10.4.4 Deleting Egress Throttle Lists

Use this task to delete Egress Throttle Lists.

  1. Click Diameter, and then Configuration, and then Egress Throttle List, and then Egress Throttle Lists
  2. Select the Egress Throttle List to be deleted.
  3. Click Delete.
    A popup window appears to confirm the delete.
  4. Click:
    • OK to delete the Egress Throttle List.
    • Cancel to cancel the delete function and return to the Diameter, and then Configuration, and then Egress Throttle List, and then Egress Throttle Lists page.
    If OK is clicked and the following condition exists, then an error message appears:
    • If the ETL contains one or more ETGs that have their Egress Throttling Control Scope set to ETL. To delete the ETL, the Egress Throttling Control Scope for all of the ETGs in that ETL must be set to ETG.