3.5.1 Diameter Connection Maintenance Elements

Table 3-4 describes fields on the Connections maintenance page.

Table 3-4 Connections Maintenance Elements

Field Description
Connection Name Name of the Connection
MP Server Hostname Hostname of the MP server from which status is reported:
  • Fixed (non-IPFE) Connections are always reported by the DA-MP that hosts the Fixed Connection
  • Established IPFE Connections are always reported by the DA-MP that hosts the established IPFE Connection
  • Non-Established IPFE Connections (ones that have been configured, but are currently not assigned to a DA-MP by IPFE) are reported by the MP Leader
Dynamic Indicates whether or not the element was created dynamically (YES) or statically (NO). NO is assigned for all element instances, except for those created via Dynamic Peer Discovery.
Admin State A Connection's administrative state can be:
  • Enabled: the Connection is Enabled
  • Disabled: the Connection is Disabled
  • Unk: unknown; the state of the Connection is not available in the database
Connection Type Indicates the connection type (Diameter or (RADIUS).
Connection Mode

Specifies the connection mode used for Peer discovery.

The Connection can have one of the following Connection Modes:
Initiator Only

Indicates that all connections to discovered Peers are Initiator Only; the application attempts to initiate connection to these Peers.

Initiator & Responder

Indicates that all connections to discovered Peers are of the type Initiator & Responder; the application attempts to initiate connection to the discovered Peers as well as listen for connection attempts from these Peers.


Indicates that RCL can only receive RADIUS Request messages and send RADIUS Response messages of the Connection.


Indicates that RCL can only send RADIUS Request messages and receives RADIUS Response messages of the Connection.

Operational Status A Connection's administrative state can be:
  • Available: the Connection is available for routing
  • Degraded: the Connection is not unavailable but it is not operating as expected. The Operational Reason field provides additional information on this status.
  • Unavailable: the Connection is unavailable. The Operational Reason field provides additional information on this status.
CPL The Connection Priority Level is the maximum of the following values:
  • Operational Status (0=available; 3=degraded; 99=unavailable)
  • Remote Busy Congestion Level (0-3)
  • Egress Transport Congestion Level (0-98)
  • Egress Message Rate Congestion Level (0-3)
Operational Reason Reason for the Operational Status. The following reasons can occur:
  • Disabled
  • Connecting
  • Listening
  • Abnormal
  • Disconnecting
  • Proving
  • Watchdog
  • Remote Busy Congestion
  • Egress Transport Congestion
  • Egress Message Rate Congestion
  • Normal
  • Peer with reduced IP set
Local Node Local Node associated with the Connection
Local Port

Specifies the local port used for Peer discovery.

IPFE Initiator DAMP The IPFE Initiator DA-MP for this connection.
Peer Node Peer Node associated with the Connection
Remote IP Addresses The IP address(es) of the Peer Node associated with the Connection
Remote Port The Listen Port of the Peer Node associated with the Connection
Local Initiate Port The Local Initiate Port associated with the Connection
Ingress Msgs Per Second A 30-second running average of the Ingress messages processed by the Connection
Common Application IDs

A comma-separated list of Application IDs received in a Diameter CEA message, or a list of Application Names. The first 10 Application IDs received in the CEA are listed.

Note: For local nodes, CEAs are sent in response to erroneous CERs.

Transport Congestion Abatement Timeout The amount of time spent at Egress Transport Congestion Levels 3, 2, and 1 during Egress Transport Congestion Abatement
Remote Busy Usage

Indicates which Request messages can be forwarded on this Connection after receiving a DIAMETER_TOO_BUSY response from the Connection's Peer.

The Connection is not considered to be BUSY after receiving a DIAMETER_TOO_BUSY response. All Request messages continue to be forwarded to (or rerouted to) this Connection.
The Connection is considered to be BUSY after receiving a DIAMETER_TOO_BUSY response. No Request messages are forwarded to (or rerouted to) this Connection until the Remote Busy Abatement Timeout expires.
Host Override
The Connection is considered to be BUSY after receiving a DIAMETER_TOO_BUSY response. Only Request messages whose Destination-Host AVP value is the same as the Connection's Peer FQDN can be forwarded to (or rerouted to) this Connection until the Remote Busy Abatement Timeout expires.
Remote Busy Abatement Timeout If Remote Busy Usage is Enabled or Host Override, this is the time in seconds that the Connection is considered BUSY from the last time a DIAMETER_TOO_BUSY response was received.
Message Priority Setting Indicates the source of Message Priority for a Request message arriving on the Connection. Possible settings are:
  • None - use the Default Message Priority Configuration Set
  • Read from Request Message - read the Message Priority from the ingress Request
  • User Configured - Apply the user configured Message Priority Configuration Set
Message Priority Configuration Set The Message Priority Configuration Set associated with the Connection
Egress Message Throttling Configuration Set The Egress Message Throttling Configuration Set associated with the Connection
Egress Msgs Per Second The most recent Egress Message Rate on the Connection
Test Mode Indicates if this is a Test Connection
PDUs to Diagnose For a test Connection currently undergoing diagnosis, this shows the number of PDUs yet to be diagnosed.
Time of Last Update Time stamp that shows the last time the status information was updated
Connection Alarm Group Name If the Alarm Group feature is enabled (on the Diameter, and then Configuration, and then System Options (General Options tab) page), this column displays the connection alarm group name where the connection belongs.
Alarm IDs If the Alarm Group feature is enabled (on the Diameter, and then Configuration, and then System Options (General Options tab) page), this column displays the Alarm ID raised against the Connection. If more than one alarm is raised by the DA-MP for a Connection, then the values are separated by a comma.