10.4 Egress Throttle Lists on the NOAM

Egress Throttle Lists is used to manage coordinated Egress Throttling across multiple diameter signaling routers by adding Egress Throttle Groups to an Egress Throttle List. ETLs have congestion level states similar to Egress Throttle Groups, but they span multiple diameter signaling routers.

For Coordinated Egress Throttling across Multiple diameter signalling routers, all of the Egress Throttle Groups that belong to an Egress Throttle List must belong to the same network.

Egress Throttle Lists control the following functions:
  • Defines the Egress Throttle List name.
  • Identifies the site name, Egress Throttle Group, and the Connection Failure Percent Reduction.
  • Establishes the Rate Limiting Configuration Set and the Pending Transaction Limiting Configuration Set.