2.9 Diameter Configuration Sets

Configuration Sets provide a mechanism for adjusting a connection to account for the network quality of service and Peer Node requirements. You can create a Connection Configuration Set with specific SCTP, Diameter, and TCP options and then assign it to a connection. The options are described in Configuration Sets Elements. Each connection references a single Connection Configuration Set.

You can perform these tasks on an Active System OAM (SOAM).

The application has a default Connection Configuration Set called Default. The Default Connection Configuration Set options can be modified, but the Default Connection Configuration Set cannot be deleted. When you create a new Connection Configuration Set the values of the Default Connection Configuration Set are automatically populated into the new Connection Configuration Set, allowing you to easily create a new Connection Configuration Set that needs to have only a few options adjusted.

On the Connection Configuration Sets page, you can perform the following actions:
  • Filter the list of Connection Configuration Sets to display only the desired Connection Configuration Sets.
  • Sort the list by column contents in ascending or descending order by clicking the column heading. The default order is by Connection Configuration Set Name in ascending ASCII order.
  • Click a tab to display the options for the Connection Configuration Set on that tab. The Connection Configuration Set Name remains on the left of the page when the page is scrolled to the right to view all of the options.
  • Click Insert.

    On the Connection Configuration Sets [Insert] page, you can add a new Connection Configuration Set and its options. See Adding Configuration Sets.

    If the maximum number of Connection Configuration Sets per Network Element (2000) already exist in the system, then the Connection Configuration Sets [Insert] page does not appear and an error message displays.

  • Select a Connection Configuration Set Name in the list and click Edit.

    On the Connection Configuration Sets [Edit] page, you can edit the selected Connection Configuration Set. See Editing Configuration Sets.

    If at least one connection that uses the Connection Configuration Set is in the Enabled Admin state, then the Connection Configuration Sets [Edit] page does not open.

  • Select a Connection Configuration Set Name in the list and click Delete to remove the selected Connection Configuration Set.

    The Default Connection Configuration Set cannot be deleted. See Deleting Configuration Sets.


You perform these tasks on the following Connection Configuration Sets tabs:
  • SCTP Options
  • Diameter Options
  • TCP Options
  • RADIUS Options