Editing Configuration Sets

Use this task to edit existing Configuration Sets.

When the Connection Configuration Sets page opens, the fields are populated with the currently configured values.

If the selected Connection Configuration Set is being used by a Local Node, any changes to the selected Connection Configuration Set do not take effect for Peer-initiated connections until the next time the Peer Node connects to the Local Node.

The Connection Configuration Set Name cannot be edited.


You must disable all Connections that use a particular Connection Configuration Set before you can edit it. See Disabling Connections.

Changes to the Connection Configuration Set take effect after the changes are saved and the Connections that refer to the changed Connection Configuration Set are set to the Enabled Admin state.

  1. Click Diameter, and then Configuration, and then Configuration Sets, and then Connection Configuration Sets.
  2. Select the Connection Configuration Set you want to edit.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Update the relevant fields.
    For information about each field, see Configuration Sets Elements.
  5. Click OK, Apply, or Cancel.