6.1 AVP Flags

Table 6-1 describes the AVP flags on the AVP GUI pages.

Table 6-1 AVP Flags Definitions

Field Description Data Notes

Setting indicator for AVP Flags: V, M, P, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7

Flags V, M, and P are supported; r3, r4, r5, r6, and r7 are reserved for future use.
  • V - Vendor-Specific; indicates whether the optional Vendor-ID field is present in the AVP header. When set, the AVP Code belongs to the specific vendor code address space.
  • M - Mandatory; indicates whether support of the AVP is required. If an AVP with the M bit set is received by a Diameter client, server, proxy, or translation agent and either the AVP or its value is unrecognized, the message MUST be rejected. Diameter Relay and Redirect Agents MUST NOT reject messages with unrecognized AVPs. AVPs with the M bit cleared are informational only. A receiver of a message with an AVP that is not supported, or whose value is not supported, can simply ignore the AVP.
  • P - Indicates the need for encryption for end-to-end security. Diameter base protocol specifies which AVPs must be protected by end-to-end security measures (encryption) if the message is to pass through a Diameter agent. If a message includes any of those AVPs, the message must not be sent unless there is end-to-end security between the originator and the recipient of the message.

Format: 3 buttons for each flag

Range: Must, Must Not, May be set for each flag