Selecting Update Manager Action

The Update Manager action is used to selectively apply updates (bug fixes, patches, enhancements or new features) to your system. Before you can select this action, the following prerequisites must be configured and installed.

  1. Download the latest PeopleSoft Update Image (PI) from My Oracle Support and install it locally.

    See PeopleSoft Update Manager Home Page [ID 1641843.2]

  2. Configure the Microsoft Windows Client running Change Assistant.

    See Installing PeopleSoft Update Image and Configuring the Microsoft Windows Client Running Change Assistant

To set up the target environment:

  • Configure the Environment Management Framework (EMF) for your environment. (Optional)

    EMF is required for the file deploy feature. This feature will automatically deploy files in change packages to different servers.

    Note: If Environment Management Framework is not configured, the file deploy steps will be excluded from the change package and any files included in the change package will require manual deployment.

    Change Assistant 8.58 and later is compatible with EMF on all releases.

    See Configuring an Environment Management Agent

  • Start the EMF Agent on the target environment.

    To verify that the EMF Agent is running, enter the hubURL into a browser. You should see a window with a message similar to this: "Sending pulse from 'com.peoplsoft.emf.peer: id 1'"

    See Running an Environment Management Agent

  • Set user ID access.

    In Change Assistant, the user ID for the target database needs to have Full data admin access defined for Build/Data Admin on the Tools Permissions page for PeopleTools on one of the assigned permission lists. With the Full data admin access permission assigned, Change Assistant has access to all the build and copy options. Application Data Set (ADS) objects represent another security issue, because they contain actual rows of application data and there may be instances where this data is not suitable for compare or copy. In order to compare and copy ADS definitions, the user ID must have Full Access to compare and copy defined on the Copy Compare Permissions page for Data Migration on one of the assigned permission lists.

    See Setting PeopleTools Permissions and Setting Data Migration Permissions.

To start Change Assistant:

  1. Select Start, Programs, PeopleSoft Change Assistant 8.6x.xx, where x.xx refers to the release/patch number or use the Shortcut on the desktop.

  2. Depending on your preferences, you may or may not see a Welcome dialog box. If the Welcome dialog box is displayed, click Next.

    The Select Action page is displayed.

    This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Change Assistant Wizard - Select Action page.

    Change Assistant Wizard - Select Action page
  3. Select Update Manager and click Next.

    Note: You must select Update Manager for PUM-enabled maintenance.

If this is the first time you are selecting Update Manager, the Wizard will guide you through the environment setup. As you click Next you will complete the following pages:

Note: The Change Assistant instance installed from the PUM DPK will already be configured. See Installing Change Assistant from PeopleSoft Update Image DPK

  1. General Options

  2. PUM Source Options

  3. EM Hub Options

  4. Additional Options

  5. Select Task

Note: After the environment has been configured, you can use Tools > Options to make any changes to the environment options.

Change Assistant settings can be exported and imported, therefore the options only need to be set once. See Exporting and Importing Change Assistant Settings.

If Change Assistant was installed from the PeopleSoft Update Image DPK, this page will be populated with the folders created as part of the install.

See Creating and Applying Change Packages

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the General Options page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

General Options page

Field or Control


Maximum Concurrent Processes

Specifies the maximum number of processes that can be executed concurrently on the local machine. The default is 1.

PS Home Server TCP Port Range

Specify the port range for PS Home server.

Change Assistant uses this port number to communicate with Change Assistant PS Home servers. The default starting port number is 6151. If you enter a port number that is already in use, you see an error message. You must change to a port number that is not in use, and then restart Change Assistant for the change to take effect.

PS Home Server Maximum Instances

Enter a number between 1 and 10 for the maximum number of PS Home servers.

Use this value for environments with more than one PS_HOME. For each server instance, Change Assistant increments the PS Home Server Starting Port number by 1 up to the maximum number of instances. For example, with a PS Home Server Starting Port value of 6151 and a PS Home Server Maximum Instances value of five, the port numbers would be 6151, 6152, 6153, 6154, and 6155. The default is 5.

If you change this value, you must restart Change Assistant for the change to take effect.

Time Out for Locking(Seconds,Max=99999)

Specify the time out for locking.

  • Max value is 99999 = 27.8 hours

  • Default value is 300 = 5 minutes

See Running Multiple Instances of Change Assistant

Data Mover Consolidation Maximum Script Limit

The valid Limit range is [0, 15000].

0 and 1 mean there is no consolidation for data mover steps.

The default is 1000.

See Consolidating Data Mover Scripts

PS Home

Enter the full path in which you installed PeopleTools client on the Windows Client machine.

Note: Specify the PS_HOME location you used to install Change Assistant.

Staging Directory

Enter the directory in which you would like to stage all the Change Assistant update files. This is the location that Change Assistant will store files to be used during the apply update process.

Output Directory

Enter the directory in which you want the log files generated by the update process to reside.

Download Directory

Enter the full path of the location to which you want to download your change packages.

SQL Query Tool

Select the correct executable for the database platform that matches the PS_HOME defined for CA.

Note: The SQL Query tool must align with the installed Change Assistant version.

This value is used as the default when creating databases. Each database contains separate settings and therefore, you can change this executable for a specific database.

Valid SQL query executables for each platform are:

  • DB2: db2cmd.exe

  • Microsoft SQL Server: sqlcmd.exe

  • Oracle: sqlplus.exe

Note: Change Assistant uses the command line version of the .exe, not the GUI version. For example, sqlplus.exe is used for an Oracle database, rather than sqlplusw.exe.

Important! Oracle Database Customers: For systems running on the Oracle database, by default, Change Assistant copies the generated SQL script files to the location specified as the TEMP User variable on the Environment Variables dialog box. So, on Oracle, the generated SQL script files will actually exist in two locations: the specified Change Assistant output directory, and the TEMP directory. This behavior is in place because some versions of Oracle SQL Plus do not support pathnames longer than 79 characters. It is recommended that you ensure that the value specified for the TEMP User variable is set to a path short enough so that the string comprising the path and generated SQL file will not exceed 79 characters.

The PUM Source Options page is used to define the PUM source as well as managing the Customization Repository, Test Repository and Migrating Customer Data.

Note: When Change Assistant is installed as a part of the PeopleSoft Update Image DPK, the PUM Source database is defined in Change Assistant.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the PUM Source Options page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

PUM Source Options

Field or Control


Define PUM Source

Select this checkbox to define the PUM Source.

Note: Not all Change Assistant actions require a PUM Source.

PUM Source Database

If the database has already been defined, it will be available from the drop-down list. After you select a database that has already been configured, the database information on the remainder of the page will be displayed in read-only mode.

If the database has not been defined yet, click Create which will launch the Database Wizard.

See Defining Databases

PUM(PI_HOME) Directory

Enter the path to the pi_home share on the PI. The pi_home share contains all files needed for patching.

Note: The drive is a path mapped to the pi_home share folder.


Enter the URL to sign on to the PUM Source.

PUM Source Additional Settings

Select Install to install additional languages on the PUM Source.

See Installing Additional Languages

Customization Repository

This section is used to manage the Customization Repository.

See Creating Customization Repository.

Test Repository

Select Manage to enable the Test Repository and upload tests to the PUM source.

See Creating Test Repository.

Metadata Management

Select Manage to migrate metadata from a previous PUM Source.

See Migrating PUM Data.

When you click OK, Change Assistant will validate the connection to the PUM Source database.

To install additional languages on the PUM source, select the Install button.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the PUM Source Language Installation page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

PUM Source Language Installation page

Field or Control


Select language to install based on existing database definition

Select this radio button if you have defined a target database that includes additional languages.

When you select the target environment, the installed languages will be displayed.

Select languages manually

Select this radio button to manually select the languages to install.

EM Hub Options

Use this page to configure the EM Hub options for the target database.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Change Assistant - EM Hub Options page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Change Assistant - EM Hub Options page

Field or Control


Configure EMHub For Deploy File

Select this checkbox if you want to use EMHub for file deploy.

Note: In order to use this option EMF must be configured and running.

Server Host Name

The hostname of the server in which the Environment Management HUB resides.

Server Host Port

Indicates the port in which to connect to the Environment Management hub.

Chunk Size

Used for deploying files during a software update. Default is 1024 * 1024 bytes. Typically this does not need to be changed unless there are a significant number of files greater that 1024KB in a software update.

Ping Interval

Ping interval is in milliseconds for Change Assistant to contact the hub for new messages.

Drives to Crawl

Setting of drives to crawl to identify the configuration of the Change Assistant machine. Windows directories need to use the forward slash (/) character. Include your local drive in this setting so that Change Assistant can locate the SQL Query tool used for automating steps. Also include the path of the SQL Query tool.

Note: For PUM-enabled applications Change Assistant EM Hub is only used to deploy files. Change Assistant uses the SQL Client Tools path defined for the database definition. If you receive a validation error when applying changes packages that EMF did not find any SQL Query Tools, you can ignore it.


Click to verify a valid server URL. If you see Service is off to the right of this button, then you must correct the server URL and ping again until you see Service is on.


Click to display the list of all PeopleSoft components discovered and registered in the Environment Management Hub.

Environment Management Hub Summary

When you click the View button, the Environment Manager Hub Summary page is displayed.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Environment Management Hub Summary page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Change Assistant -Environment Management Hub Summary

Field or Control


Environment(s) defined in Change Assistant

If the database has been defined in Change Assistant, the grid will display the Server, Host, App Home, PS Home, Cfg Home and Release for each database that is discovered by EMF and defined in Change Assistant.

Environment(s) not defined in Change Assistant

If EM Hub is running and it discovers databases , that have not yet been defined in Change Assistant, they will be listed.

File Server Summary

Lists the file servers discovered by EM Hub.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Change Assistant - Additional Options page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Change Assistant - Additional Options page

Notification Settings Section

Field or Control


Send Email Notifications

Select this check box to receive email notifications if there are errors in the update process. Change Assistant also sends you a completion message when it encounters a Stop in the update process.

SMTP Server

Enter the SMTP mail server from which you receive the error or completion messages.


Enter the port from which you want to access the email.

Send To

Enter the address to which you want the email sent.

Return Address

Enter the email address of the sender. Use this to identify who sent the notification.


Validates that email is sent to the designated recipients and is working correctly.

Note: Ensure that your SMTP server is installed and configured correctly.

Proxy Section

Field or Control



(Optional) Enter the name of the proxy server if you want to run Change Assistant behind the firewall using a proxy server.


(Optional) Enter the port number for the proxy server.

Anonymous Proxy

Indicates that you are using a proxy server that does not require authenticated connections.

Microsoft Proxy Server

Indicates that you are using a proxy server with Windows authentication.

Windows Domain

The network domain in which the system runs.

Other Proxy Servers

Indicates you are using non-Microsoft proxy servers.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Change Assistant Wizard - Select Task page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Change Assistant Wizard - Select Task page

Depending on the options configured, some tasks may be not be enabled. For example if EM Hub is not defined, Validate Change Assistant EM Settings will be grayed out.

Field or Control


Validate Change Assistant EMF Settings

Select to validate the settings. Change Assistant validates settings by:

  • Locating valid SQL query tools required to run SQL scripts.

  • Testing the Environment hub and ensuring Change Assistant can communicate with it.

See Validating Change Assistant EMF Settings

Upload Target Database Information to PUM Source

Select to upload the target database information to the PUM source database.

Once the database information is uploaded, the database will be available in PeopleSoft Update Manager as a target database.

See Uploading Target Database Information

Define Change Package

Select to open the Wizard that will guide you through the process of defining a change package. Change packages can be defined using Update Manager Dashboard or Change Assistant.

See Defining Change Package

Create Change Package

Select to open the Wizard that will guide you through the process of creating a change package based on defined change package.

See Creating Change Package

Apply Change Package

Select after the custom change package has been created to apply the change package to your target database.

See Applying Change Package

Apply Downloaded PeopleSoft Release Patchset to PeopleSoft Image

Select to apply a PRP to the PeopleSoft Update Image.

See Applying Downloaded PeopleSoft Release Patchset to PeopleSoft Image

Upgrade to New Application Release

Select to upgrade your target database to a new application release.

See Upgrading Application

Apply a Patch to Your Current PeopleTools Release

Select to apply a PeopleTools patch change package.

See Using Change Assistant to Apply PeopleTools Patch

Upgrade to a New Release of PeopleTools

Select to apply a new release of PeopleTools change package.

See Using Change Assistant to Upgrade PeopleTools

Export/Import Change Assistant Settings

Select to export or import Change Assistant Settings.

See Exporting and Importing Change Assistant Settings

From this page, you also have the ability to go directly to other pages by selecting the radio button on the left:

Field or Control


Welcome Page

Select to go to the Welcome page.

Select Action

Select to go to the Select Actions page.


Select to go to the General Options page.

PUM Source

Select to go to the PUM Source Options page.

EM Hub Options

Select to go to the EM Hub Options page.


Select to go to the Additional Options page.

Select Task

This radio button is selected by default to lead you through the wizard for the option selected on the right.

After you have set up and configured Change Assistant and the Environment Management components, you should validate your Change Assistant and environment settings. To validate your environment:

  1. Select the Validate Settings radio button.

  2. Click Finish.

  3. Click Start Validation.

When the validation is complete, a completion message appears. To view the log, click the View Log button. The log will contain information about any steps that were not successful.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Validating Change Assistant Settings in Your Environment dialog box.

Validating Change Assistant Settings in Your Environment dialog box

Note: SQL Query Tool discovered by EM Hub is only used for traditional (non-PUM enabled) updates. If you receive a validation error for the SQL Query Tool, you can ignore it.