2.15.1 Diameter Connection Alarm Groups configuration elements

Table 2-20 describes the fields on the Connection Alarm Groups View, Insert, and Edit pages. Data Input Notes apply only to the Insert and Edit pages; the View page is read-only.

Table 2-20 Connection Alarm Groups Configuration Elements

Field (* indicates required field) Description Data Input Notes
*Connection Alarm Group Name

Unique name of the Connection Alarm Group.

This is a group of Connections used by the Alarm Group feature if it is enabled on the System Options, and then General Options tab.

Format: string, case-sensitive; alphanumeric and underscore (_); cannot start with a digit and must contain at least one alpha

Range: 1 - 32 characters

Default: none

*Connection Name

A list of Connections.

[Insert] and [Edit] - The field contains an Add button that can be clicked to create text boxes for Connection names. Each entry is numbered to indicate the number of Connection names that have been added.

Format: List that includes the names of all Connections that have not been included in a different Connection Alarm Group yet

Range: configured Connection names

The list of Connection Names are hyperlinks. Click on a hyperlink to view more detail on the selected Connection.

Note: If the maximum number (200) of Connections has already been created, then an error displays.

*Throttle Minor Threshold (%)

This percentage value indicates the number of connections failed out of total number of connections configured for that Connection Alarm Group. When the count of failed connections reaches the minor throttle level, minor threshold alarm is raised.

The following constraints apply to the value:
  • Throttle Minor Threshold > Abatement Minor Threshold
  • Throttle Minor Threshold < Throttle and Abatement Major Threshold
  • Throttle Minor Threshold < Throttle and Abatement Critical Threshold

Format: numeric

Range: 2 - 96

Default: 25

*Abatement Minor Threshold (%)

This percentage value indicates the number of connections failed out of total number of connections configured for that Connection Alarm Group. When the count of failed connections falls under the minor abatement level, minor threshold alarm is cleared.

The following constraints apply to the value:
  • Abatement Minor Threshold < Throttle Minor Threshold
  • Abatement Minor Threshold < Throttle and Abatement Major Threshold
  • Abatement Minor Threshold < Throttle and Abatement Critical Threshold

Format: numeric

Range: 1 - 95

Default: 20

*Throttle Major Threshold (%)

This percentage value indicates the number of connections failed out of total number of connections configured for that Connection Alarm Group. When the count of failed connections reaches the major throttle level, major threshold alarm is raised.

The following constraints apply to the value:
  • Throttle Major Threshold > Throttle and Abatement Minor Threshold
  • Throttle Major Threshold > Abatement Major Threshold
  • Throttle Major Threshold < Throttle and Abatement Critical Threshold

Format: numeric

Range: 4 - 98

Default: 50

*Abatement Major Threshold (%)

This percentage value indicates the number of connections failed out of total number of connections configured for that Connection Alarm Group. When the count of failed connections falls under the major abatement level, major threshold alarm is cleared.

The following constraints apply to the value:
  • Abatement Major Threshold > Throttle and Abatement Minor Threshold
  • Abatement Major Threshold < Throttle Major Threshold
  • Abatement Major Threshold < Throttle and Abatement Critical Threshold

Format: numeric

Range: 3 - 97

Default: 45

*Throttle Critical Threshold (%)

This percentage value indicates the number of connections failed out of total number of connections configured for that Connection Alarm Group. When the count of failed connections reaches the critical throttle level, critical threshold alarm is raised.

The following constraints apply to the value:
  • Throttle Critical Threshold > Throttle and Abatement Minor Threshold
  • Throttle Critical Threshold > Throttle and Abatement Major Threshold
  • Throttle Critical Threshold > Abatement Critical Threshold

Format: numeric

Range: 6 - 100

Default: 75

*Abatement Critical Threshold (%)

This percentage value indicates the number of connections failed out of total number of connections configured for that Connection Alarm Group. When the count of failed connections falls under the critical abatement level, critical threshold alarm is cleared.

The following constraints apply to the value:
  • Abatement Critical Threshold > Throttle and Abatement Minor Threshold
  • Abatement Critical Threshold > Throttle and Abatement Major Threshold
  • Abatement Critical Threshold < Throttle Critical Threshold

Format: numeric

Range: 5 - 99

Default: 70