2.26.1 Diameter AVP Removal Lists Elements

Table 2-36 describes the fields on the Diameter, and then AVP Removal Lists, and then View, Insert, and Edit pages. Data Input Notes apply only to the Insert and Edit pages; the View page is read-only.

Table 2-36 AVP Removal Lists Elements

Field (* indicates a required field) Description Data Input Notes
* Name A name of the AVP Removal List

Format: text box

Range: 1 - 32 characters; cannot start with a digit and must contain at least one alpha

Default: NA

* Direction Defines whether the AVP removal occurs when the message is received from the peer node or whether the AVP removal occurs when the message, or both, is sent to the peer node

Format: List

Range: Ingress Only, Egress Only, Egress & Ingress

Default: Ingress Only

* Message Type Defines the type of message that AVP removal is applied to

Format: List

Range: Request Only, Answer Only, Answer & Request

Default: Request Only

AVP Removal List A list of one or more AVPs to be removed from messages

Format: multiple fields

Range: A list of one or more AVPs to be removed from requests.

Default: NA

AVP Code The 32-bit AVP Code, combined with the Vendor-ID field, identifies the attribute uniquely

Format: text box

Range: 32-bit Unsigned Integer

Default: NA

AVP Name User-defined name associated with the AVP Code

Format: text box

Setting a value on this field is option; informational only.

Vendor ID Vendors are allowed to add AVPs to the Diameter specification. Vendor-specific AVPs contains a Vendor-ID field

Format: text box

Range: 32-bit Unsigned Integer

Default: 0

Vendor Name User-defined name associated with the Vendor-ID value

Format: text box

Setting a value on this field is option; informational only.