3.3.1 Diameter Route Group Maintenance Elements

Table 3-2 describes fields on the Diameter, and then Maintenance Route Groups page.

Table 3-2 Route Group Maintenance Elements

Field Description
Route Group Name Name of the route group.
Peer Node/Connection Number and names of peer nodes or connections in the route group.
MP Server Hostname Hostname of MP server from which status is reported.
  • For a multiple active DA-MP configuration, the MP leader always reports the route group statu
  • For an active/standby DA-MP configuration, the active DA-MP reports the route group statu
Dynamic Indicates whether or not the element was created dynamically (YES) or statically (NO). NO is assigned for all element instances, except for those created via dynamic peer discovery.
Provisioned Capacity
  • For a peer route group, the sum total of the provisioned capacity of all the peer nodes in the route group.
  • For a connection route group, the sum total of the provisioned capacity of all the connections in the route group.
Provisioned Percent The percentage of capacity assigned to each peer node/connection compared to all peer nodes/connections in the route group.
Available Capacity
  • For a peer route group, the sum total of the available capacity of all the peer nodes in the route group.
  • For a connection route group, the sum total of available capacity of all the connections in the route group.
Available Percent The percentage of capacity the peer node/connection currently has compared to the total available capacity of all peer nodes/connections in the route group.
Peer Node/Connection Status Peer node/connection status can be:
  • Available: the available capacity is greater than the minimum capacity
  • Degraded: the available capacity is greater than zero, but less than the provisioned capacity
  • Unavailable: the available capacity is zero
  • Unk: status information is not available in the database
Traffic Measurement Traffic measurement can be enabled or disabled for a peer route group. Up to 250 route groups can be enabled (including peer and connection route groups). When enabled, this field measures how many request and answer messages are successfully forwarded and received to and from route groups.
Time of Last Update Time stamp that shows the last time the status information was updated.