Server Agent, such as HRDMO, FSDMO, SADMO, and so on.


Specify the database type: DB2UNIX, MICROSFT, or ORACLE.


Enter the user ID. For Enterprise Resource Planning, this is typically VP1, and for Human Resources, it’s PS.


Enter the user password. For Enterprise Resource Planning, this is typically VP1, and for Human Resources, it’s PS.


Enter the connect ID. This value is required for all platforms.


Enter the connect password. This value is required for all platforms.


Note: Keep the parameter blank because Informix and Sybase are no longer supported.


Specify a standby database for use with Oracle Data Guard.


Specify a standby database type for use with Oracle Data Guard.


Specify a standby user ID for use with Oracle Data Guard.


Specify the password for the standby user ID.


Note: This parameter is reserved for Oracle internal use only.


Note: This parameter is reserved for Oracle internal use only.

See Implementing Oracle Active Data Guard.

When you change the UserPswd or ConnectPswd field, you are prompted for an option to encrypt the value entered for the password field. The default is to encrypt the password.

The domain connection password adds an extra layer of security between the application server domain and any connections made to it. This password enables you to further prevent unauthorized clients from establishing connections to an application server domain. It is recommended to use PSADMIN to update this value. The value can be up to 30 characters.

See Configuring Domain Connection Password.



Process Scheduler Port

Specify the port on which the Process Scheduler will listen for events sent by the application server domain.

Application Server Credentials

Specify the credentials for the Application Server from which notifications will be received in the format: <domain name>|<host>:<port>

  • domain name: A logical domain name

  • host: The hostname of the machine where the Process Scheduler domain is running.

  • port: How the Process Scheduler domain communicates with other domains (in this case the Application Server domain).

For more information on this section in psprcs.cfg, see (Optional) Configuring Process Scheduler System Settings for Push Notifications.

Use this section for database-specific configuration options:




Indicate whether the PeopleSoft database to which you are connecting is in a local Oracle System Identifier (SID). The default is 0, which indicates that the PS database to which you are connecting is remote.

Note: For the Windows operating system, the parameter "UseLocalOracleDB" is not supported when using a 32 bit client connecting to a 64 bit database.

See UseLocalOracleDB


Add to the configuration file for database-level auditing. It is a required parameter. Use this option to view more information regarding the clients that are connected to a database server through the process scheduler server. For instance, with this enabled, you can view the client machine name or user ID that is associated with a particular connection.

See EnableDBMonitoring.


You must set the EnableAEMonitoring configuration setting to 1 to populate the MODULE and ACTION fields in V$SESSION and V$SQL views. By default, EnableAEMonitoring is set to 0 (disabled). To change the EnableAEMonitoring setting for an Application Server domain or a Process Scheduler domain, use the PSADMIN utility or manually modify the PSPRCS.CFG configuration file or the PSAPPSRV.CFG configuration file, then restart the respective servers.

Use this section to set trace values for performance monitoring and troubleshooting:




This applies to Windows only and indicates the file to which SQL traces are written when TraceSQL has a value greater than zero. SQL traces for the following programs are written to this file: nVision, and Cube Manager. Other processes—such as Application Engine, SQR, and COBOL—have the SQL traces written to a separate subdirectory under the directory specified for the Log/Output Directory parameter. See the Log/Output Directory parameter.


Specify a SQL trace value for troubleshooting. It is implemented as a bit field. Possible values for TraceSQL are listed later in this section.


Specify a trace value for troubleshooting PeopleCode. This is used by PeopleSoft Application Engine when it runs PeopleCode. Possible values for TracePC are listed later in this section.


Specify the trace options that are specific to PeopleSoft Application Engine. Trace information based on this option is written to a file with the following format:

<Application Engine program name>_<Process Instance>.AET

Possible values for TraceAE are listed later in this section.


This parameter is used to specify the maximum file size (in MB) of the AE trace file. The minimum value is taken to be 20 MB by default and the maximum value limit is set to be 1500 MB.


Set this parameter to Y to merge People Code and SQL trace output into AET file. Default is N.


Set this parameter to Y to enable section level trace. Default is N i.e. section level trace will be disabled and AE traces will be controlled by TraceAE setting only.


The Performance Monitor agent is a thread that reports performance metrics for each instrumented server if monitoring is enabled for the database. Select 1 to enable and 0 to disable.

See Performance Monitor.

The following table lists the possible values for TraceSQL:



Type of Tracing



No output.



SQL statements.



SQL statement variables.



SQL connect, disconnect, commit, and rollback.



Row fetch (indicates that it occurred and the return code, not data).



All other application-programming interface (API) calls, except Set Select Buffers (ssb).



Set Select Buffers (identifies the attributes of columns to be selected).



Database API-specific calls.



COBOL statement timings.



Turn on the tracing of diagnostic messages returned by the D22 z/OS %UpdateStats() command.

The following table lists the possible values for TracePC. Use these by adding the numbers together, or by specifying more than one constant:



Type of Tracing



Provide a trace of the program as it is run. This implies options 64, 128, and 256.



Provide a listing of the entire program.



Show the results of all assignments made to variables.



Show the values fetched for all variables.



Show the contents of the internal machine stack. This option is normally used for debugging the PeopleCode language, not PeopleCode programs.



Provide a trace showing when each program starts.



Provide a trace showing the calls made to each external PeopleCode routine.



Provide a trace showing the calls made to each internal PeopleCode routine.



Show the values of the parameters to a function.



Show the values of the parameters as they exist at the return from a function.

The following table lists the possible values for TraceAE:


Type of Tracing


Trace STEP execution sequence to AET file.


Trace Application SQL statements to AET file.


Trace dedicated temporary table allocation.


Trace temporary table data.


Timings report to AET file.


Method/BuiltIn detail, instead of summary in AET Timings report.


Timings report to tables.


DB optimizer trace to file.


DB optimizer trace to tables.


Trace Integration Broker transform programs.

After you set trace values, use the Process Scheduler section to set the environment variables that are associated with PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.

Warning! The default values for PS_HOME here and in future sections assume that you set up SQR, and nVision locally on the batch server. You can point to those items on the file server, but, if so, you must use a full path. You cannot use a PS_HOME environment variable because PSADMIN employs the PS_HOME environment variable to point to a local directory on the batch server.




Specify the process server name. This must match the name defined in the Server Definition table, such as PSNT.


Enter the path to the database drivers (that is, your connectivity software).

Max Reconnect Attempt

Specify the maximum number of attempts that the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Server Agent tries reconnecting to the database when the connection is lost. When the maximum number of attempts is reached, and the agent hasn’t successfully connected to the database, the agent shuts down.

Reconnection Interval

Specify the interval, in seconds, between attempts to reconnect to the database when the connection is lost.

Authentication Timeout

Specify the duration, in minutes, allotted before PeopleTools security module times-out authenticating a process released by Process Scheduler. The timer starts from the time Process Scheduler initiates the request

Allow Dynamic Changes

Specify dynamic changes to certain settings without having to reboot the domain. The settings that can be dynamically changed are Recycle Count, Consecutive Service failures, Trace SQL, Trace Mask SQL, TracePC, TracePCMask, TracePpr, TracePprMask, Log Fence, Enable DB Monitoring, and Enable Debugging.

Log/Output Directory

Specify the directory in which files that are generated by the program are written. When PeopleSoft Process Scheduler initiates a process request, it creates a subdirectory in the format <Process Type ID>_<Program Name>_<Process Instance> that contains the generated files. For instance, the SQR program has all the reports, trace, and log files in the subdirectory SQR_XRFWIN_20. It is also the optional directory used with the Output Destination field when scheduling a request. This variable (%%OutputDirectory%%) can be used in the File/Printer field of the Process Scheduler Request dialog box.

Note: The output directory has an extra slash attached at the end.

Output Directory Optional Extension

Specify the optional subdirectory structure that can be appended to the designated Log/Output Directory.

Additional meta-string that can be used include:

  • Userid—%OPRID%

  • Contentid—%REPORTID%

  • Process Instance—%PRCSINSTANCE%

  • Database Name— %DBNAME%

  • Process Name—%PRCSNAME%

  • Process Type—%PRCSTYPE%

  • Scheduler Server Name— %SERVER%

  • Current Date— %CURRDATE%

  • Current Hour—%CURRHOUR%

  • Job Name— %JOBNAME%

  • Job Instance— %JOBINSTANCE%

For example, %CURRDATE%\%CURRHOUR%.


Enter the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler tracing levels, such as 3.

Note: By default, the LogFence value is set to 3. Set the value to 5 to generate a more detailed log file.


See LogFieldSeparator.

Trace-Log File Character Set

See Trace-Log File Character Set.

Log Directory

See Log Directory.

Log Space Threshold

Specify the space threshold, in megabytes (MB), for the log/output directory. Once the space goes below this threshold, the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler stops processing until more disk space becomes available. The Server Monitor shows a status of Suspended — Disk Low.

File Chunk Size

Specify the size of memory in KB, allocated to store the value read from a file when transferring files to the Report Repository via HTTP.

The default is 4096 KB (4 MB).


Enter the path to COBOL executables, such as %PS_HOME%\CBLBIN.


Enter the local temporary directory, such as %TEMP%.


Enter the location of the PeopleTools executables, such as %PS_HOME%\bin\client\winx86.


Enter the location of the server version of PeopleTools executables, such as %PS_HOME%\bin\server\winx86.


Enter the path to Microsoft Word executables, such as c:\apps\office97\winword.

Note: If spaces exist in the path, you must modify the Process Type Definition and add quotes around the entry in the Command Line field, for example " %%WINWORD%%\WINWORD.EXE".

These must be in the batch server environment.


Enter the universal naming convention (UNC) path of the printer where reports are printed when the %DefaultPrinter% was specified as the output destination.

Update Table Stats on Purge

Set to run statistics for the Process Request and Report Manager tables during the Process Scheduler server purge process.

0: Disable.

1: Enable.

Note: This flag is ignored if the DBFlags bitfield parameter is disabled.

The following table lists the possible values for LogFence:


Type of Tracing


Status information.


General errors.






Tracing Level 1.


Tracing Level 2 (detail).

See Log and Output Directory.

The following table describes each parameter in the Tuxedo Settings section:




Specify Y or N to instruct Tuxedo to restart a PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Server Agent or Distribution Agent if it is terminated abruptly.

Grace Period

Specify the period time in seconds in which Tuxedo will attempt to restart the Process Scheduler Server.

For example, Grace Period = 600, Max Restart Attempt = 5. Tuxedo attempts to restart the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler server five times within 30 minutes of when the server comes down.

Max Restart Attempt

Specify the maximum number of restarts in the grace period.

Add to PATH

(Optional) Specify an additional directory that is appended to the PATH environment variable.

Spawn Threshold

Enter a parameter that's supplied to Tuxedo for control of process spawning by using the -p command-line option for all server processes. The default setting (1,600:1,1) rarely needs to be changed.

For more information see Spawn Threshold.

Cognos/Cube Manager Installs: Make sure to specify the proper path for Cognos in the Add to Path parameter. By default, that path is C:\Program Files\Cognos\cer2\bin;C:\ODI\OStore\bin.

Note: Cognos and ODI are the important top-level directories and can change, depending on the install.

The following table describes the parameter in the Interface Driver section:




Defines the RPS_LOCALE string that is sent to the PeopleSoft Supply Chain Planning server.

Use this section to specify a character set. The default value is UTF-8.



Enable Remote Administration

Set the value to 1 to enable embedded JMX agents, 0 to disable embedded JMX agents. JMX agents must be enabled to use the PeopleSoft Health Center.

Remote Administration Port

Specify the port number to use for remote administration of domain processes. All embedded JMX agents will use the port in the JMX service URL.

Remote Administration UserId

Specify the username for remote administration connections.

Remote Administration Password

Specify the pscipher encrypted password for remote administration connections. See Encrypting Passwords.

Remote Administration SSL Enabled

Set this parameter to 1 to enable SSL for JMX Agents and to 0 to disable SSL for JMX Agents. Default is 0 i.e. SSL for JMX Agents will be disabled. Other settings are optional if SSL for JMX Agents is disabled.

Remote Administration SSL Keystore

Specify the location of the Keystore file for remote administration connections.

Remote Administration SSL Keystore Password

Specify the pscipher encrypted Keystore password for remote administration connections.

Remote Administration SSL Keystore Type

Specify the Keystore type for the keystore you had created for enabling SSL. Options are PKCS12 or JKS.

See the documentation for Java Security Standard Algorithm Names in Oracle Help Center.

Remote Administration SSL Truststore

Specify the location of the Truststore file for remote administration connections.

Remote Administration SSL Truststore Password

Specify the pscipher encrypted Remote Administration SSL Truststore Password.

Remote Administration SSL Truststore Type

Specify the Truststore's Keystore type for the truststore you had created for enabling SSL. Options are PKCS12 or JKS.

See the documentation for Java Security Standard Algorithm Names in Oracle Help Center.

EnablePPM Agent

Controls whether the Performance Monitor agent runs and collects performance monitor data. Enter 1 to enable the Performance Monitor agent, and 0 to disable the Performance Monitor agent. This setting overrides the value for this parameter that is set in the database.

JavaVM Shared Library

Indicate which Java Virtual Machine (JVM) library to use.

Note: You must manually update the psprc.cfg file, as this option is not available using the PSADMIN utility.


The Add to CLASSPATH parameter tells the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) where to find the Java class libraries, including user-defined class libraries. Because PeopleTools automatically generates CLASSPATH entries for core delivered class libraries, use this field to specify any custom or additional class libraries that must be accessed by PeopleTools or PeopleCode.

The PeopleCode API Reference provides details on where you can place custom and third-party Java classes.

See Java Packages and Classes Delivered with PeopleTools.

JavaVM Options

Set options to the list of parameters required. Use a space to separate parameters (for example, -Xmx256m -Xms128m).

The following setting is used to enable communication with the REN server using SSL protocols that adhere to corporate security standards:


If this option is not already set, either add it manually to the JavaVM Options section in psprcs.cfg and then restart the process scheduler domain or take the latest patch, then drop and recreate the process scheduler domain.

Set option -Xrs if you have PeopleSoft Process Scheduler set up as a Windows service on Windows.

Options must be set if you are using HTTP transfer protocol and receiving Java exception thrown: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError.

AIX customers should set this option to -Xrs -Djava.awt.headless=true -Xcheck:jni

Note: You must manually update the psprc.cfg file, as this option is not available using the PSADMIN utility.

Character Set

Specify the default character set for non-Unicode processing performed by this process server. The default value is UTF-8. This is the character set that PeopleSoft supports for use with all Western European languages, including English. If the process server will be used only to process Western European data, accept the default. Otherwise, select one of the valid character set choices listed later in this section.

Note: The character set selected for the process server should be the same as the character set specified for the application sever.

Proxy Host

This setting is used by the distribution agent if your architecture includes a firewall between the process scheduler server and the report repository (webserver).

Note: If your architecture includes a firewall between the process scheduler server and the report repository (webserver), the distribution agent must tunnel through this firewall via a proxy server in order to transfer reports successfully. Set this value to the domain name of the proxy server only if your architecture includes a firewall between the process scheduler and the report repository (web server). Configure the firewall to allow outgoing HTTP or TCP connections to originate only from the proxy server host. You can configure the proxy server to restrict access to only PeopleSoft and perform tasks, such as logging HTTP activity.

Proxy Port

If PeopleSoft Process Scheduler is behind a proxy server, set this value to the port of the proxy server.

Non Proxy Hosts

Enter a list of the hosts that should be connected to directly, not through a proxy server. Separate the host names with a pipe symbol ( | ). You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character to specify a pattern of similar host names.

For example, localhost|*.example.com indicates that the local host and all hosts with names ending in .example.com will be accessed directly.


Enter 0 to issue the command to update table statistics to the database. Programs like PeopleSoft Application Engine and COBOL use the metaSQL %UpdateStats to run the command that runs statistics to a specific table. Otherwise, select one of the valid choices listed later in this section.

Note: The Update Table Stats on Purge parameter is ignored if this parameter is disabled.

Suppress App Error Box

Use to suppress the console's Application Error dialog box after an application error occurs. Y suppresses the dialog box.

Process exit grace period

When a PeopleSoft Application Engine job completes, it has a specified number of seconds to exit. If the process has not exited when the grace period expires, it is terminated through a psreaper process. A grace period of 0 disables the psreaper process.


This setting is used to configure CSV output encoding for scheduled PSQueries. The default value is UTF8. The other valid encoding settings are UCS2, UTF8BOM, and ASCII. This setting applies only when OutputUnicode property of query class is set to True and scheduled query is set to ‘TXT’ format.

Note: This is not a required setting. If it is not set, the CSV output encoding will be UCS2 with BOM.

The following table lists valid character set choices:

Character Set



Latin–1- ISO 8859-P1 - Microsoft codepage 1252


Japanese Shift-JIS - Microsoft codepage 932


Traditional Chinese - Microsoft codepage 950


Simplified Chinese - Microsoft codepage 936


Korean Wansung - Microsoft codepage 949


Korean Johab - Microsoft codepage 1361

See Global Technology.

The following table lists possible values for DBFlags bitfield:




(Default) Issue the command to update table statistics to the database.


Ignore metaSQL to update database statistics (shared with COBOL).


Not yet allocated.


Disable second database connection.


Disable persistent secondary database connection.


Not yet allocated.


Not yet allocated.


Not yet allocated.


Not yet allocated.


Not yet allocated.

Note: The JavaVM Options parameter specified in the [PSTOOLS] section specifies global JavaVM options used by every server process in a domain. To override this global value for a particular server process, you can apply custom JavaVM options to individual server processes by adding the JavaVM Options parameter manually to the configuration section for that server process.

JavaVM Options can appear multiple times in a single PSAPPSRV.CFG or PSPRCS.CFG file. While the JavaVM Options value in the [PSTOOLS] section applies to all server processes governed by a particular configuration file, the system only uses the JavaVM Options value in the [PSTOOLS] section for server processes that do not have the JavaVM Options parameter added to its configuration settings section.

For example, if the JavaVM Options parameter has been added to the [PSAPPSRV] section of the PSAPPSRV.CFG file and has been assigned a value, then that value will be used when loading the JVM as a thread of that PSAPPSRV process. If the JavaVM Options parameter does not appear, or has no value, in the [PSAPPSRV] section, then the system uses the value specified in the [PSTOOLS] section when loading the JVM as a thread of the PSAPPSRV process. This applies to any server process: PSAPPSRV, PSQRYSRV, PSAESRV, and so on.

The following table describes each parameter in the PSAESRV (Application Engine Tuxedo Server) section:



Max Instances (maximum instances)

Specify the maximum concurrency set for process types with a generic process type of Application Engine, as defined on the Server Definition page in Process Scheduler Manager.

Recycle Count

Specify the number of services after which PSAESRV automatically restarts. If this is set to 0 (default), PSAESRV is never recycled.

Allowed Consec Service Failures (allowed consecutive failures)

Specify the number of consecutive service failures after which PSAESRV automatically restarts. If this is set to 2 (default), PSAESRV is never recycled.


See ProcessRestartMemoryLimit.


This parameter only applies to DB2. Indicates if dirty reads are enabled. Setting this to 1 enables the application server to read uncommitted data from a table.

The following table describes each parameter in the PSDSTSRV (Distribution Agent Tuxedo Server) section:



Max Instances

Specify the maximum number of PSDSTSRVs that can be started within Oracle Tuxedo. Default is 1.

Min Instances

Specify the minimum number of PSDSTSRVs that can be started within Oracle Tuxedo. Default is 1. Tuxedo will initially start count specified in the minimum instance setting.

Recycle Count

Specify the number of services after which PSDSTSRV automatically restarts. If this is set to 0 (default), PSDSTSRV is never recycled.


See ProcessRestartMemoryLimit.

Allowed Consec Service Failures

Specify the number of consecutive service failures after which PSDSTSRV automatically restarts. If this is set to 0 (default), PSDSTSRV is never recycled.

Max Fetch Size

See, Max Fetch Size.

The following table describes each parameter in the PSANALYTICSRV (Analytic Engine Tuxedo Server) section:



Max Instances

Specify the total number of OptEngines = number of single queues + number in the MSSQ (read by ubbgen.cpp to calculate MAXSERVERS and MAXSERVICES in psprcsrv.ubb). Only MSSQ allows spawning.

Service Timeout

Limit the period that PSANALYTICSRV might block PSPRCSRV.

Opt Max General Services

Specify the number of each service declared in the corresponding .ubx file.

Opt MSSQ Instances

Specify the number of OptEngines in the MSSQ.

The following table describes each parameter in the PSRTISRV (Real Time Indexing Server) section:



Min Instances

Specify the minimum number of RTI server processes to run when the Process Scheduler domain is booted up. The default is 1.

Max Instances

Specify the maximum number of RTI server processes to run when the Process Scheduler domain is booted up. The default is 1.

The following table describes each parameter in the SQR section:




Enter the path to the SQR executables.


Specify the SQR report arguments required for launching SQR.

Print Log

Indicate whether the SQR log files are also be printed when the output destination is Printer.

Enhanced HTML

Indicate whether reports are in enhanced HTML format when the output destination is HTM.


Stores multiple paths to SQR report file. You can also separate these paths by using the appropriate delimiter for UNIX and WINDOWS platform.

Note: Settings for Windows platform, PSSQR=%PS_APP_HOME%\sqr;%PS_HOME%\sqr.

Settings for UNIX platform, PSSQR=%PS_APP_HOME%/sqr:%PS_HOME%/sqr

Note: In some cases, Application Engine programs require Java Runtime Engine (JRE) to be installed on the batch server.

See PeopleSoft 9.2 Application Installation for your database platform.

The following table describes each parameter in the Data Mover section.

Note: The values entered here should be the same as the values specified in the Configuration Manager.




Specify the path for the Data Mover input directory (for example, %PS_HOME%/data).


Specify the path for the Data Mover output directory (for example, %PS_HOME%/data).


Specify the path for the Data Mover log directory (for example, %PS_SERVDIR%/log_output).


Specify the path for Data Mover to search the DMS script if the script specified in the command line cannot be found in the current directory or the absolute path.

The following table describes each parameter in the RemoteCall section:



RCCBL Timeout

Specify the maximum allotted time, in seconds, to run Remote Call with PeopleSoft Application Engine.

RCCBL Redirect

If this parameter is set to 0, log files that are generated from Remote Call are not retained. If this parameter is set to 1, log files are redirected to the directory specified in the Log/Output Directory parameter.


Specify the location of the COBOL executable. In Windows, the default location of the COBOL executable is %PS_HOME%\cblbin%PS_COBOLTYPE%. In UNIX, the default location is$PS_HOME/cblbin.

COBOL Platform

Specify the CBLBIN path based upon the COBOL platform:

  • For COBOL Platform=MF

  • COBOL Platform=IBM


For further information on CBLBIN path see PeopleSoft 9.2 Application Installation.

If you plan to have PeopleSoft Process Scheduler invoke PS/nVision jobs, specify the appropriate parameters in this section.




Specify the location of PS/nVision DrillDown files, such as %PS_HOME%\NVSION\LAYOUT\DRILLDN.

Note: If this directory is in %PS_HOME% it will be read-only. Only an Administrator can add new layout or modify existing layouts. If all users need write access to this directory use a directory outside PSHOME .

Note: For Windows 2008 , if a mapped drive path is used, it must be in UNC (universal naming convention) path format.


Leave blank.


Enter the location where PS/nVision places report instances, such as %PS_SERV%\NVSION\INSTANCE.

Note: When the PS/nvision instance directory is set to a mapped network drive and the output format used is HTML, PS/nVision hangs. The workaround is to use the UNC path.


Specify the location of the PS/nVision layout, such as %PS_HOME%\NVISION\LAYOUT.

Note: If this directory is in %PS_HOME% it will be read-only. Only an Administrator can add new layout or modify existing layouts. If all users need write access to this directory use a directory outside PSHOME .

Note: For Windows 2008 , if a mapped drive path is used, it must be in UNC (universal naming convention) path format.


Enter the directory containing macros for PS/ nVision and Query Link, such as %PS_HOME%\EXCEL.


Enter the default location where PS/nVision keeps nPlosion Styles (these are usually inherited by the layout that the user is designing).


Enter the location of the QUERY.XLT file, which defines the Microsoft Excel styles for formatting output. The default is the \MacroDir, such as %PS_HOME%\EXCEL.


Use PS/nVision on the web.

Indicate whether you want to enable drilldown on a report with the output type of file.

1 = Enable drilldown.

0 = Disable drilldown (default).


Use PS/nVision on the web.

Indicate whether you want the system to poll and automatically kill unattended dialogs generated from PS/nVision in batch mode (for example, dialog messages from Excel displaying on the webserver).

1 = Enable poll dialogs.

0 = Disable poll dialogs (default).


Enter the time, in seconds, used to cycle polling for the dialog.


Use PS/nVision on the web.

Indicate whether you want the system to generate independent trace/log files, and at what level, for each nVision process. Trace files can be viewed from the Process Monitor Details - View Log/Trace page.

0 = Disable trace files (default).

1 = Generate basic high level information.

2 = Generate level 1 tracing plus high level code flow.

3 = Generate level 2 tracing plus SQL statements.

4 = Generate level 3 tracing plus most function calls and output values.

Note: Extensive tracing will impact performance.


Indicate whether you want PS/nVision to save or delete the temporary reports created when running them to email, printer, or web output.

0 = Temporary reports will be deleted. (Default).

1 = Temporary reports will be saved.

Note: Reports that are run to email or printer will be saved to the folder specified in the Directory Name Template field of the report request. Reports that are run to web will be saved to the PS/nVision instance directory.


Use this parameter to enable or disable Excel automation mode.

The default value is 0.

Do not change this value as this is currently the only mode under which nVision can run.


See Specifying the AsofDateForLabels Option


RetrieveActiveTreeLabels is used to specify whether only active tree node label descriptions are retrieved for nVision reports and drilldowns. The default setting RetrieveActiveTreeLabels=0 enables PS/nVision to disregard the activeness of the tree node label descriptions. When RetrieveActiveTreeLabels=1, nVision strictly use the activeness of the tree node label descriptions.

If you plan to use Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) mail server gateways, specify the appropriate parameters in this section.

When changes are made to any of the parameters in the SMTP section of the process scheduler configuration file (psprcs.cfg), the effect is immediate (even before the updated configuration file has been loaded by PSADMIN).

Note: The Allow Dynamic Changes flag, located in the General Settings section of the configuration file, has no effect on the SMTP parameters. Changes to the SMTP parameters are always dynamic.




Specify the name of the corporate mail server gateway machine. Leave blank for an initial installation.


Specify the port used by SMTP mail server gateways.


Specify the failover corporate mail server gateway machine. Leave blank for an initial installation.


Specify the port used by failover SMTP mail server gateways.


Specify the sender’s internet address. This must be a valid internet address, such as USER1@XYZCORP.COM. Leave blank for an initial installation.


Specify the sender’s source machine name and internet address in the form of MACHINE.XYZCORP.COM. Leave blank for an initial installation.


Specify the character set used on the sender’s machine.


Specifies the name of a DLL used to translate the mail message to a non-Unicode character set. By default, all outgoing SMTP mail is sent in Unicode UTF-8.


See SMTPTrace


Enter 1 to have messages contain a send time that is populated by the application server. Enter 0 to leave the send time blank and have it populated by the receiving gateway (depending on the gateway).






See SMTPClientCertAlias.






See SMTPClientCertAlias1.

Implementing NT LAN Manager

PeopleTools supports NT LAN Manager (NTLM) as a primary authentication mechanism. NTLM is a suite of authentication and session security protocols used in various Microsoft network protocol implementations. To use NTML with PeopleTools, you need to add these parameters manually to the PSAPPSRV.CFG file and PSPRCS.CFG file in the SMTP settings section.




Specify whether NTLM is enabled. Add true or false.


Specify the NTLM domain.


Specify whether NTLM is enabled for the backup server.


Specify the NTLM domain for the backup server.

PeopleSoft Application Engine and Process Scheduler require a cache directory, which you specify in this section:




See, MaxCacheMemory.


See, EnableCacheRepair.


See, AdjustMaxCacheMem.


See, ExcessivePruningThreshold.


See, CacheMissThreshold.


See, MaxRepairCollection.


Enter the location of the cache directory. Leave the default selected, unless you have a compelling reason to change it.


Specify a bit flag instructing how file caching is set up. The default value is 2.

Note: This option is not included in the delivered psprcs.cfg file. However, if you must override the default setting, you can manually enter the option into the psprcs.cfg file.


Set to 0 for one cache directory per process or 1 for a shared cache. The default value is 0.

Note: This option is not included in the delivered psprcs.cfg file. However, if you must override the default setting you can manually enter the option into the psprcs.cfg file.


If enabled, the metadata (cache) is accessed from database, rather than the file-system.

Note: To enable database caching for Process Scheduler domains, you may need to manually add EnableDBCache=Y.

See Cache Settings.

The following table lists the possible values for EnableServerCaching:


Type of Caching


Server file caching disabled.


Server file caching is limited to most used classes.


Server file caching for all types.

The following table describes each parameter in the Integration Broker section:



Min Message Size For Compression

Specify the minimum size of message data for synchronous handler to enable compression.

Note: If you decide to edit the configuration file directly, make sure that there are no spaces between the equal sign and the entries and no trailing spaces. After making the necessary changes, save this file.

The following table describes each parameter in the Search section:



Deployment Type

Specify the deployment type.

If no option is provided, the application server automatically selects the preferred mechanism for the deployment platform. The deployment types are:

  • 1 - Search module bound to an application server.

  • 2 - Search module in same machine as the application server.

  • 3 - Search module bound to remote search domain.

The following table describes each parameter in the Search Indexes section:



Search Indexes

Use this option to specify the location of all the files pertaining to the search index. Index name is same as the location.

You can access and set the parameters in the LDAP section of the psprcs.cfg file.

For detailed information on the parameter and their settings please see, Configuring LDAP Connection Parameters.

These parameters trap unwanted security parameters in the meta-strings passed as input to a process. The system throws an error message if it finds any of these parameters. For example; PARAMETER_EXCEPT01=%OPRID%

In case you have included this setting in the psprcs.cfg file, the system will log appropriate error message on seeing this %OPRID% in the parameter list passed to the process. 

This section discusses the differences in parameter descriptions for UNIX and OS/390 operating system.

Note: The EnableDBMonitoring feature requires Tuxedo and thus it is not supported for the OS/390 Process Scheduler.

OS/390-Config Section

This is an additional section located after the Trace section:



ODBC Initialization File

Specify the file containing the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) setting to connect to the DB2 subsystem where the PS database is created.

Shell JCL Library

Specify the directory location where the JCL shell templates are stored.

High Level Qualifier for System Datasets

Specify the datasets to which PeopleSoft installation are copied during batch transfer (for example, PT.PT840TA).

High Level Qualifier for Log Datasets

Specify the datasets that represent the high-level qualifier for all logs and reports generated from processes submitted through PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.

Plan name for PTPSQLRT with CAF

Specify the DB2 plan used to run COBOL called within an Application Engine program through Remote Call.

Plan name for PTPSQLRT with TSO

Specify the DB2 plan used to run COBOL from TSO through JCL that is created from the COBOL shell JCL template (SHECBL.JCT).

DB2 Sub-System=

Specify the DB2 subsystem name where the database resides (for example, DSND).

VIO eligible unit group

Specify the DASD volume group used by Remote COBOL when triggered from PeopleSoft Application Engine.

Enable Parallel Processing

Specify Y or N to set the Parallel processing parameter in the COBOL shell JCL template (SHECBL.JCT).


This value should reflect the setting of the DECIMAL parameter found in the ZPARM of the DB2 subsystem where the database resides. The valid values are PERIOD (default) and COMMA.

TSO Character Set

Specifies the codepage for the TSO environment. The default value is CP037 (IBM037: Latin1 code page).

Note: For example, in Japanese setting, the recommended TSO Character Set is CCSID939.

See Character Sets Across the Tiers of the PeopleSoft Architecture.

Process Scheduler Section

The following table lists the Process Scheduler section parameters for UNIX (rather than Windows):




Specify the name of the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler program, PSPRCSRV.


Specify the process server name. This must match the name defined in the server definition, such as PSUNX.

Max Reconnect Attempt

Specify the maximum number of times that the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Server Agent will try to reconnect to the database when the connection is lost. When the maximum number of attempts is reached and the agent hasn’t successfully connected to the database, the agent shuts down.

Reconnection Interval

Specify the interval, in seconds, between attempts to reconnect to the database when a connection is lost.

Log/Output Directory

Specify the directory in which files that are generated by the program are written. When PeopleSoft Process Scheduler initiates a process request, it creates a subdirectory in the format <Process Type ID>_<Program Name>_<Process Instance> that contains the generated files. For example, the SQR program has all reports, trace, and log files in the subdirectory SQR_XRFWIN_20. It is also the optional directory used with the Output Destination field when scheduling a request. This variable (%%OutputDirectory%%) can be used in the File/Printer field of the Process Scheduler Request dialog box.

Note: The output directory has an extra slash attached at the end.


Enter the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler tracing levels.


Specify the UNC path of the printer where reports are printed when the %DefaultPrinter% was specified as the output destination.

The following table lists the Process Scheduler section parameters for OS/390 (rather than Windows):



Prcs Job Name

Specify the job name that is assigned to the Process Scheduler program. This is set in USS using the __BPX_JOBNAME environment variable setting.

Prcs Job Account=

Specify the job account that is assigned to the Process Scheduler program. This is in USS using the __BPX_ACCT_DATA environment variable setting.


Specify the name of the Process Scheduler program, PSPRCSRV.


Specify the process server name. This must match the name defined in the database, such as PSOS/390.

Max Reconnect Attempt

Specify the maximum number of times that the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Server Agent will try to reconnect to the database when the connection is lost. When the maximum number of attempts is reached and the agent hasn’t successfully connected to the database, the agent shuts down.

Reconnection Interval

Specify the interval, in seconds, between attempts to reconnect to the database when the connection is lost.


Specify where executables reside (for example, %PS_HOME%/bin).


Specify the UNC path of the printer where reports are printed when the %DefaultPrinter% was specified as the output destination.

Log/Output Directory

Specify the directory in which files that are generated by the program are written. When PeopleSoft Process Scheduler initiates a process request, it creates a subdirectory in the format <Process Type ID>_<Program Name>_<Process Instance> that contains the generated files.


Enter the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler tracing levels.

PSTools Section

For UNIX and OS/390, the Character Set parameter is at the beginning of the table.

The first description is for OS/390, and the second description is for UNIX.



USS (UNIX System Services) Character Set

Specifies the character set based on the UNIX System Services locale’s code page. The default value is CCSID1047( Latin1 code page).

Note: For example, in Japanese setting, the recommended USS Character Set is CCSID939.

See Character Sets Across the Tiers of the PeopleSoft Architecture.

Report Repository Character Set

Specifies the code page used by the Distribution Agent when migrating text files from USS into the Report Repository. The default value is CP1252.

Note: For example, in Japanese setting, the recommended Report Repository Character Set is Shift_JIS

See Character Sets Across the Tiers of the PeopleSoft Architecture.

Application Engine Section

This is an additional OS/390 section located after the SQR section:



AE Job Name

Specify the job name assigned to an Application Engine program. This is set in USS using the __BPX_JOBNAME environment variable setting.

AE Job Account

Specify the account assigned to an Application Engine program. This is set in USS using the __BPX_ACCT_DATA environment variable setting.