9.4.1 Diameter S6a/S6d HSS Topology Hiding Configuration Set Elements

Table 9-19 describes the fields on the S6a/S6d HSS Topology Hiding Configuration Sets View, Edit, and Insert pages. Data Input Notes apply only to the Insert and Edit pages; the View page is read-only.

Table 9-19 S6a/S6d HSS Topology Hiding Configuration Sets Elements

Field (* indicates required field) Description Data Input Notes
* S6a/S6d HSS Topology Hiding Configuration Set Name A name that uniquely identifies the S6a/S6d HSS Topology Hiding Configuration Set.

Format: case-sensitive string; alphanumeric and underscore (_); must contain at least one alpha and cannot start with a digit

Range: 1 - 32 characters

Use S6a/S6d Single HSS Pseudo Hostname If checked, Single HSS Pseudo Hostname are used for all HSS actual hostnames.


When the Use S6a/S6d Single HSS Pseudo Host NameHSS field is configured, all HSS TH Configuration Set fields associated with multiple pseudo-host names must not be configured

Default: Checked

Range: n/a

* S6a/S6d HSS Pseudo Hostname The name to be used in replacing the HSS Hostname.

Format: case-insensitive string consisting of a list of labels separated by dots, where a label may contain letters, digits, dashes (-), and underscore (_). A label must start with a letter, digit, or underscore and must end with a letter or digit. Underscores can be used only as the first character.

Label - up to 63 characters; S6a/S6d HSS Pseudo Hostname - up to 255 characters.

Pseudo Hostname Generation
Attributes to control the format and generation of Pseudo Hostnames corresponding to an Actual Hostname.


In order to support multiple pseudo hostnames for each HSS real hostname, each S6a/S6d TH Configuration set includes the following attributes:
  • Count - The maximum number of Pseudo Hostnames associated with an Actual Hostname.
  • Randomize Count - If checked, random number of Pseudo Hostnames between 1 and Count are associated with an Actual Hostname.
  • Auto Generate - If checked, Pseudo Hostnames are automatically generated corresponding to an Actual Hostname.
  • Prefix - Prefix for the auto generated Pseudo Hostname. Prefix is a case-insensitive string consisting of a list of labels separated by dots, where a label may contain letters, digits, dashes (-) and underscore (_). A label must start with a letter, digit or underscore and must end with a letter or digit. Underscores may be used only as the first character. Prefix must be at most 63 characters long.
  • Suffix - Suffix for the auto generated Pseudo Hostname. Suffix is case-insensitive string consisting of a list of labels separated by dots, where a label may contain letters, digits, dashes (-) and underscore (_). A label must start with a letter, digit or underscore and must end with a letter or digit. Underscores may be used only as the first character. Suffix must be at most 63 characters long.
  • Length - Length of the random number used in the auto generated Pseudo Hostname.
  • Default = 3
  • Range = 1 - 3
Randomize Count:
  • Default = Checked
  • Range = n/a
Auto Generate:
  • Default = Checked
  • Range = n/a
  • Default = n/a
  • Range = A valid Prefix
  • Default = n/a
  • Range = A valid Suffix
  • Default = 4
  • Range = 4 - 5
* Hostnames List of Actual Hostnames and their Pseudo Hostnames in this S6a/S6d HSS Topology Hiding Configuration Set.

Format: case-insensitive string consisting of a list of labels separated by dots, where a label may contain letters, digits, dashes (-), and underscore (_). A label must start with a letter, digit, or underscore and must end with a letter or digit. Underscores can be used only as the first character.

Label - up to 63 characters; S6a/S6d HSS Pseudo Hostname - up to 255 characters.

S6a/S6d HSS Actual Hostname Not Found Action Action to be performed when the Orig-Host in the Diameter message is not configured as Actual Hostname in this S6a/S6d HSS Topology Hiding Configuration Set.

Default: Send Answer

Range: n/a

S6a/S6d HSS Actual Hostname Not Found Answer Result-Code Value Value to be placed in the Result-Code AVP of the Answer message. S6a/S6d HSS Actual Hostname Not Found Answer Result-Code Value is required if action is Send Answer.

Default: 3002

Range: 1000 - 5999

S6a/S6d HSS Actual Hostname Not Found Vendor ID Vendor ID is placed in Vendor ID AVP

Default: n/a

Range: 1 - 4294967295

S6a/S6d HSS Actual Hostname Not Found Answer Error Message String to be placed in the Error-Message AVP of the Answer message

Default: null string, no Error-Message AVP in Answer message

Range: 0 - 64 characters