9.4.2 Adding an S6a/S6d HSS Topology Hiding Configuration Set

Use this task to create a new S6a/S6d HSS Topology Hiding Configuration Set.

For more information about the fields, see Diameter S6a/S6d HSS Topology Hiding Configuration Set Elements.

  1. Click Diameter, and then Configuration, and then Topology Hiding, and then S6a/S6d HSS Topology Hiding Configuration Sets.


    If the maximum number of Configuration Sets allowed in the system (500) has been configured, then the S6a/S6d HSS Topology Hiding Configuration SetsHSS page does not open.
  2. Click Insert.
  3. Enter a unique name for the Configuration Set in the S6a/S6d HSS Topology Hiding Configuration Set Name field.
  4. Check or uncheck the box for the Use S6a/S6d Single HSS Pseudo Hostname field to indicate whether or not a Single HSS Pseudo Hostname is used for all HSS actual hostnames.
  5. Enter a unique name to be used when replacing the S6a/S6d HSS Hostname in the S6a/S6d Single HSS Pseudo Hostname field.
  6. Set the Count, Randomize Count, Auto Generate, Prefix, Suffix, and Length attributes associated with Pseudo Hostname Generation.
  7. Add Hostnames to serve as Actual Hostnames and their Pseudo Hostnames in the S6a/S6d HSS Topology Hiding Configuration Set.
  8. Select an S6a/S6d HSS Actual Hostname Not Found Action to be performed when the Orig-Host in the Diameter message is not configured as Actual Hostname in this S6a/S6d HSS Topology Hiding Configuration Set in the field.
  9. Enter an S6a/S6d HSS Actual Hostname Not Found Answer Result-Code Value to be placed in the Result-Code AVP of the Answer message.
  10. Enter an S6a/S6d HSS Actual Hostname Not Found Vendor ID to be placed in Vendor Id AVP.
  11. Enter an S6a/S6d HSS Actual Hostname Not Found Answer Error Message to be placed in the Error-Message AVP of the Answer message.
  12. Click:
    • OK to save the changes and return to the S6a/S6d HSS Topology Hiding Configuration Sets page.
    • Apply to save the changes and remain on this page.
    • Cancel to return to the S6a/S6d HSS Topology Hiding Configuration Sets page without saving any changes.
    If OK or Apply is clicked and any of the following conditions exist, then an error message appears:
    • Any required field is empty (no value was entered).
    • The value in any field is not valid or is out of range.
    • The S6a/S6d HSS Topology Hiding Configuration Set Name is not unique; it already exists in the system.