2.29.1 Diameter System Options Elements

Table 2-38 describes the fields on the System Options page.

Table 2-38 System Options Elements

Field (* indicates required field) Description Data Input Notes
General Options
Engineered Message Size Allowed

Engineered message size of a diameter message (in bytes) allowed by the application.

This field is read-only; it cannot be changed.

Format: Field

Range: none

Default: 60000

Interval ICMP ping of all peer next-hops If checked, an ICMP ping echo is sent to the next-hop of every remote peer every 2 minutes. This is useful for keeping switch address tables up-to-date.

Format: Checkbox

Range: Checked (enabled), not checked (disabled)

Default: Disabled

IPFE Connection Reserved Ingress MPS Scaling

Percentage of DA-MP engineered ingress MPS used by each DA-MP when validating the reserved ingress MPS for a newly received floating IPFE connection. A newly received floating IPFE connection is rejected if the total connection reserved ingress MPS for fixed and already established floating IPFE connections would exceed the DA-MP's engineered ingress MPS, scaled by this value.

This field is view-only; it cannot be user-configured.

Format: Field

Range: 30-100 percent

Default: 50 percent

Redirect Answer Processing Enabled

If checked, redirect notification response processing is enabled. If unchecked, redirect notification response processing is disabled. If disabled, redirect notification responses are passed through to the downstream peer.

Redirect notifications are processed as follows:
  • Redirect notifications with redirect-host-usage equal to do not cache are processed.
  • Redirect notifications with no redirect-host-usage AVP are processed.
  • Redirect notifications with redirect-host-usage not equal to do not cache are forwarded to the downstream peer.

Format: Checkbox

Range: Checked (enabled), not checked (disabled)

Default: none

Redirect Application Route Table

Application route table instance used to process a redirected request.

Note: If not configured, ART processing is skipped, and if configured, the ART is searched with the content of the redirect request message, similar to an ingress request.

Format: List

Range: none

Default: none

Redirect Peer Route Table

Peer route table instance used to process a redirected request.

Note: If not configured, the PRT selection process is identical to the ingress request.

Format: List

Range: none

Default: none

Encode FQDN In Lower Case Determines whether or not FQDNs should be encoded as configured or in all lower-case.

Format: Options

Range: Yes, No

Default: Yes

* Excessive Reroute Onset Threshold Excessive reroute alarm is raised when percentage of the total rerouted messages due to answer response and/or answer timeout to the total requests forwarded exceeds the onset threshold value.

Format: Field

Range: 1-100

Default: 20

* Excessive Reroute Abatement Threshold

Excessive reroute alarm is cleared when percentage of the total rerouted messages due to answer response and/or answer timeout to the total requests forwarded is less than this abatement threshold for configured abatement time.

The excessive reroute abatement threshold field value must be less than excessive reroute onset threshold field value.

Format: Field

Range: 0-99 percent

Default: 15 percent

Discard Policy The order of priority and/or color-based traffic segments to consider when determining discard candidates for the application of treatment during Congestion processing.

Format: List

Range: Color Within Priority, Priority Within Color, Priority Only

Default: Priority Only

ETG Mode

Defines the type of message throttling supported when routing Request messages to connections associated with ETGs.

Threshold - Threshold Mode is legacy mode, which configures the congestion level for ETGs and enforce the Requests based on congestion level of ETG.

Limit - Limit Mode shapes the egress message rate according to the maximum message and pending transaction rate, the system discard policy, and the current mix of requests by message color and priority.

Format: List

Range: Threshold, Limit

Default: Threshold

Routing Thread Pool Utilization Enabled

If checked, Routing Thread Pool Utilization functionality is enabled, which calculates the CPU utilization of thread pools that runs mediation logic on routable messages. If unchecked, Routing Thread Pool Utilization functionality is disabled.

A non-operational thread pool performance alarm is raised if DA-MP is not restarted after enabling the functionality.

Format: Checkbox

Range: Checked (enabled), not checked (disabled)

Default: none

Alarm Group Feature Enabled If checked, Alarm Group Feature functionality is enabled for the Peer Nodes and Connections. Peers and Connections must be added respectively to the Peer Node Alarm Group and Connection Alarm Group for Alarm Group feature. Enabling of Alarm Group feature automatically disables the Alarm Aggregation feature for all Peer Nodes and Connections.

Format: Checkbox

Range: Checked (enabled), not checked (disabled)

Default: Disabled

Alarm Threshold Options
* Available Alarm Budget

The engineered combined total supported alarms allowed for Fixed Connection, floating IPFE Connection, Peer Node, and Route List managed objects.

The value displayed on the System Option screen is 3,000 minus the default values for each threshold field.

Format: Field

Range: 0-3000

Default: 3000

* Fixed Connection Failure Major Aggregation Alarm Threshold Major threshold for fixed connection failure alarm aggregation per DA-MP. The available alarm budget is decremented by this value multiplied by the number of configured DA-MPs. Format: Field

Range: 1 to Available Alarm Budget

Default: 100

* Fixed Connection Failure Critical Aggregation Alarm Threshold Critical threshold for fixed connection failure alarm aggregation per DA-MP. This value is not counted against the available alarm budget.

Format: Field

Range: 0 to Available Alarm Budget

Default: 200

* Floating IPFE Connection Failure Major Aggregation Alarm Threshold Major threshold for aggregated floating IPFE connection alarms per NE. The available alarm budget is decrement by this value.

Format: Field

Range: 1 to Available Alarm Budget

Default: 100

* Floating IPFE Connection Failure Critical Aggregation Alarm Threshold Critical threshold for aggregated floating IPFE connection alarms per NE. This value is not counted against the available alarm budget. Format: Field

Range: 0 to Available Alarm Budget

Default: 100

* Peer Node Failure Critical Aggregation Alarm Threshold Critical threshold for aggregated peer node failure alarms per NE. The available alarm budgets decremented by this value

Format: Field

Range: 1 to Available Alarm Budget

Default: 600

* Route List Failure Critical Aggregation Alarm Threshold Critical threshold for aggregated route list failure alarms per NE. The available alarm budget is decremented by this value

Format: Field

Range: 1 to Available Alarm Budget

Default: 600

Message Copy Options
Message Copy Feature Enables the message copy feature system wide if this option is enabled.

Format: Options

Range: enabled, disabled

Default: disabled

MP Congestion Level The MP congestion at or above which the message copy function is disabled.

Format: Options

Range: CL1, CL2

Default: CL1

Rf Message Copy Feature Enables and disables the Rf Message Copy feature.

You can enable this feature only if the Message Copy feature is enabled.

Format: Options

Range: Enabled, Disabled

Default: Disabled

MCCS For RF Message Copy Provides a list of configured Message Copy Configuration Sets. Rf Message Copy uses the selected Message Copy Configuration Set.

When the value is mccs, it uses the configurations of the Message Copy Configuration Sets table.

The default value cannot be deleted.

Format: List

Range: Default, Message Copy Configuration Sets] (mccs)

Default: NA

Radius UDP Options
Client Socket Send Buffer Size The socket sends buffer size for outgoing UDP messages sent to RADIUS servers

Format: Field

Range: 8000 - 5000000 bytes

Default: 126000

Client Socket Receive Buffer Size The socket receives buffer size for incoming UDP messages received from RADIUS servers.

Format: Field

Range: 8000 - 5000000 bytes

Default: 126000

Server Socket Send Buffer Size The socket sends buffer size for outgoing UDP messages sent to RADIUS clients.

Format: Field

Range: 8000 - 5000000 bytes

Default: 1000000

Server Socket Receive Buffer Size The socket receive buffer size for incoming UDP messages received from RADIUS clients.

Format: Field

Range: 8000 - 5000000 bytes

Default: 1000000

Maximum Open RADIUS UDP Sockets per DA-MP Maximum number of UDP Sockets that can be opened on a DA-MP for sending messages to RADIUS connections.

Format: Field

Range: none

Default: 2000

Server socket retry timer The time internal used to retry opening a UDP socket which could not be opened.

Format: Field

Range: none

Default: 10000 ms

Radius Routing Options
AAA Route List List of configured AAA Route Lists. Radius Routing Table can use the selected route list for routing.

Format: Field

Range: Default, Configured Route Lists

Default: NA

MPN Route List List of configured MPN Route List. Radius Routing Table can use the selected route list for routing.

Format: Field

Range: Default, Configured Route Lists

Default: NA

UMF Route List List of configured UMF Route List. Radius Routing Table can use the selected route list for routing.

Format: Field

Range: Default, Configured Route Lists

Default: NA

Peer Discovery Options
Realm Expiration Minor Alarm Set Time Time, in hours before the expiration of a dynamically-discovered realm, at which a minor alarm is raised to indicate that the realm expiration is approaching. A value of zero means no minor alarm is raised to alert of the pending realm expiration.

Format: Field

Range: 0 - 168 hours

Default: 6

Realm Expiration Major Alarm Set Time Time, in hours before the expiration of a dynamically-discovered realm, at which a major alarm is raised to indicate that the realm expiration is approaching. A value of zero means no major alarm is raised to alert of the pending realm expiration.

Format: Field

Range: 0 - 167 hours

Default: 1

Priority Options
16 Priority Admin State Defines whether the DSR supports 15 or 5 message priorities. When set to Disabled, DSR supports 5 internal message priorities. When set to Enabled, the discard policy is set to Policing Mode.

Format: Options

Range: enabled, disabled

Default: disabled

NGN-PS Admin State Defines whether the NGN-PS is enabled or not. When set to Disabled, DSR does not provide NGN-PS treatment to any messages.

Format: Options

Range: enabled, disabled

Default: disabled

Answer Priority Mode

Defines which method to be used for assigning priority to Answer messages. If Highest Priority, Answers will have highest priority (or 1 lower than Highest when 'NGN-PS Admin State' is set to Enabled. When this method is selected, DRMP AVPs in Answer messages are ignored.

If Request Priority, Answers have the same priority as Requests.

Format: Options

Range: Highest Priority, Request Priority

Default: Highest Priority

Minimum Inviolable Priority

Defines the minimum priority considered to be inviolable from a message priority treatment perspective.

A message with a priority greater than or equal to this attribute value is not subject to congestion controls.

Note: This attribute is not user-configurable. Each DA-MP sets this value at start-up based upon the setting of the NGN-PS admin state attribute value as follows:
  • NGN-PS Admin State = Enabled: 4
  • NGN-PS Admin State = Disabled: 3

Format: Textbox

Range: P3, P4

Default: P3

Minimum Answer Priority

Defines the minimum priority assigned to ingress Answer messages. The priority is assigned based on the maximum value for this attribute and the priority of the original request message.

Note: This attribute is not user-configurable.

Format: Textbox

Range: P1 - P4

Default: P3

Maximum Normal Request Priority

Defines the maximum priority that can be assigned to an ingress normal (that is, non-NGN-PS) Request message.

Note: This attribute is not user-configurable.

Format: Textbox



Maximum Priority-0 Allowed

Defines the maximum priority that will be converted to priority '0' when a message or stack event is sent from a 16 priority scheme system to a 5-priority scheme system.

When 16 Priority Admin State is to Enabled, this option can be changed.

Format: Textbox

Range: 0 - 13

Default: 5

Maximum Priority-1 Allowed

Defines the maximum priority that will be converted to priority '1' when a message or stack event is sent from a 16 priority scheme system to a 5-priority scheme system.

When 16 Priority Admin State is to Enabled, this option can be changed.

Format: Textbox

Range: 1 - 14

Default: 10

Maximum Priority-2 Allowed

Defines the maximum priority that will be converted to priority '2' when a message or stack event is sent from a 16 priority scheme system to a 5-priority scheme system.

When 16 Priority Admin State is to Enabled, this option can be changed.

Format: Textbox

Range: 2 - 15

Default: 14

NGN-PS Maximum Message Rate Percent Defines the maximum ingress NGN-PS message that is supported (a percentage of the DA-MP message rate). NGN-PS traffic in excess of this rate, is not considered to be inviolable.

Format: Field

Range: 1 - 15

Default: 3

NGN-PS Gx Admin State

Defines whether the NGN-PS is enabled or not for Gx messages. When set to Disabled, DSR does not provide NGN-PS treatment to Gx messages.

Note: This attribute is superseded by the NGN-PS Admin State attribute. If NGN-PS Admin State is set to Disabled, no Gx messages are provided NGN-PS treatment regardless of the setting of this attribute.

Format: Options

Range: enabled, disabled

Default: disabled


Sets the priority level contained in Gx messages in ARP AVP that can be treated as NGN-PS messages.

Note: You can configure a maximum of 5 priority levels.

Format: Field

Range: 1-5

Default: none

NGN-PS Gx Advance Priority Type Determines the Access Network priority provided to an NGN-PS Subscribed UE. This affects the tagging of Gx CCR messages for NGN-PS treatment.

Format: Options

Range: None, Advance Priority SPR, and Advance Priority HSS

Default: none

NGN-PS Rx Admin State

Defines whether the NGN-PS feature is enabled or not for Rx messages. When this attribute is set to Disabled, DSR does not provide NGN-PS treatment to Rx messages.

Note: This attribute is superseded by the NGN-PS Admin State attribute. If NGN-PS Admin State is set to Disabled, no Rx messages are provided NGN-PS treatment regardless of the setting of this attribute.

Format: Options

Range: enabled, disabled

Default: disabled

NGN-PS Rx MPS AVP Value A Rx AAR message is considered a NGN-PS message candidate if it contains a MPS-Identifier AVP whose value is identical to this string.

Format: Field

Range: none

Default: none

NGN-PS Cx/Dx Admin State

Defines whether the NGN-PS feature is enabled or not for Cx/Dx messages. When this attribute is set to Disabled, DSR does not provide NGN-PS treatment to Cx/Dx messages.

Note: This attribute is superseded by the NGN-PS Admin State attribute. If NGN-PS Admin State is set to Disabled, no Cx/Dx messages are provided NGN-PS treatment regardless of the setting of this attribute.

Format: Options

Range: enabled, disabled

Default: disabled

NGN-PS Dh/Sh Admin State

Defines whether the NGN-PS feature is enabled or not for Dh/Sh messages. When this attribute is set to Disabled, DSR does not provide NGN-PS treatment to Dh/Sh messages.

Note: This attribute is superseded by the NGN-PS Admin State attribute. If NGN-PS Admin State is set to Disabled, no Dh/Sh messages are provided NGN-PS treatment regardless of the setting of this attribute.

Format: options

Range: enabled, disabled

Default: disabled