2.28.1 Diameter Application Priority Options Elements

Table 2-37 describes the fields on the Application Priority Options page.

Table 2-37 Application Priority Options Elements

Field Description Data Input Notes
* Application Name Diameter Application Name.

Format: field

Range: none

Default: 60000

* Application ID Identifies a specific Diameter Application ID value associated with the Diameter Application Name.

Format: option

Range: enabled, disabled

Default: Disabled

NGN-PS 3GPP AVP Admin State Defines if the NGN-PS feature is enabled for the selected Diameter Application.

Format: option

Range: enabled, disabled

Default: Disabled

NGN-PS DRMP AVP Admin State Defines if a Diameter message can be tagged as invioable when DRMP AVP = 0 is received in a message

Format: option

Range: enabled, disabled

Default: Disabled

Request DRMP AVP Admin State Defines if DRMP AVPS in normal Request messages are honored for this Application.

Format: option

Range: enabled, disabled

Default: Disabled

Answer DRMP AVP Admin State Defines if DRMP AVPS in Answer messages associated with non-NGN-PS transactions are honored for this Application.

Format: option

Range: enabled, disabled

Default: Disabled