3.8.1 Diameter DA-MPs maintenance elements

Table 3-12 describes fields on the DA-MPs maintenance page.

Table 3-12 DA-MPs Maintenance Elements

Field Description
Peer DA-MP Status Tab
MP ID The numeric identifier of the reporting DA-MP server
MP Server Hostname The hostname of the reporting DA-MP server
# Peer MPs Available The number of peer DA-MPs whose status is available
# Peer MPs Degraded The number of peer DA-MPs whose status is degraded
# Peer MPs Unavailable The number of peer DA-MPs whose status is unavailable
MP Leader Indicates whether a DA-MP reports itself as MP Leader. The MP Leader provides status information to the OAM for Route Lists, Route Groups, and Peer Nodes, which are resources whose scope is beyond a single DA-MP.
Note: If a configured DA-MP is not alive, the above fields display Unk
DA-MP Connectivity Tab
MP ID The numeric identifier of the reporting DA-MP server
MP Server Hostname The hostname of the reporting DA-MP server
# Fixed Connections Configured The number of configured Connections whose IP Address is one of the fixed IP addresses assigned to the DA-MP.
# Fixed Connections Established The number of Connections whose operation status is available and IP Address is one of the fixed IP addresses assigned to the DA-MP.
# Floating IPFE Connections Configured The number of configured floating IPFE connections on a DA-MP in the TSA(s).
# Floating IPFE Connections Established The number of floating IPFE connections owned by the DA-MP whose operation status is available.
Used/Free Connection Capacity The used connection capacity sums the number of fixed connections configured and the number of floating IPFE connections established. The free connection capacity subtracts the used value from the max connections value in the MP profile of the reported DA-MP.
Used/Free Reserved MPS Capacity The used reserved MPS capacity sums the reserved ingress MPS capacity set in the capacity configuration sets table for all fixed connections configured for the DA-MP and all floating IPFE connection currently established on the DA-MP. The free reserved MPS capacity subtracts the used value from the engineered ingress message rate value of the DA-MP in the MP Profile.
Current Total Connection Max Ingress MPS The sum of the Maximum Ingress MPS settings for all fixed and floating IPFE connections currently established on the DA-MP.
Note: If a configured DA-MP is not alive, the above fields display Unk
<MP Server Hostname> Tabs

The <MP Server Hostname> tabs show the status of each DA-MP peer as reported by the DA-MP whose hostname appears on the tab.

MP ID The numeric identifier of the peer DA-MP
MP Server Hostname The hostname of the peer DA-MP server
Status Peer DA-MP status. Possible settings are:
  • Available - CPL = 0
  • Degraded - CPL = 1, 2, 3, 98
  • Unavailable - CPL = 99
CPL Connection Priority Level (0,1, 2, 3, 98, 99) of the configured peer DA-MP. This overall value takes into account the following status:
  • Operational Status of the ComAgent connection between the reporting DA-MP and the peer DA-MP
  • Congestion level of the peer DA-MP
  • Status of the process running on the peer DA-MP
CPL Reason Reason for CPL setting. Possible settings are:
  • Available - There is no MP-level impairment on the peer DA-MP
  • MP Congestion - Indicates peer DA-MP is in congestion (CL1, CL2, or CL3)
  • Inter-MP Connection Unavailable - The ComAgent connection between the reporting DA-MP and the peer DA-MP has an Operation Status of Unavailable.
  • Process Not Running - The process is not running on the peer DA-MP.