2.28 Diameter Application Priority Options

This feature allows DSR to support Diameter Routing Message Priority (DRMP). DRMP allows Diameter to include DRMP Attribute-Value Pair (AVP) in Diameter messages to specify the relative priority of the Diameter message on a scale of 0 to 15 where priority value zero is specified as the highest priority and priority value 15 is the lowest priority.

When a Diameter node which supports DRMP receives a message containing a DRMP AVP, it is required to make any Diameter overload throttling decisions based upon the relative DRMP message priority. For example, lower priority messages are throttled before higher priority messages. The DRMP AVP can be appended to Request and Answer messages. A DRMP AVP appended to a Request message represents the priority of all messages associated with the end-to-end Diameter transaction. A Diameter endpoint node can optionally modify the priority of the Answer message for that transaction by appending a DRMP AVP.

Diameter Application Priority Options can be viewed and set on the Diameter, and then Configuration, and then Application Priority Options page.

You can perform these tasks on an active System OAM (SOAM).

On the Diameter, and then Configuration, and then Application Priority Options page, you can:
  • Filter the list of Application Priority Options to display only the desired Applications.
  • Sort the list by a column in ascending or descending order by clicking the column heading. The default order is by Application Name in ascending ASCII order.
  • Click Insert.

    On the Application Priority Options [Insert] page, you can add a new Application. See Adding Application Priority Options.

  • Select an Application in the list and click Edit to display the Application Priority Options [Edit] page and edit the options associated with the selected Application. See Editing Application Priority Options.
  • Select an Application in the list and click Delete to remove the selected Application. See Deleting Application Priority Options.