10.4.1 Diameter Egress Throttle Lists Elements

Table 10-1 describes the fields on the Diameter, and then Configuration, and then Egress Throttle List, and then Egress Throttle Lists page.

Table 10-1 Egress Throttle Lists Elements

Field (* indicates a required field) Description Data Input Notes
*Egress Throttle List Name A name that uniquely identifies the Egress Throttle List.

Format: text box; alphanumeric and underscore; must contain at least one alpha and must not start with a digit.

Range: 1 - 32 characters

Default: NA

Site Name The Site Name to associate to the Egress Throttle List Name.

Format: List.

Default: NA

Egress Throttle Group The Egress Throttle Group to associate to the Egress Throttle List Name.

Format: List.

Range: NA

Default: NA

Connection Failure Percent Reduction The Connection Failure Percent Reduction to associate to the Egress Throttle List Name.

Format: List.

Range: NA

Range: Percent reduction for maximum rate and pending transactions per connectivity failure to other sites with ETGs in the ETL. 0% - 50%

Default: 100

Rate Limiting Configuration Set List of all of the Rate Limiting Configuration Sets.

Format: List.

Range: NA

Default: NA

Pending Transaction Limiting Configuration Set List of all of the available Pending Transaction Limiting Configuration Sets.

Format: List.

Range: NA

Default: NA